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The Power Inside

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Noland gave Diana a wry smile.


"That's a nice idea. But people in power like to use that power to stay in power. If someone tries to oppose them, they might not last long. And they can do it all legally too, so they don't lose favour with the masses. And how do the discontent find each other? Many not very nice people in power have other not very nice people working under them. Clever, sneaky not very nice people who tell lies. The discontent have to tread carefully, or they may not be treading anywhere ever again."

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Diana huffed softly. So he was kind of warning her, then. That she had to be careful around her view, or the not-very-nice-person might try to get her. She wrinkled her nose slightly. "Well, I think those people are horrid, worse than not-very-nice. But say the discontent became the masses..." she murmured thoughtfully. If she could convince her family that what their leader was doing was wrong, they could slowly reach out to others in her island. But that could also get them killed. The trick would be to do it slowly. Cogs were turning in her head, and one could see it by the faraway look in her eyes.

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Noland watched Diana drift away into some inner space. After a few moments of silence he leaned over and snapped his fingers in front of her face to bring her back to here and now.


"Whatever moves are made need to be done carefully" he said. "And by the right people. And you may ask you the right people are. I can tell you. People who know what they are doing. People who have been trained."


As he uttered this last word he looked pointedly at Diana. No matter what dreams she had she would never be able to fulfill them if people did not take her seriously.

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Diana blinked a bit, looking across at him. So he was on her side of this. Trained? He wanted her to take whatever training she was given. But surely just because she didn't want to kill a bird, it didn't mean that she wouldn't be able to start a... The word was scary in her mind. A revolution. Yet if she was to take this path, she would have to become more cold-blooded. Because if she wanted to make a change, it probably would mean killing people. The horrid people. The thought was also scary. It all was. But if it meant that her actions would change the world for the better for Summoners... Maybe it would all be worth it. Hrm.

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Noland pushed his seat back and stood up clearing his throat.


"Anyway. This has been a nice little hypothetical chat of ours. Gives us both something to think about. A serious think. After all even hypotherically such things should not be taken lightly. I must go now. I have some reports to finish. Goodbye."


He nodded to Diana and left the kitchen.

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Imari still sat behind Khaine, holding his hand slightly and motivating him to continue. As he came closer to the bird she looked up and watched Diana running away with Ceil following her shortly after. Maybe she should live on the island a bit and then she will be able to buff up a bit Imari thought to herself.


Ceil returned within a few seconds barking at Khaine if he was done already. Imari pressed a bit harder on Khaine hands leading them to the bird’s neck and slicing it clean through. Imari then pulled back now standing straight looking down at Khaine, he has made the first cut now, he should be able continue fine now.

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The sensation of the knife cutting through the flesh of the bird sent a shiver down Khaine's spine. The mere act alone was energy draining for Khaine, most teenagers his age... at least the ones up at Zurt would not have to do such a task... not until they were older or had left the village.


In some ways, this could have been deemed a right of passage... even if it was vastly different to the traditional ceremony back in Zurt.


"Thanks.." he said in a low voice to Imari, as Ceil walked by.

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“Pleasure.” Imari spoke. “Now move the knife down the breast bone. Once you’re past that its smooth sailing.”


Imari turned around and went to attend her bird and flame. She didn’t want to cook the bird to longs since she didn’t want all the salt out of it cooked, she didn’t have any spices to flavour it anyway. She could of course go look for some but her mind was set on something else.

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Diana watched him go, unable to help the tiniest smile on her lips. Hypothetical. Hypothetical things could always become real. And a hypothesis was a prediction as to what might happen. "Goodbye," she called after him. She sat there for a little while longer, pondering her thoughts. Then she stood, getting herself a glass of water and taking a good long drink. There wasn't anything in the cupboards; Headmaster Noland had been honest. Huh. So, what to do now?

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Having already made the first and most important cut, things began to look easier for Khaine. Wiping the remaining nervous sweat from his brow, he maneuvered the knife into the right position. Making sure that the fowl was gripped tightly in his left hand, he began to slice downward

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Ceil moved over to Diana's abandoned fire, plucking the bird as he went. Sitting down he took his knife from the folded bottom of his shirt and slit the fowl open. He gutted it, cleaned it, then put it on a spit to roast over the fire. The whole process took less then five minutes. Due to all the years Ceil had spent on his own, he had such things down to a fine art. You couldn't take your time when monsters were about.

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Imari returned to her bird pleased to see that is was ready and cooked through. Smiling she stabbed the bird with her knife pulling it out of the boiling water. She placed it on some clean leaves and waited for it to cool off. Imari then took her knife and slowly started to carve the bird, eating the pieces of meat she cut off.

