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The Power Inside

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Kaz managed to make his way over to a stool and sat down. "I'm afraid I haven't brought anything back with me this time..." he stated. A chorus of "aww's" escaped the children's mouths as they expressed their disappointment. "I wasn't really planning on coming back... it was sort of a spontaneous thing.." he replied trying to reason with the kids.


"Spontaneous eh?" interrupted his father. "What made you decide to come back all of a sudden without sending a letter before hand?"

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"Food is easier" said Ceil. "You can find something edible pretty much everwhere. You can fish, hunt birds, forage for berries, nuts or fungi. The trick is to know which are safe to eat, before and after cooking. But we will cover that later. Right now I want to see all of you build your own fires. I want to make sure you have the basics down. There are enough materials for everyone."

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Khaine walked over to the pile of materials on the floor, he immidietaly went for the flat stone, picking up a rather big piece. He carried it over to an open area and stabbed the ground with it as he began to dig himself a small indent in the ground for where the fire was gonna be created.




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Diana simply watched the fire building, listening to what Ceil and some of the others had to say. When he told them he had to build their own fire, she pulled a face. She didn't like fire. It was an opposite to her Fiend's own element, water. But she sighed and trudged over to the materials, picking up what she needed. Then the girl wandered over to a spot which she thought might be suitable. Crouching down, she dug a small hole and threw in a couple of twigs and stones, along with a sizable amount of leaves. Then she took her two main stones, frowning at them. Alrighty, then. Time to get this show on the road. She struck them against eachother - once, twice, three times. Nothing happened. She tried again. Again. At least ten times more she tried after that, face becoming more and more frustrated with each effort. "This doesn't work!" she exclaimed, shaking her head and holding up the stones.

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Ceil watched as the class gathered materials and seperated to try and build a fire. Khaine was digging away, but it didn't look like he was going to make the hole big enough. It needed to be deeper than the flames would rise, otherwise the Kukufi leaves would burn.


Diana crying out caught his attention. He looked in her direction and rolled his eyes. He hoped for her sake she wasn't planning on taking up freelancing after she left the school.


He wandered over to her and crouched down.


"You've only been at it five minutes. Not everything is going to fall straight into your lap you know. Sometimes you have to work for it."


Ceil looked at the stones Diana had been using. Judging by the scrape marks she had been holding them wrong.


"Try a different angle."

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Khaine continued digging away, using his strength to pull the dirt out of the hole, however every time he did so, a bit of the soil would tumble back down into the pit making it harder for him to make any progress. He raised his right hand to wipe the sweat that was beginning to form on his forehead before redoubling his efforts.

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Diana huffed. She shifted the stones in her hands, scraping them again. Nothing. And again. This time, a tiny orange spark came out from the friction! However, she dropped them in fright, unused to such things. It had almost touched her skin. Most people knew a spark could do nothing, Diana included, but her parents had always lit the fire. Anyway, this as a spark near her hands. "Thanks," she said, picking up the stones again and trying a couple more times, until a spark caught a leafZ it began to crumple and shrivel, fire growing and catching onto more leaves. "I did it..." She watched the orange element warily, putting the leaves over the fire like Ceil had done. Nope. Still sisn't like it.0

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Khaine glanced over at Diana as he saw a spark form from her clashing the rocks together. Watching her make quicker progress then he had, had once again invigorated that competitive nature. She had won the race yesterday, she was not gonna win this today.


With renewed Vigour, Khaine quickly managed to dig a whole similar in size and diameter to the one Ceil had made. Quickly placing the flat rock to one side he filled the hole with some dried out leaves, placing them into a pile in the center. Once satisfied with how the pile looked, he grabbed the two smaller rocks and began hitting them against one another

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As Arthur stood beside Bastain and waited for Kaz to become available Hima was circling the building and sniffing around. At the back he found a waste barrel, something that people would put uneatable food and suchlike in to be sent to the pigs. There wasn't anything that a pig wouldn't devour.


As he was inspecting it a bluetit landed on the edge of the barrel, planning on stealing food for its chicks. Hima watched it for a while, and then snapped at it, spraying feathers everywhere.

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Kaz managed to make his way over to a stool and sat down. "I'm afraid I haven't brought anything back with me this time..." he stated. A chorus of "aww's" escaped the children's mouths as they expressed their disappointment. "I wasn't really planning on coming back... it was sort of a spontaneous thing.." he replied trying to reason with the kids.


"Spontaneous eh?" interrupted his father. "What made you decide to come back all of a sudden without sending a letter before hand?"

"N..nothing... just thought I'd take a break from all that awesome stuff I do..." he smiled, exaggerating what he did for the sake of keeping the children interested.


"N..nothing eh?" replied his father, raising an eyebrow. However he didn't question further, if Kaz wanted to tell him he would do so in his own time. "Why don't you go say hi to some of the neighbors while i get lunch prepared.." grunted his father. At the mention of this, some of the kids grabbed onto Kaz's arms and began trying to pull him up.


