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The Power Inside

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Kaz placed the wooden sword back down on the deck of the ship and began to make his way up towards where the wheel was; his brothers favourite spot on the boat. Kaz had often heard his brother talk about owning his own ship one day and sailing across the ocean, long before he first summoned Skar'this; his fiend. So when the day came that he discovered Skar'this, it had come as no surprise to anyone in the village that he was of the water element.


Kaz on the other hand was not as fond of the water as his brother was and could never understand why he would want to spend so much time out in the sea, let alone want to one day make a living out there. This isn't to say that Kaz had a fear of water... he just wasn't as comfortable being in it for so long... after all only a small portion of the oceans have been travelled by man... what about those that have been left untouched... what secrets did they hide.. and what monsters resided within that darkness. What Kaz really had a fear off was the unknown... which was why he was having trouble ignoring the offer Arthur and Bastian had offered...


For so long now, he has had to live without knowing the truth.. yet know he had an opportunity to find out... albeit with the aide of two people he did not really like...


"What should I do...?" he asked Rhetorically, as he held onto the broken wheel of the ship and stared out at tranquil ocean.

Edited by TotallyDrow

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Imari stood with folded arms listening to everyone’s words and Ceil’s explanation. She was a bit familiar with berries and stuff, her favorite was Night Shade berries. It was awfully bitter to ear raw but when cooked with water and sugar it made the sweetest of jams.




Bastian nodded in agreement dismissing his fiend and turned towards the city. It was actually a good thing that he landed a good distance away from the city. The boy started walking towards the city and towards the inn they were looking for.

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"Anyway" said Ceil continuing his lecture. "Amaranth is an edible weed. You can eat all parts of the plant, but be on the look out for spines that appear on some of the leaves. While not poisonous, amaranth leaves do contain oxalic acid. It’s recommended that you boil the leaves to remove the oxalic acid. Don’t drink the water after you boil the plant. With that said, you can eat the plant raw if worse comes to worst. Burdock can be found in temperate areas, You can eat the leaves and the peeled stalks of the plant either raw or boiled. The leaves have a bitter taste, so boiling them twice before eating to remove the bitterness. The root of the plant can also be peeled, boiled, and eaten."


"Clovers are also edible. And they’re found just about everywhere there’s an open grassy area. You can spot them by their distinctive trefoil leaflets. You can eat clovers raw, but they taste better boiled. Chicory is a bushy plant with small blue, lavender, and white flowers. You can eat the entire plant. Pluck off the young leaves and eat them raw or boil them. The chicory’s roots will become tasty after boiling. And you can pop the flowers in your mouth for a quick snack."


Ceil hesitated while he cycled through the options in his head. What else could he tell them about?


"Chickweed. Another temperate herb. The leaves are pretty hefty, and you’ll often find small white flowers on the plant. They usually appear between May and July. You can eat the leaves raw or boiled. Dandelions. The entire plant is edible, roots, leaves, and flower. Eat the leaves while they’re still young; mature leaves taste bitter. If you do decide to eat the mature leaves, boil them first to remove their bitter taste. Boil the roots before eating as well. You can drink the water you boiled the roots in."




Arthur walked into Wuhi Hyet with Bastain a short distance behind. There were many people bustling around and in the distance the sounds of the zoo could be heard. The zoo was Wuhi Hyet's biggest feature and they were forever getting visitors who would stay for a day or two just to look at the animals, providing plenty of wealth for the local inns and taverns. Arthur and Bastain could easily pass themselves off as just another two tourists.


"Let's find the inn" he said.

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Khaine sat there listening to Ceils explanations of what was and was not edible and how to prepare them in certain cases. AS he sat there, he couldn't help but wonder how in the world he was going to remember all of this information.


With Ceil's explanation seemingly over, he sighed and looked around to see if the others were just as confused or worried as he was.


"Um..." he started, scanning everyone.. "Where is Thor..?" he asked. "he wasn't in his bed when I woke this morning..." a hint of concern in his voice.

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Imari listened closely to Ceil’s words, thou she knew all of it she pretended to pay attention. Getting tired of standing and listening the girl looked at the ground and chose a nice spot to sit. Hearing something about Dandelions the girl slightly pulled her face, she hated the taste of those roots. It always gives her goose bumps every time she smelled it.


