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Tonight is the Puca's Night. The puca is a shape-shifting faery beast that often takes the form of a black pony or goat or hare or even a man, but mostly it appears as equine. On Halloween night, it races across the crop fields, the orchards, the woods and ruins ungathered grains and fruits, making them unfit for human consumption, ensuring some is left for the face and the wildlife. It may do this by breathing frost on them or by spreading ... ahem .. bodily fluids on them. 

On November 1st, the puca rests and can be approached without fear of its usual pranks and troublemaking (it likes to take drunks on wild rides and leave them in wet places or thorn bushes). If spoken to politely, it will give advice or a bit of prophecy. 




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I hate being egg locked for two days with new releases, but I've gotta get them!

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27 minutes ago, purplehaze said:

I hate being egg locked for two days with new releases, but I've gotta get them!

Yes. It's a bit painful.

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What is it with my nails developing snags all the sudden? I been on a new medication for two months now. Could it be the medication? Mild daily headaches, too. 




My almond milk is almond ice. The fridge froze it. 🥶

Edited by Long_Before_Sunrise

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I am fairly convinced that some people in the trading hub cannot read when you specifically ask for no NRs or Halloween dragons unless they are SAlts and every offer you get is either new release eggs, or CB or non-SAlt-lineaged Halloweens.

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Since the Halloween breeding started, loads of people have been asking for 2G SAlts and CB Stats and impossible things! Even 2G Thuwed. Only the sprite designers whose design was approved and released has 2G SAlt eggs. Only TJ has 2G Thuweds and he doesn't trade, he sends them to the AP when he feels like it. Someone wanted four Crypt eggs for one CB Pitfire hatchling the day after Halloween. It's crazy. 


There's not enough Aeons on DC to precog all the pretty lineaged eggs in the AP.

Edited by Long_Before_Sunrise

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1 hour ago, Moonstruck_Starlight said:

I miss my will to live.

Dang it. I meant to steal your will to seek vengeance on Hellhorses. Sorry.

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1 minute ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

Dang it. I meant to steal your will to seek vengeance on Hellhorses. Sorry.

Gosh darnit, now my desire to seek vengeance on Hellhorses has only gotten stronger!

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Oh no. Run away! *leaves your will to live sitting there in a pretty box*

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*aggressively dives on the box*



Darn it, now that I know how cool female Crypts look I wish I’d influenced both of mine female. And also sacrificed my desire to hoard Arcanas to get more eggs. And I have no Neglecteds to trade for more of them at the moment. Aaaaa-

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I did it again. I made a trade offer and the trader took a vacation.

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5 hours ago, Moonstruck_Starlight said:

I miss my will to live.

You need to stop waiting to live. Go talk to a counselor.  Go do something fun. Goo do SOMMETHING. 

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8 minutes ago, anonymous said:

You need to stop waiting to live. Go talk to a counselor.  Go do something fun. Goo do SOMMETHING. 

Go to bed? Ok.

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14 hours ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

Since the Halloween breeding started, loads of people have been asking for 2G SAlts and CB Stats and impossible things! Even 2G Thuwed. Only the sprite designers whose design was approved and released has 2G SAlt eggs. Only TJ has 2G Thuweds and he doesn't trade, he sends them to the AP when he feels like it. Someone wanted four Crypt eggs for one CB Pitfire hatchling the day after Halloween. It's crazy. 


There's not enough Aeons on DC to precog all the pretty lineaged eggs in the AP.

Actually, for Holiday breeding the dragons breed more than one egg and they're only allowed to keep one, so if one of the Artists bred their dragons and they get 4 eggs, they keep one and the other three auto drop into the AP where someone gets lucky enough to catch it. That's how I got this guy: https://dragcave.net/lineage/HBLIx


It's still crazy for ask for super rare dragons like that, but it's not impossible. 



It's so nice not to be writhing in agony like I was last night. Stupid Migraine. Stupid Nausea. Stupid pain.

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The oak tree has decided to unload ALL THE ACORNS onto the roof today.

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One minute you’re looking at your girlfriend’s scroll and the next minute your phone decides you should actually be going to Silvi’s Lair instead.

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Please stop promising to spend more time with me. Every time you do, we somehow end up spending less time together.

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I never trust promises. Promises are when people tell me the one thing they won't be doing.



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