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The Power Inside

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Kaz held his father up, as the man's breathing slowed down. "Settling for lies..." he managed to say "...is far better then having to endure my heart being ripped out of my chest again..." Kaz's father walked over to a stool and sat down upon it, Kaz standing behind him, an expression of concern etched on his face about his father's well being.


"...you think that you can defy Jyeh?... that man commands an army.... if he wants you silent, he can do so with a simple command... don't talk as if you have the ability to stand equal with that accursed man..."


Kaz couldn't help but feel like his father was directing this speech to him as well...


"what proof do you have that you can be trusted... that you can really unravel the truth...and that when confronted with a dead end you will overcome it... don't think for a second that coming here is proof enough that you can be trusted... you are but children, having not reached adulthood going against an army... only fools think they can prevail with those odds..."

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"I have presented you with the option" said Arthur. "But if you are determined not to act than I can not force you. I shall waste no more of our time. We will continue alone. I will only ask that you do not repeat the reason for our visit to anyone."


He turned and looked at Bastain.


"Let us go. We have work to do. Hima."


Hima was at his Summoner's side in an instant. Together with Arthur they began to stride towards the door.

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Kaz clenched his fist, his father's words falling on deaf ear's as he prepared himself to do something he had sworn he would not do. "Wait!" shouted Kaz, causing his father to turn around.


"Can you really find the truth about Drystan... are you really willing to go as far as to defy Jyeh..." he questioned the two military men, stepping forward so that he was standing beside his father.


"Kaz... what are you doing?" grumbled his father. "...things like this.. should be left in the past.. we made peace.. did we not..?" His father had one hand around Kaz's wrist.


"You made your peace..." muttered kaz. "but I... I must know... I must find out why he suddenly disappeared..."


"But Kaz... the military wanted it kept a secret... don't you think it foolish to go against an army..? Can you not see that it is an impossible task..."


"I.. I must know.."

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Bastian nodded, turned around to follow Arthur out when he stopped listening to Kaz’s call. They finally got through their thick skulls that they only want to find out the truth which pleased Bastian. They could use the help in this search even thou its findings might be something bad.


“It’s a pity you don’t even trust your own folk on this island. If I were you I would have taken this opportunity with open arms to find out what had happen.”


Bastian looked out the door noticing his own father was marching his way towards the house, he would surely interfere in this conversation.


“We better finish this soon before more words get thrown around.” Bastian spoke as he pointed to the heavy man walking towards the house.

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"I don't care if you had been a relative of mine... the fact that you associate yourselves with the same military that have hidden the truth from me and my father means you can't be trusted...what is it called?" Kaz paused momentarily, "... guilty by association. I only join you now for the sake of finding out the truth about Drystan... not because you and I happened to be born here and not because I trust the two of you.


Kaz walked up to Bastian and stared at him face to face. "Now tell me why the sudden interest in my brother... what is the real reason the two of you decided to investigate his disappearance. One can only assume that by coming here and asking for my aid, means this in an unsanctioned investigation, otherwise why bother coming here... you could have just as easily stayed on the mainland and investigated his disappearance using the resources of the military...there is a bigger picture... something the two of you have yet to reveal..."

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“You’re nothing but an idiot you know, even more stubborn than an old mule. Just because we are in the military doesn’t mean we are like the rest of them.” Bastian spoke to Kaz. He was already on the edge for the fact that they thought these things of them, Bastian was nothing like the other men of the military. They boy had a good heart even thou he sometimes attacks first and asks later, all of the island people know this.


“Don’t think just because we are looking in about your brother and asking you to join us makes you any kind of special. People have gone missing all over for no reason the fact that we started with you was just by coincidence.” Bastian spoke in a low voice that only Kaz and Arthur could hear.


“Oi, you lads better not start a fight. You’ll scare the young ones.” Bastian’s father spoke as he reached the house. “Take it somewhere else.” The man placed his heavy hands on both Bastian’s and Kaz’s shoulders giving them a little squeeze.

