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Our War~ Accepting!

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Trentum let out a horrified sound, his shadow dropping from his body. "Wh-why? What's happening?" he asked. Was it his fault? Both of them were moving away, but he didn't feel the need to. What have I done? What did I do? he thought nervously. Trentum dropped to the grass and curled up helplessly, unsure of everything.

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Tyra looked away ashamed. "N-no, wait. It's not you, Mystic, or any of you....! I-I'm sorry, I've put you all in danger!" she replied, spreading her graceful wings out and preparing to fly. "You all should hide, quickly!" she warned them.

Edited by Tyra-Ice

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Trentum almost didn't hear her, and when she did, he almost ignored her. Be strong. he told himself. But her words, they caught him by complete surprise. Put them all in danger? He didn't have time to contemplate them as he saw Tyra getting ready to fly away. "Don't go!" he repeated, louder and more panicked this time. He got up and flared his wings. He felt his limbs shaking. "Don't leave me..." he whispered. It feels like, these two dragons, are a few of my only friends. I know it's not true, I know more dragons than I think care for me, but... he tried not to whimper in terror.

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Mystic heard her, and once she took off, Mystic took off after her. She was a talented flier, so she caught up with her easily. "Tyra! Wait! Whats wrong!" she called, not stopping for anything. She wasn't afraid of any old human, so if it had to do with that, it'd be fine. "Trentum! Its ok! Stay here!"

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Tyra slowed down and trembled slightly. She flapped her wings and hovered there a moment. "A-alright....I'll explain but we need to get to your cave out of sight as soon as possible," Tyra instructed, her violet eyes full of fear. She flew back and landed next to Trentum. "I-I wouldn't leave you...b-but me staying here only increases your chance of being killed or captured by humans...come on, I'll explain when we get inside mystic's cave.

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Trentum didn't care. He turned to her, and threw his arms around her, holding the cold hatchling close. "Just don't go." he managed, still shaking from all his fear. Too much had happened in too little time. As long as no dragon's leaving. he thought, turning his head to Mystic.


((If you don't want him to hug her, I can edit. xd.png))

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Mystic lead them into her cave, and into the secret cave. "There, no human could see us now. Now tell us, whats wrong?" she said, wondering what was wrong. If you knew Mystic when she was in the Silent Forest, you'd know why she isn't afraid of humans. Mystic put moss pillows on the ground the sit on, because the cold ground wasn't the comfiest.

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((Lol, it's fine. ^^ @Anquatic))


Tyra's eyes widened a little in surprise and she just sat there, stunned. She slowly smiled though and hugged him back. "Don't worry, I won't...I know what it's like to be alone." After following Mystic into the cave, she lay down silently. "It...it's a long story," she warned them.

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((Lets pretend Vrael returned to the clan cave tongue.gif, otherwise theres a big plothole lol))


Vrael waved goodbye to the white dragon and set off back to the clan cave. He thought by now, someone must have brought back a good sized deer. He scrambled up to the cave entrance, and saw the black dragon. He seemed to be talking to someone, however Vrael couldnt see who it was.

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"We have plenty of time." She replied. Mystic then looked up, noticing something. "Uh oh.." she said, then looked at the two hatchlings. "Its not safe right here... Run!" she yelled, hitting a cave wall as it brakes, showing a new room.

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((Alright. xd.png I'm just a sucker for cuteness. o3o))


Trentum let her go, and not just because his scales were starting to frost over. "I..." Trentum wasn't sure how to reply. He'd never really been alone... Either way, he trotted alongside her to Mystic's cool cave.


Trentum sat down on a shady spot, feeling the shadows on him made him feel better and a bit more alert. "I have the time." he replied. At Mystic's words, he yelped (again) and darted off towards the White dragon, shielding himself with his wings and many shadows the whole time.




Fyrefly decided to eat the fish anyways. She bit down on a morsel. It was colder than she thought, but a quick blast of fire warmed it right it. She still wondered when and why the hatchling fished. The non-Clan hatchling. She felt a bit pathetic eating fish from another, a dragon that she didn't know.

