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The Power Inside

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"We only ate strawberries. I guess that it would be useful to know some more types though. A fire can attract monsters; using her body heat would be a safer idea before I fall asleep. And I lived on a fishing island. I know how to gut and catch fish." Diana delivered her words with a slight bit of cheek, raising her eyebrows slightly. She glanced behind herself for a moment before returning to Ceil. Where was everyone else? "But there are more things I don't know, yeah."

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Ceil rolled his eyes.


"And how will you stay warm when you fall asleep? And you can build a fire without attracting monsters if you know what you are doing."


He turned and looked at Imari who was still standing a distance away.


"What are you doing over there? I'm not going to shout the lesson. Get your butt over here."

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((Yeah. Water element (the cool headed brother whereas kaz is the hot headed one tongue.gif, His fiend, Name: Skar'this))



"Oh.." replied Khaine, he wasn't aware that Crixius would automatically return to his crystal once he fell asleep. Khaine didn't know how to do any of these survival things, having lived inside a house at Zurt. Prior to gaining Crixius, he had only ever left Zurt to go to the mines, and even then he was never alone. There were always others who would do the neccesarry if required.

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Diana couldn't help but grin slightly to herself. Heh. For some reason she found it funny that she had gotten away with a bit of cheek. Although it probably would come back to bite her later, knowing Ceil. She crossed her arms. "What's first? Are we gonna start without the others?"


((For some reason, I just imagined Ceil writing out reports. That would be hilarious. 'Lazy bugger...' 'Gets herself into too much trouble for my liking...'))

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Imari glared at Ceil when he shouted at her, she wasn’t a child that he could just order around or shout at. Taking a few steps closer she stood behind the other two students with folded arms. Even thou she stood up early everyday of her live she wasn’t a morning person and being yelled at only ticked her off.

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((Hmm.....that could work o3o))


When the two of them were back safely in Bastain's room Arthur took the file back out of his coat and laid it open in the bed.


"Judging by these reports Drystan was a fairly competent fighter. Level headed and a good tactical thinker. Praised by many of his superiors and often requested."


He flicked through several of the mission briefs.


"I can see why Kaz believes something supicious may have occured. Drystan was on leave when he vanished. I doubt he would have been victim of a monster attack in the middle of the city with no witnesses."

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“That is if he was in the city? The island would have known when a hometown summoner would return. Another thing was that he had always gone to the island when on holiday. That I know for sure. It was like a tradition.” Bastian starched his head as he spoke. “So he might have disappeared somewhere between the city and going back to Usi.”


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"We will wait for the others" said Ceil. "They still have a couple of minutes."


((Going to wait for Vang.))




Arthur picked up the report detailing Drystan's last noted movements and re-read it.


"Obviously someone does not know him as well as they thought. It says here Drystan vanished from an inn in Wuhi Hyet. If he goes home on leave, what was he doing there?"


He looked over at Bastain.


"Perhaps we should go and take a look at this inn. We will ask Kaz to join us."

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Bastian tilled his head, there could have been many reasons why he was there. It could have been for something personal or for the military but then it would have been on record, either way it had to be investigated.


“Mmm… Yes but it would take some persuasion, since he doesn’t seem to like us, but I will believe he will turn around if we tell him about our investigation.” Bastian spoke standing up from his chair.


"I take it Hima can sniff him out for us?"

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Kaz stretched out as the daylight continued to get ever brighter with the rising sun. He had made up his mind the night before as he sat in the tree's. It was about time he took a break, go back to Usi and help his father. His life had recently become more troubled in the last few days and it only helped to add to his burdens. As the day progressed he gathered his things, placing them in his knapsack before taking in one last view of where he was.


"Vor" he whispered to himself, an orange glow escaped from his chest and took the form of Xaphan a few meters away from him.


"We're going back to Usi.." he stated, walking over to Xaphan. Normally Xaphan would have questioned Kaz's decisions but was hesitant today, feeling what Kaz felt. Xaphan lowered to the ground, making it easier for Kaz to climb on.


Once they were prepared, Xaphan took to the skies making a U-turn so that they were pointed in the right direction of Usi.

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((Thank you for waiting.))


Both Angelina and Thage had gotten up fairly early that morning. Since they got up roughly the same time and took showers, both opted to eat a quick breakfast. Each summoned their fiend and talked a bit about healing. When they finished, they headed into the room(area?) that Ceil had told them to be in just in time to hear him say that they had a couple minutes late. Angelina and Thage went to stand near the other students, their fiends fading as they were dismissed. Thage seemed to be catching on quickly.


Thage stayed rather quiet while Angelina nodded a good morning to everyone.


It was about a minute later before Sera walked in through a back door. She looked tired but her hair was tied back neatly and she wore a fresh change of clothing. Her hair was still wet from a shower which she'd taken after a jog ealier that morning. Though it was not as bad as the night Gwen died, she had had trouble sleeping last night again. Her mother had been in her dreams lately, she guessed it had been set off by Gwen dying. None thee less, Sera showed no signs of being tired, perhaps that's why any who entered the kitchen would find a fresh pot of coffee still on the counter.