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Kaz manouvered his shoulder so that it was freed from the man's grip. As he did so, he kept his stare focused on Bastian. "Coincidence?!" he growled. "... did you not regard my brother as family earlier?!, Did you not claim that to be the reason you decided to stick your nose into his past... now you insult me and my father by calling it sheer coincidence?! Implying that if Vundiha herself willed, the name of another fallen victim would have just as easily landed on your desk for you to investigate. Yet by cruel twist of fate, it is my brother you are 'coincidentally" investigating..."


Kaz looked down at his right hand, already clenched into a fist and ready to strike on command. "You barge into my father's house... you offer us glimmer of hope into Drystan's disappearance... yet all you've managed to do is succeed in adding insult to injury..."

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Arthur, with Hima beside him, was standing in the doorway. With the arrival of Bastain's father things had become slightly more complicated. The man may well be trustworthy, but he only had Bastain's word for that. It would be a good word, coming from Bastain, but just a word all the same.


"You are the not the only one who grieves for lost loved ones" said Arthur quietly. "And not the only one who has lost them in circumstances controlled by the military. My own father was executed for treason, on charges that to this day or any other I will not believe. He was hung, drawn and quarted in the main square of Tehgrimm Suda and his body left to rot."


Arthur rarely spoke about his parents. While he always wore the same expressionless face, someone who knew him very well, like Bastain, would be able to pick the slight change in his tone. It sounded almost sad.


"I was drafted into the military by my uncle. I had no say in the matter. You would hate me and countless others like me for things beyond our control. That is called predjudice. You also claim to hate and distrust anyone associated with the military. That includes pretty much everyone in Wyhdori. A whole world of hate. How terrible it is to be you."


"As for why we are investigating your brother, it is because we had to start somewhere. Why not with your brother? He was loved was he not?"


Arthur left the house and walked down the road. Either Kaz would help them or he would not. It was up to him.

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((Posting for Eva, with appropriate permissions.))


The two remaining girls each moved to fire pit. Sera knelt in front of a pile and moved a few dried leaves and small twigs in a small indented area(probably where someone's fiend had made its impression on the school). She tooked the stone in her hand and examined it, then she picked up another, and following Imari's example she started to strike them together until she had a few sparks fall onto the dead brush. Carefully, she started feeding the flame. She looked up at Ceil imploringly when it reached a less fragile state as it started to consume the larger sticks she put in. Meanwhile, Angelina seemed a bit more graceful about their movements. The young woman knew how to start a fire, it was no secret but she was no master at it. It was a couple minute before she had her fire going and when she did, the healer leaned back slightly and looked to their teacher.

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"Finally!"shouted Khaine, raising his arms up into the sky. The pile of leaves in front of him had finally decided to burn, their smoke beginning to rise skywards as the fire ate away at the leaves.


Not waiting any longer, Khaine placed the rocks on the ground and scrambled around looking for the materials required in making the Lattice.




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Diana looked across to see that most of the class had gotten their fires burning well. Imari wasn't doing anything, but she had already made one. Looking back to her stones, she clashed them together again. Sparks flew, but none hit the leaves. Instead they decided to land on her skin, giving her tiny little shocks of heat. Letting out another sound of frustration, she tried again. This time, a small flame caught alight, and she hurriedly put other leaves in it. Too late. It had fizzled out. She sat back on her knees with a huff. Fire didn't like her.


((*Prepares self for Ceil's annoyance* xd.png))

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((Drow let me know if I should edit if you don't like it))


Bastian’s father glared at Kaz and then returned his gaze to his son, there have always been the issue of hot hotheadedness on the island, this type of arguing was nothing new. With a swift movement Bastian’s father grabbed the two boys by their shirt and tossed them out of the house causing them to fall over each other.


“What the hell did you do that for?” Bastian spoke with a raised voice sitting on the ground.