Edited by Anquatic

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((Haha, me too! xd.png @Anquatic; Alright! @TotallyDrow))


Tyra jerked to her feet. "W-what? What's wrong?!" she asked worriedly. Suddenly she froze(not literally! lol) and sniffed the air. There was...a familiar scent. "Could it be?" she thought, "Another Ice Dragon...?"

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When both the younger hatchlings were in the newly-created room, Mystic stood at the opening. "No matter what happens, close your eyes!" she yelled, knowing what this thing is and what it does. "Stay silent!" She called again, putting her wings over the opening to shield the hatchlings.


*The thing that Mystic saw and is protecting the two hatchlings from is a Red Beam Dara, a weapon created to make a dragon pass out, most of the time bleed, and also allow them to steal the dragon. It has the scent of a Ice Dragon.

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"Come on, Tyra!" Trentum yelled, turning around to try to drag her into the special room. "We have to hide!" he added nervously, flapping his wings to try to get her moving along.

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The teenage Ice Dragoness struggled against Trentum's grip. "B-but just wait! M-maybe I'm not alone, I-I think there's another ice dragon out there!" she protested.

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"Tyra, NO! Mystic knows what she's doing! She's trying to protect you! Whatever it is has to be dangerous!" he pleaded, trying to lift off with her to bring her into the cave room. His wings were a blur, but despite his efforts, she was struggling really hard and they were probably around the same weight anyways. "You have to listen to me, Tyra!" he choked.

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"Tyra! It isn't a Ice Dragon! It's a weapon called a Red Beam Dara, and it smells like a Ice Dragon! I know it by heart!!" she screamed, noticing the Red Beam Dara was about to shoot! "RUUUN!" She screamed, pushing Tyra and Trentum in the new room rudely, but saving them...And that's when it shot, leaving Mystic knocked out and giving her a huge scar...

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Trentum was just barely listening. Amongst the whirl and swirl of events, he wondered, A Red Beam Dara? What is it and why does it smell like an Ice Dragon? His thinking was cut off when Mystic shoved him and Tyra into the other cave room. He cried out as he tumbled along the floor. Trentum turned around just in time to see her get shot by the weapon. "MYSTIC!" he shrieked.

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Tyra squealed in terror and covered herself with her icy wings, quickly clenching her eyes shut. She trembled next to Trentum and whimpered pitifully.

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Trentum wondered who was wielding the weapon. It had to be a human. He dragged Tyra over to a more shaded spot and cloaked them in shadow. For a moment, he felt the darkness rush over him like wind with tiny particles of sand in it, but it felt like velvet, almost. "If you stay very still, we should be very hard to see." he whispered through clenched teeth.

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In Mystic's fainted dream:


Her mother was watching her, smiling when she awoke. "Are you akwake yet, Mystic? That was quiet a scar you got there." Finallia, Mystic's mother said as everything stopped being blurry. "Ma? Where's dad?" She asked, wondering what happened. "Da is still fighting in the war..This is the Heaven for dragons- no, you aren't dead. You were sent here when you were knocked out." Finallia said. "Your friend is trying to talk to you.." Finallia show her a white diamond ball, and on it showed her two friends. "Trentum! Tyra!" she caled, sending a faint call to the two dragons.


In reality:

Mystic twitched, as the call of her voice came from the skies.

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Trentum heard something through the covering of shadow. "M-Mystic? Is she... alive? Okay?" he mumbled. "Mystic?" he called out softly, tentatively. He resisted the urge to get up and check on her. But what if she's dying and needs our help? What can I do to help anyways? What if the attackers are near?

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The voice called out again. I'm ok, and stay where you are. If they see you, you'll be next!

Mystic twitched each time the voice called out. She was worried about them, she should have told them earlier. Tyra, these humans aren't your fault..there mine.

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Tyra peaked out from under Trentum's dark wings fearfully, her eyes glazed with worry. She didn't dare speak, just shivered and watched.

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Trentum strained to hear Mystic's voice. He could see a bit of her wing and tail from where he was, but the voice sounded so far away... But if staying still will save our lives, I suppose it's what we must do. he thought dutifully. He was still nervous. But as long as Tyra was okay, and Mystic was... not dead, that was enough to be grateful for.

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