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I will breed you anything I have for a straterae xenowrym. that egg has eluded me. I'll go first so you don't have any doubts.

Edited by anonymous

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I just don't care for chicken and rice; the chicken always ends up being just a tad too salty and because you're picky and hate sauces there are no other flavors/seasonings

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Will you just leave me alone and SHUT UP I don’t give a crap and I’m trying to get over the freaking anxiety attack you just gave me.

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16 hours ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

Dang it, @Syiren







I got a good one, too, @Syiren! XD







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Sometimes. Brownies {of Scotland} take things and move them around or take them forever. I've seen it myself. Maybe you will find your possession where you have looked a hundred times already. 

Edited by anonymous

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You have to ask house spirits nicely for their cooperation, but never say thank you. It creates a debt. They don't like that.

Leaving a small gift of milk or cream is the traditional way of showing appreciation.

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I still get mildly upset when I see super specific trades on the forums. like, I get it, you're doing a breeding project, but I'm like, why can't people just take/trade dragons to love them? all dragons need love.

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My 'get up and go' got up and went today.

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Mine is long gone! ;)


I am super anxious about the results of this mid-term election!

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4 hours ago, WaterScorpion said:

*sigh* I wish he would just tell me if he no longer wants me around....

I know, right? Courtesy is both a tentative blessing and an absolute curse.

Which do you want? Neither.

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Sigh. I don't know why you can't kick him to the curb. If he wanted you around he would tell you.  You're  wasting your life waiting on someone when the right one is out there looking for you.



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Waaaah. I want more spooky dragons. Now I’ll have to settle for Spirit Wards, Luminox and Avatars of Destruction.

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1 hour ago, anonymous said:

There's no crying in the cave or baseball.

[DENIED] I 'll cry when  I want t to..or have the ability  to 



or if if I am gifted a hamburger 

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Three Halloween hatchlings in the AP. The first two, my phone decides touchscreens are a myth. The last, it decides I actually need a Black Tea egg instead. And then I refreshed past a Bronze Tinsel. Help me.

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15 hours ago, WaterScorpion said:

my toes are cold 😞

Time to invest in battery operated socks.

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