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Tyra pushed with all her might and with one final kick, both dragons' heads burst through thr surface of the water. She hurriedly dragged him to shore, grunting and huffing.

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Trentum felt himself burst out of the rushing water. He struggled to breathe. He had let in water when he cried out at the cold river. I think that's Tyra there. Is she alright? I hope so... he thought hazily. He felt his chest heave shakily, shallowly. His body shivered a little. Bleh.... I still feel like I have water in my mouth... Like I didn't swallow it, and it's stuck. But how? If it's water... He continued to ramble on to himself, in his thoughts.

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Tyra pressed her ear to his chest, her eyes widening. "H-he must have water in his lungs!" she cried worriedly. Placing her paws on his chest, she began pumping up and down to try and expel the water from his lungs. She tried to remain as calm as possible but her eyes gave away that she was scared.

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Trentum felt her cold paws on his chest, pressing down. He felt the urge to cough, and so he did, and water sprinkled the grass. Trentum felt Tyra's paws again, and coughed again, then for a third, fourth, fifth time. Finally, he was able to breathe more or less properly again. "Tyra...?" he croaked, opening his eyes despite the water on his face. "Tyra, you just saved my life." he said in awe, before turning his head to the side to cough again. He shivered, but nonetheless stared into her face, worried, scared.

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Tyra let out a deep, cold breath in relief. "Y-you're alive...!" She helped him sit up and looked him over extensively like a mother dragon would her own hatchling, inspecting for any cuts, bruises, or other wounds. "Just take deep breaths, alright? Try not to talk so much," she scolded gently.

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"Yes I'm alive." he said breathlessly, also a bit shocked. Her breath left a layer of frost on the bridge of his nose, but he ignored it. "Alright, Miss Tyra." he said, smiling. He spread his wings in the cool night, yawning. "But later we'll have to (yawn) look for cover. It may not be the best idea to stay in the open." he said, then tilting his head to the shady trees of the Silent Forest.

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"Oh no, not later, right now. I can smell a storm coming, we are going to the clan cave... There's bound to be food there and it will provide shelter," the ice dragon instructed, helping the black dragon to his feet and heading in the direction of the clan cave. She'd never actually been there but had seen it once when she was having her usual walk through the forest.

Edited by Tyra-Ice

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Trentum nodded. He hadn't even noticed, because he still had water in his nose. He let Tyra help him up and shakily made his way to the cave. He wasn't concentrating, but he knew the way by heart from anywhere, and his paws moved him ahead.


As he stepped paw into the stone cave, even colder than the outside, he felt an immediate sense of familiarity. He was home.

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As soon as the young dragons reached the cave, Tyra made Trentum as comfortable as possible and laid down beside him. "Now, you let me know if you have trouble breathing or anything, alright?" she told him, still worried.

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Trentum licked her cheek with his pink forked tongue, not leaving anything on her, but feeling ice on his. "I'll be fine." he promised, curling up with her. "It's strange," he murmured. "I napped this morning, but I'm tired even now." Trentum laughed a little, closing his eyes. It has, after all, been an eventful day.


((Bye, rp with you later. ^^))

Edited by Anquatic

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((Just got on, and cool ^^ Sombra was the character I've wanted forever, and I finally created her. She worked out perfectly!))

Sombra made the hole bigger, until if it faded a bit more, then it would fade completely. Sombra's head popped out, showing a shadowy head, but strangely...the head was darker the normal. She didn't dare to leave her egg, for she was scared. Sombra looked around her, and when she was finished, hid back in her egg shell. There was no way she was leaving her safe, warm and dark egg shell!


Mystic woke up with a start, noticing something. She had a strange feeling...a feeling she didn't like. She made sure Xaphan was ok, and then followed where the thing was coming from, the back of her cave. She found a gem that was never there before, so she pulled on it. The gem fell out, revealing a note. It said, 'If you found this, then you have found the White Dragon gem. It is a rare gem that helps you heal, so keep it safe. -Love, Mama + Dad' Mystic put the note where she put her treasured things, and looked at the gem. The gem was white, with a silver half-moon on it. She put it safely in her plant collection, and then curled back up in the nest with a protective tail around Xaphan. Then, she drifted off to sleep again.


WhitePearl curled up where she was, and yawned. She then drifted off to sleep. And didn't have a dream.


(I'll be checking this place for a while, waiting for someone to reply. Anyways, Sombra is one of the best characters I've ever made! Sorry Mystic and WhitePearl...)

Edited by seacatsmew

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Xaphan awoke, surrounded by the protective tail of Mystic. He started to wrestle with it, pushing her tail, nibbling at it and trying to get it to submit to his will tongue.gif. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the feathers that protruded from her wings. "Aha!, another opponent" Young Xaphan thought to himself. He lay on his back under the wing and started to kick and claw at it. Xaphan was enjoying himself.




