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The Power Inside

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Diana blinked across at her, looking quite confused. "Yeah..." she said softly, slowly. "It made me feel better..." She didn't understand why that might be a problem. It couldn't make any difference whether she had forced herself or not.

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Rosa raised a hand to her forehead and sighed. Oh dear.


"You will have only have thrown up the juice and flesh. The seeds are sticky and will have most likely attached themselves to the walls of your stomach. If you had waited for it to come naturally the juice would eventually have loosened them enough to pass. By forcing the juice out early, you've left your body with no way to dispel the seeds. You will not be able to eat or drink anything with suffering a considerable amount of pain."


She lowered her hand and looked at Diana.


"We are going to have to take them out."

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Diana's hands flew to her stomach and she shook her head. Her bright blue eyes were wide and wild with fear. "I'd rather have the pain than have an operation," she declared stubbornly, face set. It was quite clear she would not let her operate. Or reach down her throat with some strange contraption. Blah. "Couldn't one just eat some more berries or whatever to make them loosen?"

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Rosa shook her head.


"Eat too many of those berries and they will kill you. I'm sorry Diana, but this is the only way."


She took Diana by the hand and started to lead her out of the room.


"I'll take you to the infirmary and then get Ceil. Seth will be able to put you to sleep and you won't feel a thing. There is nothing to be scared of."



Outside in the training area Ceil turned his guinea fowl so that the top side could cook better. Just a few more minutes and it would be done.

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Diana would have gone along if not for the mention of Ceil. She tossed her head not unlike her Fiend, and ripped herself out of Rosa's grip. She backed away from her, feeling like a trapped animal. "No. Way. If there's anything to be afraid of, it's him. Can't you just bash me in the head? Or let me be conscious during it?" she asked desperately.

Edited by Chicogal

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((Um. What exactly is Diana's brilliant plan now? Is she running away from the school?))

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((Basically all she had done is run away from people who are trying to help her. This is going to get her into serious trouble.))

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Diana would have gone along if not for the mention of Ceil. She tossed her head not unlike her Fiend, and ripped herself out of Rosa's grip. She backed away from her, feeling like a trapped animal. "No. Way. If there's anything to be afraid of, it's him. Can't you just bash me in the head? Or let me be conscious during it?" she asked desperately.

"I'm not going to cause you any further harm" said Rosa. "If it was anything else I'd try giving you a sedative, but even that would probably do more harm than good now".


She guided Diana to the infirmary and got her to sit down on the table. She opened the window and moved aside everything that lay in front of it. Seth might have to stick his head through the window to cast a sleeping spell.


When she was done she turned to Diana and raised a warning finger.


"Do not move or touch anything while I am gone. Just lie down and I'll be right back."


She left the infirmary and hurried off in search of Ceil.

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Diana sighed heavily and flopped back heavily onto the table (ouch). This was so damn well embarrassing. Why'd she have to get herself into his pickle? Ugh. Just, ugh. She turned over slightly so she was lying on her side, away from the window and hugging her stomach as more pain wracked her body. She didn't want to look at Ceil if he came inside. Although he was cruel, so he might just come around and force her to look at him.

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“So do we pass?” Imari asked Ceil after she swallowed her piece of meat. She found this day rather a bit boring but at least Diana was there to keep some parts interesting. Imari continued to nibble on her bird since she actually lost her hunger ages ago. It took them so long to prepare that her hunger had disappeared even before the fires were started.

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"Well as none of you have set yourselves on fire and seem to be managing okay I would say so" said Ceil taking his guinea fowl off the fire. "The proof of the pudding will be tomorrow though, when we put what you have learned to the test."


At that moment Rosa entered the training area and hurried over to Ceil's side. She bent down low and whispered in his ear.


"She's done what?!" exclaimed Ceil staring at Rosa in disbelief. "I knew that girl was as thick as a yard of lard but..."


He was cut off by Rosa's pleading look and he got to his feet sighing.


"Okay you four" he said to his remaining students. "Lesson is over. Eat your birds and get to bed. I have something I have to attend to."


He grabbed his roast guinea fowl and followed after Rosa.

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Imari looked up at the very angry Ceil then looked at the others. Diana must have done something wrong again she thought to herself. When he gave instructions to finish up and go to bed Imari took the chance as a bit of freedom.


Quickly cleaning up her mess and putting out her fire Imari left the training area with her bird, leaving the others behind. She first went to the kitchen where she stored the rest of her dinner for later then went outside to the entrance hall. It wasn’t dark yet and there would have still be an hour left of sunlight.


Running outside she whispered her magic word and soon Drahual appeared in his smoke of staticness. Imari just climbed on and soon they were in the sky. She needed the feeling only if it was for a little bit, she would of course return before night falls but for now she enjoyed the freedom.

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Khaine, using two clean leaves as makeshift oven mits picked up the cooked bird from his fire and bit down. It tasted rather bland for his liking, but that was to be expected since no actual seasoning etc were used.


After putting out the fire and cleaning up the mess he made, Khaine made his way back into the building.



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When Ceil walked into the infirmary after Rosa Diana was lying curled up on her side. Sighing in exasperation he grabbed a bowl normally used for mixing herbs and put his roast fowl into it.


"This is what happens when you don't listen" he said in a low voice. He raised his hand to his chest, whispered his magic word and summoned Seth.


