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little lost dragon

The Great Divide

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Dharsii nodded at Spearmint's request.


"Follow me then." she said as she walked out of the food cavern and headed down the other tunnel to her medical storage. This room also had a large assortment of plants and fungi. But this room also had many bowls and vials with different potions in them as well as many other medical implements. There was also a long set of tubes and vials at the far end of the room that were mixing and boiling different liquids by using magic and science.


Dharsii walked over to her contraption and looked at the mixtures that were being prepared. She gave most of them displeased glares and moved on but there was one that she looked at curiously and gave a gentle tap with her claw and whispered quietly to it before moving on. Shallen''s book floated in from the main room and opened in front of her and she jotted down a few notes in it before it closed and floated up next to her head while she turned to look over her medical supplies and potions.

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"Woah... This place is huge! What kinds of plants can be used fo medical purposes? Can daisies be used?", Spearmint asked.

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"Want me to be honest? Yes you did do that, and that is the honest answer," Kadean said. He looked over her with worrie, "Are you okay? Mentally I mean. Other then your arm, you are fine phisically from what I see." He did wonder why she jumped up like that. He did a slight whimper because his wing was hurting him, and he was not use to anything hurting him. He remembered Tetra calling him a big baby when ever he had gotten hurt, which was rare.

Vrans looked at him then sighed. "Sorry, nightmare. Something was attacking the clan and slaughtering..... everyone and everything." she said "Vita was dead, you where on the ground next to dead, the nursry was attacked and the hatchlings...... mutilated and killed. Then you where killed and I was was next..... I felt the teeth then I.... the dream ended...." she explained then heard him whimper. "But before anything else.... lets get that wing looked at and fixed." she said coming over and slowly and gently sliding her wing hunder his to lift it with out moving it.

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"Ouch that is some nightmare you had," Kadaen said as Vrans came near him and gently lited his wing with hers. He did wonder why she had got to hurt him before he could, not that he was complaining, but still. To him it was Ironic that Vrans had hurt him, while everyone, including him, thought that he'll hurt her before she hurtted him. He nodded at Vrans' words of going back to the medical den. I think Dharsii will get annoyed about us to going back to the medical den, he thought to himself. He let Vrans lead the way to the medical den because that just made it easyer for him to keep his wing from hurting.

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Vrans paused then continued to lead him to the medic den. "Those.... come along when I'm stressed." she explained "Sorry about your wing, I told you I'm not your normal dragon." she said talking about when he was trying to say she would not have a chance against her.

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"Still a normal dragon could snap my wing, but not inside the area it was snapped," Kadaen said. "At least they know who left the first wound." He shrugged a bit, not moving his wing.

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Vrans looked at him then moved her wing slightly to move his wing a little in that way females have when someone says something like that.


((Brain dead and no idea how to describe it. She moved her wing just enough to give him a minor spike of pain.))

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Dharsii pulled her gaze away from her work to look at the little mint hatchling.


"There are many, many plants with medical qualities to them. And yes, daisies do have a bit of use in medication, though the work best as a pain killer for headaches and they must be mixed with dwarfsbeard and ribbonweed to work to their full effect." se said to Spearmint.

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"Can we start looking for medical stuff now? I'm bored. I also know where to find some daisies! But not dwarfsbeard or ribbonweed," Spearmint said.

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Dharsii couldn't help but admire the little hatchling's enthusiasm. She looked around at her supplies, she seemed to have a good stock on all of the medical plants that she needed. But she didn't want to spoil Spearmint's enthusiasm.


"Well if you want to become a medical dragon I suppose we should start your training as soon as possible shouldn't we, Little Sister? You said you know where to find some daisies, so take me there. Then I will show you where to gather dwarfsbeard and ribbonweed. Then once we return I'll teach you how to mix them to make the potion from them if you would like." she said.

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"Ouch," Kadaen said then he saw the medical den. "Um Dharsii, mind if you look over my wing.. It kinda broke," he said as soon as his head was inside the medical den.

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"Daisy mix can wait. This vamp-, wait, VAMPIRE?!", Spearmint said in shock. She knew what vampires could do. Especially to a hatchie.

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"Easy little one, I do not harm any dragons unless I am fighting agest them," Kadaen said in a sothing voice to try to calm the mint. "I poss no threat to you." He tried to make himself look a lot less threating.

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"O-okay," Spearmint said, still shuddering. She was scared of vampires. They visited her in her worst nightmares. How could this one be harmless?

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"I am not among the normal vampires," Kadaen said, as he tried to take a guess inside the mints head. He thought that question would be inside the hatchies mind.

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"Who are you?", Spearmint asked the vampire. Dharsii said this was a safe place, and Spearmint believed her. That meant that this vampire was clearly trustworthy. Unless he wasn't from here.

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"I am Kadaen, a beta inside this clan. Mind if I ask who are you?" Kadaen said to the little hatchie. He really wanted his wing to be healed.

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Vrans looked around. She seemed to be invisible to this mint. Though she payed little attention to that. She was more focusing on not moving her wing that was holding Kadaens.

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"I'm Spearmint. Who are you?", Spearmint asked the ribbon dancer. "I don't know how to heal wings yet," she said, remembering Kadaen's wing. She would have to wait for Dharsii to respond.

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Dharsii moved over to her "operating table" the stone that Vrans had been one earlier, and sterilized it with a quick blast of blue flame.


"What happened?" Dharsii asked as she headed towards her medical chamber, motioning with her tail for Kadaen to go to the stone that she haad just sterilized. It would be warm but not hot to the touch. She disappeared down the tunnel and emerged moments later, with a long straight branch in her grasp, along with a few strands of reed grass. She walked over to her table and waited for Vrans and Kadaen.


"I'll need the wing extended" she said.


"Spearmint, please watch what I am about to do closely, okay." she said to the little mint hatchling.

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"Okay, Dharsii. I want to learn how to fix wings. And other stuff, too!", Spearmint said excitedly. She was a keen learner.

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Vrans looked at Kadaen then at Dharsii "This may sound odd but he had his wing over me as I slept... I had a nightmare and when I woke up suddenly I had jumped to my feet due to the nature of the nightmare and..... his wing was thrown off me as I shot up." she explained looking down.

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"Well that, but inside other words, She shot up, my wing couldn't retract fast enough so that is how it got broken," Kadaen said then he went onto the warm operating table. He liked it that it felt warm.

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Dharsii nodded, "I see." She approached Kadaen on the rock and gently used her foreclaws to spread his unnaturally bent wing as best she could.


"Let me know if I cause to much pain." she said quietly, looking down at the wing as she spread it open. He touch was light and gentle and she moved slowly but fluidly as she opened his wing.


Once it was open, she was ready to move it back into place. She looked at the vampire.


"This will probably hurt." she said. She was quick with this movement but still incredibly gentle with it as she moved the broken bone back into place. The medic then began to punch a few holes along the membrane of the wing just below the broken limb. Once this was done, she held the branch against the broken portion of his wing and began to use the reed grass to tie it in place, making a splint.


"You're wing should heal quickly as long as you don't knock the bone back out of place. And flying is out of the question until it heals. Once its healed we'll cut the ties holding the splint on just like removing stitches. Speaking of healing, how is your limb Vrans?" she asked turning to look at the Ribbon Dancer.

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Kadaen nodded when Dharsii had told him to let her know if she cause to much pain. He did whimper a little when the bone was being put back into place and the punches on his wing was hurting him, but he didn't let it show though. He sighed once the splint was made. He moved his wing a little then he heard what the doc had to say. He nodded. He would miss flying for a few days at the least, and that didn't seem to bother him.

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