Vrael's eagerness to get back to the cave fueled his sprint, faster and faster he ran, jumping over broken tree logs, roots, rocks. he ducked under a cherry bush and broke through into the openness of the field just below the cave. He ran towards its opening, not paying attention to the others, up Midnight's tail he went, up his back, then jumped off his head into the entrance of the cave. He came to a stop just beside the rock where Grehyen slept. He nudged at his tail, checking to see if he was awake. "Grehyen.... Grehyen.... Wake up!.. Wake up!, its morning!, Its morning already!" he said, unable to contain himself, he started running around the rock. "Aren't you gonna teach me how to breath ice?" he said...

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Flaming opened her eyes and found herself in the cave, Crisie's cave. She felt flash backs of her past memories attacking her, swooping down like angry birds. Flash back memories of she herself knocking out the guardian of nature and trying to force the marrow dragon into leading her to Inkheart and it tricked her, causing a landslide that almost killed her. Then lucky the dorsel was around and saved her before she died from being suffocated.

She tried to push the memories away, trying to think of something else. Then she thought about her parents, thinking about how badly she missed them. Her older sister sent her to this cave, a lone time ago and Flaming's life had changed ever since. The nearly grown up hellfire wyven was recovering quickly, her wounds were still sore and she couldn't fly in till her left wing was healed. It had been crushed down by a rock, Flaming didn't know of it was Brocken or not.

She watched Vrael rush inside of the cave, shaking the other hatchling and speaking loudly to wake it up. It was telling the hatchling called Grehyen to wake up and teach it how to breath ice. Flaming letted out a groan. All of her morning peacefullnes is gone as she tried to cover her ears to block out the noise.


"The cave, cave. Sir," Lymu told the black dragon drunkly. For a second she thought she saw a dark grey lizard poping out of it's hole. "What is that?" she was pointing at it dizzily. A small spark danced on her claw. She lost her interest and looked at the claw "ohhh... Shiny..."

then she looked back and it went back into it's shadow like hole. When Lymu felt better, she can finally work out that the 'lizard' was a newborn dragon. "Aww.. Isn't it cute?" she sounded better, she stood on her rear legs to take a better look at it.

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Sombra looked at Lymu. And growled. She then hid in the corner of her egg, wanting to leave the egg, but at the same time, not wanting to. She then made a choice, hopping out of her egg shell, causing it to disappear, and looked up. She started squeaking because of the sun, making her shut her eyes and curl up. The small swirling shadows around her were enough to show that it's a Shadow Walker. Sombra then hid in Midnight's shadow, and half disappeared, her tail still showing.


Mystic woke up, and looked at Xaphan. He seemed to enjoy playing with the feathers on her wings, so she let him be. She herself was hungry. Luckily, she had some plants stored under the nest along with cut-up bunny ears. She was trying to change her diet to plants, although she didn't mind hunting for Xaphan. She pulled out a plant, and started to eat.


WhitePearl woke up from the yelling, but only opened one eye sleepily. When she figured out which Dragon was yelling, she went to look at the scared thing that Midnight was guarding and Lymu was trying to look at. She looked at it for a while, then walked where she was before, curling up and looking at everyone. She figured out that the poor thing was a Shadow Walker, a Dragon not known to wander around these areas.

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Fyrefly stepped away from Midnight. "Hello." she said softly, in awe, to the Shadow Walker. "My name is Fyrefly." she added, smiling warmly. Then she realized that the hatchling was probably scared because there were so many dragons around, and stumbled backwards with the clumsiness of a hatchling. "Sorry." she said quickly, apologizing for practically pushing herself onto the creature. "I didn't mean to scare you if I did." she added quietly.

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Sombra looked at the other hatchling, dragging herself out of the shadows. She squeaked because of the light, dragging herself back into Midnight's shadow. She then looked at the gold hatchling. They look faster. Let me try doing what they do.. Sombra tred to stand like them, but fell over. She tried again, falling but almost doing it. She tried a third, managing to stand like them. She took a step. And another. Soon, she was on Midnight's tail. She then climbed down, studying all the other Dragons. Then, she stepped into the light. She then climbed back over Midnight's tail, afraid. Shadow Walkers don't tend to like the light, so she stayed there.

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((I'm on. ^^))


After lying by Trentum's side for quite a while to make sure he was ok, Tyra slowly rose to her feet so as not to disturb the sleeping black hatchling. She stretched out her slender legs and graceful wings before strolling into the main part of the den, her claws making soft clicking noises on the cold rock beneath her paws. She looked over the cave, slightly awestruck. It was a fairly nice cave with plenty of space and good shelter. "Where are most of the hatchlings?" she wondered aloud, walking around the room, "and will they accept me in their clan...?"

