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Darn I had something important to say....oh yeah TAG! tongue.gif

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Save self with the Force and tosses hulu into a deep Abyss.

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Da da da da da Aperture... Okay. Now what?

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*hums Utsuho's theme quietly* I really should be fleeing, right? Fleeing in fear?

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Maybe. I have no idea.

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I Force leap very far away from hulu.

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I don't listen to star wars... SPACEBALL 1.

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Is errry crc;e..... AHHHH! Just woke up.

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Thou cannot not touch this.


(Can't Touch This starts playing from an unidentified source)

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Ridin' on my Blue Jello Dragon and we are leading a herd of tiny fwuffy ponies trying to find hgfggg. Found. TAG!!! You're it!

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Takes off running from hgfggg.

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* wracks Pinkie's head*

Edited by SoiledLove

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