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And TAG! Your it hulu tongue.gif


BTW quoting a post is a big no no in this game.

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Tumbleweeds are not everywhere.

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Watches the others stay away from the tagger.

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*runs away from muncher with the leetle tree*

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Is someone opening a portal to the containment cell for SCP-682? If you are, BY DEAR GOD DON'T!

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A tiny fwuffy pony jumped into the portal... OH MY GOD.

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I'm pressing the "close" button frantically.

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TAG YOU ARE IT*TAKES LEETLE TREE*hahahahaha*opens containment for scp-682 and teleports away

Edited by cthulhu153

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Dang it! She got tagged!


Who can't close portals? Lhu can't! The portals have closed.


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Takes off running from SoiledLove who is now it!!

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And now I'm it since post =Tag

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I was already it when you posted after me.


Okay now where is everyone hiding....

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