“He had a little incident, like you yesterday.” she spoke resting her head in her hand. “Guess he didn’t want to come back.”

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"You mean...?" he said, looking over at Ceil. Khaine gulped remember the embarrassment that came with his punishment... let alone have to endure it twice. Being laughed at by the towns folk while soaked in your sleeping clothes was definetly not a fun thing to do.


"Maybe he got lost..?" he suggested.

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"It's a straight walk from the fountain to here" said Ceil snidely. "If the boy can't walk down a single road without getting lost then he has no business being out in the wild."


He shook his head and continued with the lesson.


"As some of you may have noticed, I mentioned boiling several times. Do any of you know how to boil water without a pan?"

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Khaines ear's perked up. He knew the answer to this question, having seen the miners do it deep within the caves before. "You use heated up rocks to boil the water.." he stated, looking at Ceil.


Khaine walked over to a pile of dirt and began to dig a small hole. "If you cover the hole with some sort of material that doesn't absorb water, you can fill it up with the water. Whilst that is being done, you can also heat up the rocks... before placing the hot rocks into the water... I've seen some of the miners back at Zurt do this..."

Edited by TotallyDrow

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"Right" said Ceil nodding. He was glad that Khaine wasn't as thick as he looked. "But what material would you use? Remember you are far away from any towns or cities."

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Khaine thought for awhile, as he pondered what he could use from the wild to prevent the water from seeping into the earth. An idea hit him, as he recalled how the kukuti leave could be used to prevent smoke being seen, maybe some type of plant leaf could also be used when boiling water as well, but having lived in a rather mountainous mining town, he was not familiar with plant names.


"Um...A type of plant leaf?" suggested Khaine, after all they shouldn't be able to burn under water and they weren't porous meaning they could hold the water in.

Edited by TotallyDrow

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"Any particular kind spring to mind?" prompted Ceil.


The boy came from Zurt Lyordeur didn't he? Someone must have taught him how to survive if a mine collasped and he had to await rescue. Even down in the dark tunnerls of Zurt vegetation could be found.

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"Um..." muttered Khaine as he tried to think back to his experiences within the Mines of Zurt. The miners had normally used a tarp to keep the water in rather then plants leaves. Unable to recall any memory of a plant leaf being used in the caves, he was about to shake his head, when he remembered that a certain plant managed to grow in the darkness of the caves, their leaves giving off a faint purplish glow.


Khaine sat there for awhile trying to remember what that plant was called, he knew he had heard the name before... a few seconds passed before he looked at Ceil. "uh... the Tenebrous Liverwort?" he suggested, unsure if he had gotten the name right.

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“Also don’t forget about the hot springs down there. That’s what helps those plants grow.” Imari spoke fiddling with a piece of grass not making eye contact. “But that is only when you go down deep into some of the caves. Well that’s what I have heard.”


The girl stopped fiddling with the piece of grass and looked at Khaine waiting for conformation about what she said then turned her gaze to Ceil to also see what he has to say.

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"Yeah... but the monsters that dwell in the cave tend to reside nearer to the to water sources... it would be dangerous to go there... especially when your alone." replied Khaine. Countless miners have fallen victim to the monsters of the mines. The more serious cases normally occurring closer to where underground rivers and natural spa's were located.

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Both Sera and Angelina remained quiet.


Angelina was standing near the others, listening to her fellow student as they spoke. Whether she knew the answer or not was unclear. If she did, which was likely, she did was not speaking up.


Sera on the other hand was not as versed in these things. The girl had lived on a farm most of her life. She had worked in the fields and her at father's forge. As the others talked, Sera still sat in front of the small fire she had created. She was taking dry leaves, setting them on fire, then watching as the burning embers consumed them. As the tiny flames got closer to her hand, she set it down and glanced up at Ceil. It was clear she was listening, even though her eyes were focused on the flickering flames.

Edited by evangeline5432

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When Khaine finally spat out the plant in question Ceil nodded.


"Good. Although you can use braxwern leaves too, in case you're not stranded at the bottom of a mine."