“You and your little friend where being annoying.” His father spoke shrugging at his actions. “Go and do your job and you.” He pointed to Kaz. “Don’t look a gifted horse in the mouth, offers like this don’t come around every day.”


Bastian dusted himself off and walked to Areo mumbling to himself about what happened. His father on the other hand turned to Arthur and looked at the boy.


“You take care of them, you seem anyway the more sensible one between them.” Bastian’s father spoke before he started walking back to the harbor.

Edited by DragonSpirit009

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Kaz used his right hand to wipe the dirt off a his face as he glared at Bastian's father. Picking himself up, he walked over to where Xaphan was, not saying a word to any of the men crowded around his house.


Without warning, Xaphan took to the skies, a running start and his foreleg almost hitting Bastian across the head as he rose to the skies. The two of them heading towards a secluded part of the island, an abandoned shipwreck, a place where his brother would take him when he was still a child. A place where he could gather his thoughts with a clear mind.


By foot, this place was near impossible to get to, thanks to the thick woods which separated it from the village.

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“You know you could put a little bit more leaves on before you use the fire stone. The drier ones would work better.” Imari spoke standing with folded arms looking at Diana. “Plus with that added frustration next time you might set yourself on fire instead of the leaves.”


Imari knew she had no business mixing in with Ceil’s teachings but Diana seemed to be really bad a making a fire and it killed Imari because she found it an easy thing to do.




Bastian glared as Kaz and Xaphan took to the sky, the boy annoyed him and the fact that his father interfered cause anger to boil inside him.

“Just great, now I have another Imari on my case.” He spoke to himself while Areo gave of puffs of smoke.


As he walked towards his fiend he put on a friendly face and told the children it was time to go and that they should get of the dragon. Little sad faces walked back towards their homes sad that they couldn’t play anymore. Bastian climbed on Areo and waited for Arthur and instructions.

Edited by DragonSpirit009

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Arthur watched Kaz and his Fiend go flying off in a sulk. It appeared that he had decided against their offer.


He re-called Hima into his crystal and strided over towards Areo, where Bastain was waiting for him. He climbed up the dragon Fiend's back and settled down for the ride.


"Let's get going. I want to take a look at that inn in Wuhi Hyet before nightfall".

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Xaphan landed upon the shipwreck, his claws leaving imprints on the deck. A discarded wooden sword lay to one side of the ship, its edge snapped clean. A remnant of the days he and his brother would spar against one another with wooden swords, Kaz often out played and easily beaten by his brother's natural skill in the art of the blade.


Slowly, Kaz slid off the side of Xaphan and walked over to where the sword rested, picking it up by its splintered hilt and examining it. He remembered the day this sword broke like it had only happened just yesterday. It was on the morning Drystan was to be sent to the military and the first of many days were the two brothers would be separated by a vast expanse of water. Kaz often argued with his brother, pleading with him to not go to the military and risk death, largely due to the fact that without his brother, Kaz would have had no one to hang out with on the island, with the exception of his aging father.


It may come as a surprise, but Kaz wasn't exactly Mr.Popular when he was a child, often getting into fights over petty things with the other children and due to this being secluded from most of their games. With Drystan's departure, he'd have nothing to do except help his father.

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Bastian nodded and gave Areo the order to take to the skies, leaving his home. As much aggression and stubbornness there was amongst family and each other he still loved the island. Bastian was happy that he had a large fiend that could fly, it only meant they were able to reach their destination a bit faster than smaller flying fiends.


The flight wasn’t that long and went smoothly most of the way, the winds were terrible over the mountain areas but it wasn’t anything they couldn’t handle. The red dragon fiend landed just outside of the city of Wuhi Hyet letting Bastian slid off and stretch his legs.

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Arthur sat in silence the entire journey, as he was deep in thought.


"Perhaps it would serve us well not to advertise who we are" he said softly. "We will pose as travellers seeking only a room for the night. When darkness falls will be the best time to investigate. Most of the inn's clientele will have gone home or returned to their own rooms. We should be able to talk to the innkeeper in privacy then. In the meantime we can look around and see if anything strange stands out."


