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What kind of "playoffs" do you speak of? I'm assuming it involves some sort of ball?

Edited by Chusi

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haha, yo, I get that "not being active" thing uwu

@Chusi yush, American football. we had a 6-3 record at one point but then it became 8-8 (and we weren't necessarily up against particularly hard teams; some of them yes, but not all). our getting into the playoffs was determined by us winning our game and the Lions beating the Packers and it happened, albeit barely.

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I was into football for about... 40 years or so. I lost interest when the players went on strike. Now they make stupid money and they can all go to hell

Just like when baseball went on strike for 2 YEARS. They can all go with the football players. A ticket to a game is ridiculous too. I cut my nails short. They're still blue though. Different. 

Edited by Chusi

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In what world is a shiny magnamite worth a shiny Mew, Mewtwo or Jirachi? You have the right to ask for that, yes, but whether you get it or not... all I can honestly say to that is good luck.

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I have to share this (because I was just ruminating today about old stuff I used to draw and managed to dig this out) 


Throwback to the time when teleport was a newly announced feature lol



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1. Panic 

2. Resign yourself to doom.

3. Alternate between 1 and 2.

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5 hours ago, Sinsdaemn said:

Throwback to the time when teleport was a newly announced feature lol





Please don't let me be sick.

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So much that needs to be done and I'm doing none of it... (And how does my computer table keep getting *more* cluttered whenever I try to clean it up!?)

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1 hour ago, HeatherMarie said:

So much that needs to be done and I'm doing none of it... (And how does my computer table keep getting *more* cluttered whenever I try to clean it up!?)

Why does this sound so much like my everyday life? 




Come on, Jirachi, be shiny for me!!

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2 hours ago, Syiren said:

Why does this sound so much like my everyday life? 

And your signature gif is Toothless batting at a flailing Hiccup then collapsing on him.

And you know that dragon isn't made of clouds and feathers.


11 hours ago, Lagie said:

Please don't let me be sick.


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1 hour ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:


I am. :( Hope you are not.

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49 minutes ago, Lagie said:

I am. :( Hope you are not.

Overnight, I've become snotty, but not so stuffed up that I can't breathe through my nose.. So like, I dunno? Could Be COVID or a cold or just my allergies acting up...I have chronic allergies. I **** I inherited allergies. I have no children.  This is like one of the lesser reasons why, ok?

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I would honestly post some pics now, but because it's already so late, I figure I should just finish the whole thing before posting

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On 1/13/2023 at 5:58 PM, Lagie said:


^^ I'm thankful to have kept screenshots of past shenanigans, helps capture the zaniness truly. 

Sorry to hear about your sickness, sending good vibes for a swift recovery and warm comforting foods. ❤️ 


I think I definitely will schedule that soak in the bathtub for tomorrow. The time to be kind and pampering to oneself should also be seen to.

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