Obliging Kaz stood up and let himself be dragged out of the gate, where he suddenly froze. Across the path, under the shade of an old tree stood Bastian and Arthur. A sense of anger began to well up inside of Kaz as he glared at them. Feeling his summoners emotions, Xaphan immiedietally stood up and pushed passed Kaz's father before standing behind Kaz.


"Come on Kaz... lets go..." whined one of the kids, tugging at Kaz's arm however Kaz didn't budge. "Run along now... I'll catch up in a bit" muttered Kaz, not removing his gaze from the two military personnel. "But Kaz...""the kid's whined.."Go." The kids began to walk off as they realized they wouldn't be able to force Kaz to follow them.


"What the hell are they doing here.." spoke Kaz to Xaphan through their link.


"We can't force a fight here... Kaz... not when there are children about.." reminded Xaphan. "Maybe we can lead them away from the village?" he suggested.


"...and fight over the ocean?.." replied Kaz, causing Xaphan to go silent.

Edited by TotallyDrow

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Imari stood and watched as the others make a fire, she wasn’t sure if she had to do the task again but she continued to watch. She didn’t interfere with Ceil’s lesson by helping cause she wasn’t sure how he would feel about it.




Bastian watched as Kaz finally noticed them, some of the young children ran past the two boys. When one of the children noticed Bastian they quickly headed to the harbor where Areo was helping.


“I guess he spotted us.” He spoke to his friend.

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((@Vang, Diana and khaine have pretty much started and began to make progress with building the fire. Kaz has flown back to Usi to visit his father and to take some rest after recent events with Bastian and Arthur, however they followed him and he has only just noticed them))

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As the children who had been surrounding Kaz wandered off Arthur strided forward. He approached Kaz but stopped when he was about five feet away.


"My college and I are conducting an investigation into your brother's fate" he said quietly, so only Kaz could hear. "We want to know if you would consider joining us. Not only would your aid prove useful to us, but you would hopefully learn the truth behind Drystan's disappearance."




Ceil moved back to a spot where he could see all of his students at once, He'd give them a few more minutes and then inspect their work.

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"My brother?!" he exclaimed, completely taken off guard by the mention of him. "How do you know about Drystan?!" he questioned, his hand clenched tightly into a fist. His brother was a touchy subject, often bringing out strong emotions in Kaz.


His father over heard the mention of Drystan's name as Kaz spoke and stopped what he was doing. He hobbled over to where Kaz and Xaphan stood, inspecting the two men. With his poorer eyesight, he could not make out the face of the man stood under the shade of the tree, but he could clearly see the guy closest to Kaz. "I assume your the military?" he questioned. "Why are the two of you bringing up the subject of Drystan now?!" he said, anger also beginning to well up in his voice. "We waited months for a reply about Drystan's disappearence yet recieved no word. Yet now, several years later you dare speak his name on this island?!", his father was now shouting, and if he wasn't being held back by Kaz, he would have hit Arthur.


"Father... let us not make a scene here... the neighbors are beginning to watch and so are the kids.." he said, pointing at the group of children who had earlier been trying to pull kaz with them. As much as Kaz wanted to help his father, he did not want to involve the village, nor terrify the children.




After several clashing of the rock's held in Khaine's hand, sparks began to rain down on the dried leaves, beginning to singe their edges as they threatened to break out in flame. This only motivated Khaine more, who began to redouble his efforts. Smashing the two rocks together at an angle trying to breath life into those singed edges.

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Bastian stepped closer revealing himself to Kaz’s father, he should remember him since he has only been gone for a year in a bit now.


“Because it was only about a day ago that we heard about it and you know as well as I do that those from the island consider each other as family.” He spoke looking at the old man before turning his gaze back to Kaz.


“Thus, why I convinced my friend here.” Bastian pointed to Arthur. “That we should look in to it. Something about his disappearance didn’t seem right. That is why we are here.”

Edited by DragonSpirit009

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As Bastian edged closer, Kaz's father shifted his gaze to the man. His father instantly recognized the man to be one of the villagers, yet he made no comment as Bastian began to speak.


"Look into it now?... Years after I held that funeral for him in my back garden?" grumbled his father. "You should know better then to bring up the past..." muttered Kaz's father. "I made my peace with his death long ago.." he said, before turning around and heading back to the garden. At the far end, a gravestone stood, Drystan's name engraved on it. Drystan's belonging's had been buried there. "Now if the two of you don't mind, I'd like you to leave" his father stated before disappearing behind the house.


Kaz meanwhile stood there, unlike his father he had not made peace with the disappearance of Drystan. "If that were the really the reason for your interest in my brother, you would have looked into his disappearance sooner..." he said, Glaring at Bastian. "There must be something your not telling me... some reason as to why you decided to suddenly care about my brother..." muttered Kaz. "Do not give me this nonsense about hearing about it.Drystan's disappearance happened several years ago... I doubt anyone in the military apart from those born in Usi even remembers him..."


Kaz turned to look at Arthur, "You asked if I would join you... Did I not make it clear to you, that I do not trust your kind... why should I help those in the military.. the same military that forced me and my father to beg like animals, asking for a morsel of information about my brother, only to be ignored time and time again..." Kaz had his right hand to his side now, clenching his whip in case things were to turn sour. "The truth about Drystan..." he laughed..." I'd have more luck finding that on my own, then to help men working for the same people that kept the circumstances of his disappearance a secret..."