He strode a short distance away to a pile of dark green, almost rubbery leaves near a tree, grabbed an armful of them and returned to his students. He handed them several leaves each before going back to the trees and picking up a bucket of water.


"Okay. Now I want you all to try boiling some water" he said putting the bucket down near the group.




Finding the inn without the aid of their Fiends was a lot harder than it might sound. Like all Summoners Arthur had become used to relying on his Fiend's senses to navigate around densely populated areas and being cut off from them was less pleasant than having an eye gouged out. Because of the popularity of the Wuhi Hyet zoo there were many small inns and taverns so finding the one they needed without raising suspicion was a difficult task.


After about three quarters of an hour of wandering about Arthur spotted what he hoped was the right place.


"There" he said softly nodding towards it. "Is that it?"

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Diana listened to the conversation somewhat lazily, glancing about herself. So it would involve hot water. Great. Well, at least it was water of a kind, even if hot. She looked down at the leaves and bucket with a slightly wrinkled left nostril. Back to building her fire, then. Sighing, she dragged her feet back to the hole in the ground, sat down with her leaves to one side, and proceeded to try to build her fire again.

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Picking up a couple of rocks, Khaine went over to his still lit fire and placed them on top of the latice.


"Four should be enough..." he thought to himself before moving over to the side to dig up another hole for the water.


Done with the hole, he began to line the edges and bottom of it with the leaves he had received from Ceil. Since he was using multiple leaves as opposed to a tarp, he was taking great care to cover any small gaps between the leaves so the water wouldn't get through.

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((Sorry, what are Angelina and Sera supposed to be doing? <<))

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((Basically after making the fire, and Khaine answering Ceil's question about how to boil water without a pot, he is making them do it themselves. So basically the task is to boil water using heated rocks from the fire created earlier. :3))

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((Oopsy sorry xd.png))


Bastian narrowed his eyes as he focused on the place Arthur pointed out. From what he remembered in the description in the files this seemed to be the right one.

“Yeah that seemed to be the right place.” He spoke.


They boy slowly made his way between the people, it was a bit troublesome since he kept bumping in to someone but he finally made his way to the inns door.




Imari looked at the leaves Ceil brought, she took a couple of them feeling the rubbery texture. She had never used something like this before but she had a good idea what to do. Returning to her barely alive fire the girl placed the rubbery leaves on the ground before attending to her fire once again.


Continuing to feed the fire it soon reached at a decent heat, Imari went to gather some rocks and tossed it in the middle. As she waited for them to heat up she turned around and dug another hole.

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Arthur followed after Bastain and entered the inn a few steps behind. It was gloomy inside and apart from a lone attendent behind a desk the room's only other occupant was a boy of about twelve sweeping the floor. Or at least moving the dirt around into new places. It didn't seem like an establishment a military grade summoner would ever consider.


When Arthur moved further inside he attendant, a woman in her mid-forties, looked up at them. She was thin and wore her hair in a lank plait. Arthur approached her.


"Two rooms for one night."


The woman glanced over at Bastain before reaching under the desk and then throwing a couple of keys onto the desk. Arthur grabbed them and threw one to Bastain.

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With the hole sufficiently covered with the leaves, and the rocks cooking away over the fire, all the preperations were now complete. Satifsfied that no gaps were between the leaves, Khaine walked over to the bucket.


Picking it up, he began filling his hole with the cold water, careful to leave enough for the others. As he did so, he looked over at the others and smiled, he seemed to be doing the best out of everyone with this task... a minor accomplishment for Khaine.

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((Right, if I am holding up the RP like that, I dun mind you taking control of my charries. As long as you don't kill or seriously maim them. tongue.gif))


Angelina and Sera took some of the leave and moved back to their fires once they had gotten a couple nice sized stones.


Sera place a couple thick boards over her fire then she place a couple rocks she had chosen. Angelina followed the example though her method varied slightly. While they waited, both girl started digging out small holes then they started layering the leaves against the dirt.


Sera walked toward the bucket of water and a few minutes after Angelina followed. They both got some then walked back over.


"Eh, Ceil, how does one get hot rocks out of the fire??" Sera asked, eyeing her fire.

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