The large black Fiend appeared just outside the window, crushing one of the training area walls. No matter. Ceil would have Diana rebuild it when she was feeling better. Rosa quickly stepped back into the corridor to avoid being enchanted too as Seth pushed his head though the window and gently blew a greyish dust over the girl on the bed.

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Diana closed her eyes and ignored him. Oww. Well, she wasn't one to dumbly listen and follow. Not voice her own views, fade into the background. She didn't care what people thought about her own thoughts, really. She felt something settle over her body and enter her airways, and fell limp, one leg sliding over the other slightly and head flopping completely onto the table. Unconscious.

Edited by Chicogal

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Enjoying the wind in her and the company of her fiend they flew near the coastline. Inhaling the ocean breeze Imari relaxed on the large fiends back as he flew through the air. As she stared in front of her she got a thrilling idea of something she did back home. Drahual of course already knew what his summoner was thinking and flew a bit further to the deeper side of the ocean.


Still flying horizontally high above the sky Drahual suddenly dived towards the sea. With huge splash both fiend and summoner was under water. Imari held on tightly enjoying the flow of water around her when Drahual popped out of the water again. Soaked and laughing Imari enjoyed every minute of it. Relaxing again she remembered that the kitchen seemed rather empty and since they were wet already they might as well continued and catch some fish.

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When Diana fell asleep Ceil fetched Rosa back into the room. The nurse smiled and put her hand on Ceil's arm in thanks, but he shook his head and gently pushed it away. If only Diana would listen to people trying to help her then she wouldn't be in this mess. He doubted he would ever get through.


He picked up his food and left the infirmary and headed back outside. Seth had trudged round the corner to meet him, knocking over another wall in the process, and lowered his head down to the same height as his Summoner's. Ceil reached up and patted the large black nose in front of him before walking round to Seth's shoulders and pulling himself up. When he was seated Seth beat his wings and leapt into the air, ready to begin that night's patrol.




About twenty minutes later Rosa pulled Diana's clothing back into place. The operation had been a success and all of the seeds removed. As she had used her magic to heal the cuts made there would never be a trace of the surgery. She'd keep Diana in the infirmary for the night though, just in case.

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A couple more dive’s into the ocean allowed Drahaul to catch quite a few rather large fish. Imari smiled pleased and gave the order to head back to the school. Darkness was crawling over the land and Imari wanted to get back before Ceil noticed she was gone.


Landing just in front of the school Imari climbed off and took the fish from her fiend, dismissing him for the night. Slightly struggling she carried the fish back to the kitchen placing them in the cool room. ((forgot whats the word for it))

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Diana groaned and stirred on the table a little while after the surgery was completed, eyes fluttering open. Her back was a bit stiff from being on the hard surface, but that was the only pain she had. Thankfully. So... It had all been okay? Well, she hoped so. She propped herself up on her elbows and glanced about blearily.

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Rosa looked around when she heard movement and smiled as she Diana pushing herself up onto her elbows.


"How are you feeling?" she asked.




The first man to reach Arthur's door cautiously and slowly pushed it open. The room was dark, but he could make out the shape curled up underneath the sheet. He nodded over his shoulder at his companion and pulled a knife out of his belt. He crept into the room with his friend right behind him, took hold of the bedsheet and tore it back.


Hima sprang up and leapt at the man with the knife, knocking him to the floor. The second man was aware of movement behind him and turned around to be reward with a stoll smashing into his face. He stumbled backwards, tripped over his companions legs and fell back, smacking his head on the bed post and losing consciousness.


Hima was standing on the chest of the first man who had dropped his knife in shock and terror. Hima's cold eyes were staring into his and his teeth only half an inch away from his face. As Arthur's fiend growled in warning at his captive he picked up the fallen knife and tossed it out the window.


As neither of his would be attackers seemed to be going anyway soon Arthur stepped past them into the hallway and walked down to Bastain's room where he knocked on the door.

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Bastian looked out of the window again and notice two men that made his hair stand on his neck. He wasn’t sure what it was but something didn’t feel right. Stepping away from the window Bastian started to look around the room, he even crawled on hands and knees as he looked around the area.


Hearing some odd noises while he was on the floor he stopped a bit to listen if something else might happen. Bastian heard a knock on the door and got up from the floor. Opening he saw Arthur which cause him to have a bit of a puzzled look.


“Something wrong?”




Imari quickly cleaned up and covered the fish so that it wouldn’t smell the whole place. It would surely tick of Ceil if something like that happened. She then went to the bathroom to clean up and wash some clothes. When she was all done finally went to bed ready for the next day.


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Diana looked across at Rosa, making out her shape. She blinked a bit, trying to get the place into focus. "Alright," she mumbled, pushing herself up properly and swinging her legs over the side of the table. It must have been all okay if she wasn't saying anything about the surgery. Then again, it was a pretty small chance that something would go wrong with her being able to heal and all.


((Fortune, can you remove Thor from the list? And would it be possible for me to make a new character sometime in the future? He wouldn't be a part of the school.))

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((Deleted Thor & Isa (for inactivity). Not sure about adding new characters at the moment. We'll see how things go.))


"I'm glad" said Rosa. "I want you to stay in here tonight, for observation."




"I was viciously attacked" said Arthur as coolly as only he could. "Two men entered my room and tried to kill me. One of them is now unconscious, Hima has the other trapped. I'd like your help in questioning him."

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