Edited by TotallyDrow

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"Whether you like it or not what we have told you is the truth" said Arthur calmly. "As you should know, Bastain only graduated from the Summoner School recently, alongside myself. We could only gather information of Drystan after we joined the military and only this morning retrieved suitable data to warrant further investigation. Thinking you would want to know, or perhaps even help, we came straight to you."


He looked around at the gathering neighbours. He was speaking quitely, so that only Bastain and Kaz could hear, but he still did not like talking in full view about this. If people started to talk....


"Let's go inside your house and speak in private" he said.


Without waiting to give Kaz a chance to reply Arthur marched ahead and entered Kaz's house after his father.

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Diana had been watching her fire nervously, throwing in leaves when necessary. But then, it was smothered by too big a leaf. She let out a yell of frustration, smashing the glossy leaves aside. Now she would have to start all over again! Picking up the rocks again with barely restrained anger and frustration, she began to bang them together again. Fire was stupid. It was hot, and it burned, and the smoke choked you, and it generally didn't do anyone good in her opinion. Well, other than cooking and light and warmth... Anyway!

Edited by Chicogal

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Bastian wanted to open his mouth to speak but didn’t do so, he in turn waited for Arthur to talk and followed him inside the house. They boy also mentally called his fiend telling him to watch over the situation.


Areo caused gusts of wind as he landed close by the open patch of earth near Kaz’s house. Some of the children gathered around the dragon fiend climbing over his tail but Areo’s eyes only stayed on the fire fiend in front of him.

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Kaz's father turned around as he heard boots walk across his wooden floor, he expected it to be Kaz, but was greeted by Arthur instead soon followed by Bastian. "I thought I told you to leave.." he spoke in a serious tone.


kaz clenched his whip, ready to assault the two, but stopped as he saw the kids scramble closer and climb atop Areo's tail. Neighbors had also gathered round, and attacking a military personnel in front of them would not have been the best of idea's.


kaz stepped into the house standing at the door frame. "I believe he told you to leave.." grunted Kaz.


Meanwhile, Xaphan stood outside, starring back at Areo. The larger fiend easily had the advantage in strength, yet being the smaller of the two Xaphan should naturally have the more maneuverability.

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Without saying a word Arthur pointed across the room. Hima had crept in through a back window and was right behind Kaz's father, poised to leap. Kaz was too far away to help him should Hima strike. By the time he could get close enough, it would be too late.


"Stop being idiots" said Arthur lowering his arm. "We have not come here to fight. If you had any love and respect for your brother you would want the truth to be known. You hate the military, we are offering you the chance to hurt them."

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Kaz stepped forward his whip now untangled, its tip resting on the ground. He was ready to strike, as he saw Hima enter the room, shocking his father in the process, causing him to grab the kitchen cleaver which he was going to use to cut the strip of meat he had taken.


Kaz's father edged his way around so that he could see everyone without having to turn his head. "Of course we want to know the truth... we've wanted to know for ages. We even went to the mainland to inquire about him but were turned away. We were forced to make peace with the fact that that blasted Jyeh and his cronies were never going to reveal what happened..." spoke his father, gripping the cleaver tightly.


"You want us to trust you... yet you barge into our house... you threaten my father with your fiend and claim to want to help me hurt the military... How am I suppose to believe anything you say when your actions do not coincide with what you say you want to do..."


"For four and a half years now.. we have had to live with the idea of never finding out what happened... and I... I grew to accept that... I made peace with it.." interrupted his father. "but Now.. now you... you offer 'hope;... and if you fail...if you can't find the truth... My heart... my heart cannot withstand more pain..." his father dropped the cleaver and grasped at his chest, beginning to hyperventilate.


Kaz dropped his whip and pushed his way past Bastian and Arthur, clambering over the table to reach his father.

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"The people you dealt with were not us" said Arthur simply. "As I have already pointed out, Bastain and I only joined the military a short while ago. And the reason I came into this house was because the same people that refused to give you any information four years ago may try to stop our investigation now. If they heard of it because of your neighbours idle chatter we most likely wouldn't get very far. But I apologise for not giving you time to wrap your head around the fact. I deemed it obvious."


Hima hadn't moved. It was Kaz that had moved to strike first, and his father towards Arthur before that. He had not forgotten that.


Arthur turned to face Kaz's father.


"You say you have made peace with Drystan's fate, but your words and actions outside betray you. It still hurts, and as Drystan was your son it perhaps always shall. But the pain should be the right kind of pain. You should not settle for lies."

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Bastian stood in silence and watched Arthur talking, he was a lot better at it than what he was, in fact he was better at doing stuff than talking in all.


Areo lifted his tail now and then and swayed it side to side, giving the children a ride. The dragon fiend only looked behind him making sure that he wouldn’t harm any of the children. His dull gaze turned back to Xaphan waiting on orders from his summoner.

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