He looked up at Areo.


"It might be best to hide that we are Summoners as well. Our Fiends are rather unique and therefore easily identifiable."




((Oh sorry Eva. Didn't see it *.@))


Ceil looked around. It seemed everyone apart from Diana had managed to build an acceptable fire. He approached the sullen looking girl and glared down at the mess she had made. After a few minutes he shifted the glare to Diana herself and then turned away sneering.


"Okay, next lesson food. Who knows what kind of berries are safe to eat?"

Edited by Fortune86

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((Posting for Eva, with appropriate permissions.))


The two remaining girls each moved to fire pit. Sera knelt in front of a pile and moved a few dried leaves and small twigs in a small indented area(probably where someone's fiend had made its impression on the school). She tooked the stone in her hand and examined it, then she picked up another, and following Imari's example she started to strike them together until she had a few sparks fall onto the dead brush. Carefully, she started feeding the flame. She looked up at Ceil imploringly when it reached a less fragile state as it started to consume the larger sticks she put in.


Meanwhile, Angelina seemed a bit more graceful about their movements. The young woman knew how to start a fire, it was no secret but she was no master at it. It was a couple minute before she had her fire going and when she did, the healer leaned back slightly and looked to their teacher.


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Khaine sat there, satisfied that his fire had passed the test. His satisfaction boosted by the fact that he had managed to 'win' against Diana. He placed the remaining materials to one side.


As Ceil asked the question, he paused trying to think of which berries would be safe to eat. He had often seen a purplish berry being sold at stalls back in Zurt, however the name of those berries eluded him.


"The dark purplish ones?"

Edited by TotallyDrow

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"Okay," Diana mumbled, trying again. Sparks flew, a couple caught, but none stayed. Fire could disappear from the world for all she cared. Feeling something staring at her, she looked up and around to see Ceil sneering at her. She glared right back at him, not put out at all by his expressions. When he mentioned food, she perked up a bit, crossing her legs on the ground. "Strawberries are good if you can find them. They're sometimes a bit difficult to find though..."

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Sera stood back from her fire and glanced over at Diana. The other girl had seemed to have trouble with her fire. Sera frowned as the sparks refused to catch for Diana. At Ceil question, she glanced back at their teacher.

"Blackberries. At least in my county((?)). Our families work dog likes to scavenge for them. He can find them from a mile away." Sera said.

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"I believe you are talking about pokeberries" said Ceil to Kaz. "They are used to make ink. They are toxic to humans. Diana, strawberries are very nice to eat and contain a lot of nutrients, but are hard to find in the wild. Don't base your diet around them."


Sera came up with a sensible answer, to which Ceil nodded to.


"Blackberries and raspberries can be found in a lot of places with mild weather. They also tend to grow in large amounts. You can find dewberries near rivers or lakes and gooseberries in the woods. Khemm Bceurm has many bushes where you can find blackcurrents and redcurrents. You can eat these straight off the bush if you check for insect activity first. You don't want to end up with a mouthful of larva."


"As well as berries there are some larger fruits you can try and look for. In the forrests outside of Niefir and Zedih Myrk there are some apple trees. You can find wild plums near Tehgrimm Suda."

Edited by Fortune86

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"Blackberries... raspberries...why didn't I think of that..." thought Khaine, as Ceil continued his explanation


"Wouldn't some monsters be found near these fruit tree's and berry bushes though?" asked Khaine. "After all, they too have to eat...are there any means of identifyting whether or not a monster has recently been near one of the tree's/bushes?" he asked.



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"Most monsters prefer meat" said Ceil rolling his eyes. "Which is why they hunt humans and why there are few species of wild animals. The only ones that really eat vegetation are either so big you can seem them a mile off or so small you can knock them aside with a stick. That said you may as well assume there are monsters everywhere, so don't make camp or start gathering food until you have checked and secured the area."

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