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"My name is Fyrefly. Sometimes the other hatchlings talk about the Clan members, and you just happened to be one of them!" she told him.


((Although this isn't true, it does make sense. xd.png))


"But thank you." she added, using her claws and fangs to tear off most of a hind leg. Fyrefly ran her fire over the leg for a warm meal. She swallowed a chunk. "Oh, I'm sorry. Do you want some?" she asked, offering the cooked leg to Midnight.

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"It's very nice to meet you Fyrefly. I didn't realize I was talked about within the clan." HE was certain that the clan members did talk about him, but if it was good or bad things they said about him was still a mystery to him. He saw the little little hatchling offer him a chunk of the leg and was jerked back out of his thoughts. "No thank you little one. I ate while I was out hunting. But thank you for offering." He settled down and curled his tail about his body, "So how did you come to the clan Fyrefly?"

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(( Can I just cheat a little? I just want Flaming to already be in the cave resting o.o

Also I cannot play as Dracouraca in till Dragongirl gets back soon and plays as Inkheart ))

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Fyrefly blinked. "Well you are sometimes. I suppose every dragon dips into our conversations at some point." she said, nibbling on the elk leg. "Well, alright. If you insist." she said. It tastes really good, though. the Gold hatchling thought.


"Well, you see, I used to live with my parents. But then both of them had to go off to war, so I was assigned a sitter to take care of me, a Purple dragon named Lotus, by the way. She was very kind, but I didn't treat her as nice as I should've. I wandered around in the evening, in a nearby forest. I would hope that my parents were alright. But one day, I wandered a little too far and for too long. I tried to get home, though I was hopelessly lost. Before dawn, I got out, yet I reached a completely different place. It had a tall, rumbling waterfall and a field surrounding the pool of water. I don't like water much, you see, since I'm more of a fire dragon." she blew a tiny bit of fire to accentuate her point. "Anyways, I wandered around for a few days, getting used to the different surroundings and everything. Eventually, after braving some sort of desert, which I liked, I ended up near here, and met the Clan dragons. Of course, they were very kind and they let me join their Clan, too. I've been here ever since."

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((Thanks Tiffashy for accepting my new charrie


Charrie name: Sombra


Type of Dragon:Shadow Walker

Personality:Strange. Just plain strange.

Powers (Read the rules): The normal powers of the Shadow Walker

Stage (1st stage hatchie, mature, adult, ect): egg

Clan or Loner? both, just outside the clan cave.

Other:Darker then the normal Shadow Walker. If an evil dragon raises her, then she will become evil. Otherwise, she will listen to only herself.

That's my new charrie.))


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((Oh, wow. o3o That's one cool character. I'll probably end up making a new one, an adult, sooner or later. xd.png Maybe the Purple dragon from Fyrefly's past.


Sorry guys, I have to go now. Bye. ^^))

Edited by Anquatic

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((*looks at seacatsmew's new charrie sheet* hmmmm...Midnight might have a chance to raise an evil hatchling now xd.png ))

Midnight nodded down at the hatchling. "That seems to be the case with many of the hatchlings here. There parents have gone off to war and one way or another they have wound up here." He trailed off when he sensed something nearby. Was that an egg in the shadows near the forest edge? He got up and walked over to investigate. There was an egg there! The black dragon lowered his head and gently scented the egg with his tongue. How had this gotten here?

((gotta go. be back on tomorrow smile.gif ))

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(( I made a new character, cheek the OOC thread if you want more details o.o))


The thunder dragon was climbing down the steep hill. She wanted the leafs drop from the trees and the rabbits peacefully eat their grass with a fox stalking them. Lymu didn't bother to cheek behide her as she climbed down carefully, her wings aren't ready for flight yet so it would take much longer to go down the hill. She threaded around carefully. Stepping on the dried up leafs, crouching them and snapping the weak twigs left on the ground. Lymu hissed a curse as she tripped over a root and rolled the rest of her way down. She tried to stop herself from spinning so much but she can feel herself going faster and faster at great speed. Lymu thought fast about how she can stop herself but everything get dizzy quickly. She could see were she was going as she went faster and faster down the hill. She felt herself pull to a sudden stop when she hit something... Or someone. She pulled herself back up dizzily and spam around before hitting the ground again. "Sorry mister," she spoke in a drunk like way. She felt the long black thing's leg and pulled herself up, clinging onto it for support. "Do you know..." she paused to try and block off the wave of dizziness. "Do you know were the cave is...?" she sounded drunk and everything was blurry. She finally letted go of the black dragon while walking around in circles before falling back to the ground. Her dizziness wouldn't allow her to take a proper look at the black dragon and she still couldn't see the egg hiding in the shadows.

Edited by Tiffashy

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((Mystic is sleeping, WhitePearl is continuing to look around. And thats one of the reasons I made the egg!))

Somba's egg shook a tiny bit. She was still afraid from the long fall when her mother dropped her! Somba was enjoying the dark, like all Shadow Walkers, and looked up at the top of the egg. Then, he heard Midnight's leg being hit. Somba made a squeak of fear from inside her egg, then went silent.

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"Midnight?" Fyrefly called. "Is something wrong?" she asked curiously, bounding over to him. She didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, but she was so focused on the patch of grass he was looking at, she bumped into one of his hind legs. "Sorry." she mumbled, backing up shyly. Then she spotted a Thunder dragon hatchling, who'd also bumped into him, and giggled.