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((Also on.))

Sombra noticed Tyra and quietly crawled towards her, from shadow to shadow. When she reached her, she cried out in alarm. Her scales were frozen! Sombra quickly crawled away, curling up. She warmed herself up a bit, then hiding in the shadows near Midnight and Fyrefly.

Edited by seacatsmew

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((I'm guessing it's sunrise by now?))


Fyrefly turned, calmly following the Shadow Walker hatchling, adorable in its clumsiness and, well, just discovering the world. She felt excited just thinking about it. Then, the air around got colder, gradually, as she neared... Ah. The Ice hatchling. Oh. It's that hatchling that caught the fish. she thought coolly. Alarmingly, the Shadow Walker hatchling had almost frozen over just nearing her. Fyrefly gave a squeak of surprise. "Here, let me help." she said, lying on her belly. She closed her eyes, opened her mouth, and concentrated. A tiny flame shot into her mouth. She held it behind the hatchling, warming and defrosting the thin layer of ice that had covered it. Her wings spread; she accidentally blocked the sun from the cold young hatchling.


Trentum was sore, to say the very least. His limbs ached and his throat was raw. To top it off, he was hungry. He curled around himself tighter. Still asleep, he barely noticed the cold presence of Tyra leave his side by the cave. Eventually, he began to wake up. Groggy and tired, he stretched his body and his wings, like he always did. Trentum gave a great yawn, spouting shadows from his mouth. Then the Black hatchling remembered; Tyra! "Good morning, Tyr-..." he mumbled, before cutting himself off. Where was Tyra? He was about to panic before noticing the Ice hatchling just at the mouth of the cave. Trentum sighed softly, relaxing. Then he tensed again. Fyrefly! She was part of the clan, what would she think of this?

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Sombra looked at Fyrefly. She fell over, not looking where she was going. She slowly got up, continuing to watch Fyrefly. She was partly warmed up by the fire, and that was nice. Since shadows are a bit cold, she also had to be a bit cold. She hid in Fyrefly's shadow, and then followed her in her shadow.

Edited by seacatsmew

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((Fyrefly is a um girl. xd.png))


The Gold hatchling stopped the fire, because she was getting tired and a bit dizzy. Hopefully the little Shadow Walker hatchling was warm enough. She stretched her wings. I had a long rest yesterday afternoon, but I'll have to nap again later if I want to use my fire powers for any reason. she thought. Fyrefly turned to the Shadow Walker. "Are you hungry?" she asked, breaking off a leg from the rabbit that she'd caught and offering the bit of meat to the hatchling. Shadow Walkers eat meat, right? she thought unsurely. Most of the dragons around did; maybe this hatchling did, too. Are her teeth developed yet? Do I have to mush it up or cook it for her? she wondered worriedly.

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((Sorry about the wait for my post. I forgot I had something to do real quick. ^^; ))


Tyra, however, wasn't looking where she was going. "Oof!" She stumbled over the little shadow walker hatchling and collided with Firefly by accident. She immediately felt the fire on her cold scales and yelped, "Yipe! Ouch, hot hot!" Scrambling off of Firefly, she brushed her scales where the fire had touched her, wincing.

Edited by Tyra-Ice

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((I edited it, sorry.Thinking of ten things at a time.))

Sombra paused. Then, she grabbed the meat. She swallowed it hole, and looked up. She then made a squeak and a roar mixed together. Sombra stood on her hind legs and twirled, making the shadows that clung to Shadow Walkers spin. She watched the shadows dance around her fo a while, then turned her attention to the meat. After that, she was tripped on. After squeaking and hiding in the shadows, turning invisible, she slid away, coming into view.

Edited by seacatsmew

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((Lol it's okay. xd.png

Tyra; I hate to tell you here, because this thread is for RPing, but I have no other way to communicate with you. Well, I sent you a message for the Magi hatchie, it gendered female. X3))


Fyrefly watched the Shadow Walker eat the leg. It was so cute. She realized that it seemed to like standing in her shadow, so she kept her wings spread wide, or as wide as a hatchling's could spread. "Do you want more?" she asked, cutting a nice chunk of boneless meat for the hatchling. That little squeaking roaring noise she made... I wonder, have I ever done that? she giggled to herself. She'd been so caught up in her own thoughts that she didn't even acknowledge the Ice hatchling bumping into her. "Oh! Sorry!" she exclaimed, seeing her fire-hot scales burn the cold dragon. "Are you okay?" she asked, eyes filling with worry and guilt.


Trentum had been drifting off to sleep again when he heard Tyra call out. His head snapped up. "Tyra!" he exclaimed. In the back of his mind, unfocused on the current events, he thought, 'Tyra' is something I've said a lot lately...

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