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I like looking at these trees. It's not like running prolongs your time not it.

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*Stops running and listens*

Does anybody else hear the theme song from Jaws playing in the back ground or is it just me? O_O

*Starts running again*



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Using my mad ninja skills to run effortlessly. ninja.giflaugh.gif

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Tag you're it!

*Runs away laughing*

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I don't know I thought we were suppose to be running. *Looks at everyone screaming then starts running*

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*Slips into a launcher and speeeeeeeeeeeeeeds away* (been watching Seaquest DSV, heheh)

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*the speeder crashed onto some kind of land... gets out and starts to run through weird tropical forest plants... hopping every so often to avoid being bitten by a snake*

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Who's it, anyway? I'm almost afraid to ask because the last time I did, I got tagged!

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*ducks under a huge vine and dives into the lake, swimming hard and fast for the other side*

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*arrives at the other shore and is slurped by her fans and hidden away*

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