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Midnight watched the egg shake for a moment. A faint smile then crossed his face. He may not have had a real parent to care for him when he hatched, but that didn't mean that this egg would have to go through his troubles as well. Inkheart never said he needed all the hatchlings. He just wanted the guardian of nature. Perhaps Midnight could raise this one as his own. The egg looked to be a shadow walker egg. With the proper care it could grow into a powerful dragon. He felt something thud against his leg, causing a faint squeak to come from the egg. He turned to see what had hit him and saw the little thunder hatchling. He turned completely towards the staggering little dragon and gently used a wingtip to help her back to her feet after she fell. "What cave would you be reffering to young one? If you seek the Clan Cave you are closer than you might think." He gently curled his tail around the egg, hoping to calm the unhatched youngster inside with his presence. He then felt another bump against his leg and turned his head to see Fyrefly nearby. "It seems we may have two new members to add to the clan, Fyrefly."

Edited by Drakossozh

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The egg fell silent, calming down when Midnight put his tail around it. After being dropped, hearing something go 'thud', and another thing going 'thud', she was awake. She softly clawed at her egg by mistake, creating a small crack and making the egg fade a bit more. Because of this, Sombra proved that it was a Shadow Walker egg. She tried to look out, but all she saw was darkness from her egg. She cracked it again, making the egg fade even more, finally getting a hold big enough to look out of. Sombra's stormy eye peered out, but quickly shut from the brightness. She then created a hole on the other side, continuing fading the egg, but this time she was safe in the shadow. Sombra looked out again, this time amazed.


*Sombra's eyes have different shades of gray, and the patterns look like clouds. So, they are stormy eyes.

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((Unnf, I'm already in love with Sombra's chracter. ;^; ))


Fyrefly's eyes shone. "Really?" she asked. The excited hatchling turned to the Thunder hatchling, then the egg that she had just noticed thanks to Midnight's curling tail. "That's wonderful." she purred. If Midnight thinks that they can be in our Clan, I'm sure he sees something special in them. she thought happily. "I'm sure all of the dragons will be proud of you for finding them." Fyrefly added, still focused on the egg, which had, strangely enough, faded a bit.

Edited by Anquatic

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Vrael gave up his search for the human's. Anyway, by now they would have been long gone or back with several more humans. Vrael decided it would be best to return to the cave. "I wonder if the others are back yet..." he thought to himself. *Ding* a realization hit Vrael... "GREHYEN!" he shouted in his head. Vrael started sprinting back towards the cave entrance, eager to see if the frilled dragon had awoken or not.

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((I'm on for a little while. ^^))


Tyra's tail flicked back and forth, creating small splashes, as she rested in the river. The water around her became increasingly cold, her scales frosting over. Singing in the trees, exotic birds flew high above and the forest seemed alive with life.

Edited by Tyra-Ice

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((Hey. C:))


Trentum snatched another fish, a silver one. "Hey, Tyra." he said to hey as she relaxed in the flowing waves. "I noticed, I really like being with you." he admitted, smiling shyly. Trentum lifted his upper half back above safe ground and walked along the river until he was across from where Tyra was resting.


((GAHH I keep typing "Trenton" instead of "Trentum"! Remember, "Trentum" is a spelling mistake according to Google Chrome!))

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((Allo! lol))


Tyra opened her deep violet eyes and smiled slightly. "Really? Most creatures find my freezing body temperature...uncomfortable," she replied softly, turning around to stalk the fish.

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Trentum smiled as he laid down on his belly. "Really." he replied. "And I don't find you uncomfortable in any way. I've been friends with hatchlings who found my own temperature a bit cold." Trentum said, laughing a little. "I guess being able to control darkness can do that to you." he said, cocking his head. Trentum looked up, and watched the last rays of the sun start to disappear. Then he turned back to Tyra. "Besides, with you, what's not to like?" he asked.

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"I don't know, my cold personality," Tyra chuckled at her bad pun but not paying attention to what she was doing, she slipped on the wet riverbank and SPLASH! Down the young Ice Dragoness went into the water.

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"If it doesn't offend you, I think you have a very warmpersonality." he replied. Then Tyra fell into the river. "Tyra!" Tremtum exclaimed, horrified. She was fine, unless... She hit herself on the way down. His shadow quivered, despite his moment of rigid stillness. Without another thought, he took a breath and dove into the waves.

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The thin teenage Ice Dragon managed to avoid any sharp rocks and managed to turn around so she was right side up. Spying a silver fish with a pinkish tint, she stuck out her tongue in determination even though she was underwater, now resolute in her decision to catch it in her icy claws. The water rushed down the river and she had to constantly paddle to keep from being flushed down the wide body of water.

Edited by Tyra-Ice

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I think I see her. I suppose it's her because the water's getting colder as I near... With a gurgly underwater yelp of surprise, he realized that it was not Tyra, but more water rushing towards them from who-knows-where that just happened to be colder than the river water's previous temperature. Either way, he had let out most of his air and felt his chest and throat start to hurt; his lungs ached for escape. Trentum kicked his legs and aimed for the surface. It had seemed so close just moments before... How far had he swam in those precious few seconds?..

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Tyra just then went after the shiny fish but as she swam away, she suddenly spotted a dark form falling downwards behind her. "Trentum...? Trentum!" Immediately, she made a sharp u-turn and swam frantically towards her friend. "Trentum!!" she practically screamed in her mind. The ice dragoness dove under the black shadow dragon and began swimming up with all her strength. Her claws pawed the water and she flapped her wings furiously to propel them towards the surface as they began to rise.

Edited by Tyra-Ice

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Trentum vaguely noticed Tyra swimming towards him. Then he felt her coldness pressing up, from underneath him. He wanted to help her push him up, but he was too weak and was at the mercy of the suddenly strong-flowing river and, well, the fish. Tyra... he thought, trying to cling to that one name as he felt himself slipping from consciousness. Maybe I'll be okay. Maybe it's not as bad as I think... As long as I get.. Air... he thought. But even in his own mind, his thoughts were muffled and unfocused.

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