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Diana got bored with sitting about, and instead decided to see if there was any food about in the training areas. There could be, for training purposes. She hoped. Slipping off her chair, she quietly walked down to the front door and went out. Standing there, she glanced about herself and then set off to an empty one. Nope, it was a sandy sort of place. So she went to the next. More promising. Leafy. She silently went inside and immediately made a beeline to some bushes on the ground. Maybe there would be some berries or nuts there.


((Would there be?))

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((Perfect! ;D))


Diana did indeed find some berries in the bushes. Ooh! And they looked like strawberries too! Ceil was so silly, saying they were difficult to find. She popped one into her mouth before gathering some more. Tasted like strawberries, so they had to be. What she didn't know was that the juice was purple instead of red - they were poisonous. She ate quite a couple more as she mad ever way back to the school, holding her top in such a way to make a basket. But as she went along the path, she suddenly felt weird. Ill. She suddenly had a severe pain in her stomach, and she cried out softly, trying to stifle it. Surely they weren't poisonous? Oh no, please. And Ceil had just had an argument relating to this already. She staggered, and only made it to the front door before another violent pain. Pushing it open, her knees failed her as she cried out again - this time for Rosa. For help. Then she collapsed forward, berries squishing against her stomach to make a purple mush and stain, gasping for air as her body convulsed and she was wracked with pain.

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Khaine placed the now gutted and cleaned bird over his fire, its sides spread out like a fillet. When the time came he would flip it over to allow both sides to cook equally. This task had been harder then he had anticipated however the hardest and most gruesome part was now over. He wiped his brow and waited for the right time to flip the bird.


(No pun intended-just couldn't think of a better way to say it.... ) dry.gif

Edited by TotallyDrow

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Rosa had been in the main entrance hall recieving a new order of bandages. Even though Ceil was currently the only person in the school her healing magics did not work on they went through linen at a shocking rate. Rosa knew she would never be able to convince the teacher to take it more carefully though.


On her way back to the infirmary she heard a strange noise. As she approached the end of the corridor she heard it again and this time spotted Diana shaking uncontrollable on the floor. She was covered in a dark liquid.


Dropping the bandages she raced over and crouched down by her side.


"Diana! What has happened?!"


As her hand moved towards the sticky mess Rosa realised it was not in fact blood. It smelled more like...berry juice? She instantly understood what had happened. Oh dear.

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Diana gasped and rolled over slightly. Rosa, Rosa. Not Ceil. Phew. But there wasn't too much time for proper thought, as she was wracked by pain washing through her body once again. "B-Berries," she gasped, a hand on her stomach as she writhed slightly. "Please... Help..." It was near unbearable; how could she not have checked properly? Ugh. Yet they had both looked and tasted like strawberries. It wasn't completely her fault - right?

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"I'm sorry Diana" she said getting the girl under the arm and helping her to her feet. "There isn't much I can do. You'll have to wait until your body expels the berries. One way or another."


Trying not to rush the stricken girl Rosa started to guide Diana down the corridor. She'd get the student to the girl's bathroom and then go and find her a bucket or something. Rosa wondered if she should go and fetch Ceil for help and then decided against it. Poor Diana would be humilitated enough as it was.

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Diana let herself be pulled up. Wait until her body expelled them? Bleh. She wasn't goin to wait for digestion to take its time. She was going to have to force herself to be sick, then. Couldn't Rosa at least stop the pain? She stumbled slightly as another cramp rippled through her stomach, and swayed against the older woman. Oww...

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Rosa gently maneuvered Diana into the girl's bathroom and sat her down.


"I'll be right back" she said. "I'll go and find you a bucket. Whatever you do, don't strain yourself or anything. You could make it worse."


She gave Diana a last worried look and then left the room.

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Diana watched Rosa go out before steeling herself and rising to her feet. Then she made her way to a toilet, lifting up the seat and having to take a moment as more pain coursed throughout her body. Even the thought of this was gross. But if it relieved the pain, then it would be worth it. She opened her mouth and hesitantly put her finger inside. After a bit of prodding, she was suddenly sick into the toilet bowl. Once done, she closed the seat and flushed before staggering over to the sink and washing her mouth. Bleurgh. At least the pain seemed to have eased.

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When Rosa came back into the bathroom she found Diana by the sink. It looked like she had already been quite sick. She moved over to help when she noticed the stains on Diana's hand. Either it had been in the way when she had been sick or Diana had intentionally...


"Please tell me you didn't force yourself to be ill" she said, now very worried. If Diana had regurgitated before she was supposed to the pips could have gotten stuck inside. That meant Rosa would have to operate to remove them.

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