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Arthur nodded.


"Yes. We will return to Niefir and pick up his scent. We will probably have to stay in the air, as no doubt he will have travelled via his Fiend."


Picking up Drystan's file he placed all of the reports back inside and stuffed it into his coat. They had best hold onto it for now.




When the last few students arrived Ceil nodded at a pile of sticks and dried leaves nearby.


"First of all, how many of you know how to build a fire?"

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Imari nodded in greeting as Angelina and Thage came along before she turned her attention back to Ceil who started to talk.


“That depends in which situation you are and so on.” Imari spoke tilting her head a bit. She didn’t quite know why the blurred out those words but maybe it wouldn’t cause Ceil to yell at her again.



Bastian took hold of a few blankets that was hidden under the table. If Hima was going to fly with them then he needed a bit of padding on his back.

“We’ll take these along for just a bit of padding for Areo.”


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"I.. don't..." replied Khaine, "At least not without the use of Flint and oil.." he added. When fire was needed near the mines, it was always the older and far more experienced miners who did the job, mostly due to the risk of igniting flammable gases within the mine.

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Diana shook her head. She'd never made a fire in her life. Well, not with that, anyway. Matches worked fine. She had never truly liked fire, Though; it was too unpredictable for her liking. Not like calm water.

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When Imari spoke up Ceil stepped back and gestured to the pile of materials.


"Let's see what you can do" he told her.



Arthur nodded and followed Bastain outside. Once they were out of the barracks and away from prying eyes he summoned Hima, who instantly pounced on a passing butterfly and ate it.

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I just had to open my big mouth Imari thought to herself as she sighed. She walked over looking at the materials that lay on the ground. To someone who didn’t know it would have looked like a pile of rubbish but to someone who grew up with the need to survive they would know exactly what to do.


On one knee Imari looked at the items, she brushed through the leaves, twigs and stones. Lifting two stones she inspected them closely until she was satisfied and placed them on the side. Then she started to look at the leaves searching for the driest ones.


With all her items collected and her pile of leaves ready Imari grabbed the stones and started hitting them together. Nothing happened at first after a couple of tries but with one more hit a spark appeared. She continued while more and more sparks appeared and finally let the leaves catch fire. Carefully caring for the little flame Imari placed a few twigs on it and soon a decent fire was started.


“Of course you can also try it with rubbing sticks together.” She spoke standing up from her demonstration.



A good distance outside the barracks Bastian summoned Areo, shaking like a dog and stretching. Bastian motioned his fiend closer and covered his back with the blankets. Clearly he didn’t like it but he knew it was for a good reason.


“Well that’s it. Hima can move freely and sniff the air. I believe it will help a bit.”

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Khaine watched from his spot as Imari picked up two stones. At first he was puzzled, unsure of what it was she was planning to do as she continued to look through the pile, this time sorting out leaves.


After a few minutes of watching her smash the rocks together, he realized what it was she was trying to do. A thought entered Khaine's mind, "Imari managed to create fire using rocks and leaves... Crixius is made of rock.... if I get enough leaves and have him clap... that could work..." Khaine was preparing himself to summon Crixius, slowly placing his left hand to the spot where his crystal was.

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"Well done" said Ceil inspecting Imari's handiwork. "Last year some idiot set fire to his own sleeve."


He looked over at the group to see if they had been watching and saw Khaine raise his hand to chest, as though to summon his Fiend.


"You won't be needing Crixius" he said pointing a finger at him in warning. "This is a lesson to see what you can do, not him. No Fiends."



Arthur picked Hima up and pushed him up onto Areo's back before climbing up after him.


"When we get to Niefir's air space we will see if we can pick up Kaz's scent."

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At Ceil's question, Sera's attention immediately snapped to him. The thing about the young fire summoner was that she had loved fire long before she had discovered Pyrhos. She use to help tend to the fire in her father's forge when she was young. She nodded rather eagerly but Imari seemed to beat her to it. Ceil called on the other girl at Sera watched quietly.


Angelina inclined her head ever so slightly and waved her hand in a so-so manner. She had made fires before but she wasn't the most talented at it. Her skill was healing and there had always seemed to be somewhere she had been able to stay. She had never really found need of it.


Thage on the other hand watched quietly. She indicated neither, her eyes flickering from Seal to the other students. She observed as Imari started the fire, wondering if she could do it.

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"B..but" replied Khaine, "Why would we not use our fiends, if they had the ability to help us?. You said earlier that you were teaching us survival techniques for the wild, in what circumstances would we be in the wild without our fiends?..." he asked. "Surely if our fiend could do the task faster it would be more beneficial to us." he stated, before pointing at the rocks imari had used to create the sparks. "My fiend Crixius is made of rock, could he not create sparks by clapping his hands together?" he inquired, before pointing over at Sera, "Sera's fiend.." he paused before looking at her, "Phyros?" he questioned. "...can manipulate fire, could she not just request her fiends aide in starting a campfire and save the energy, time and hastle of creating it by smashing rocks together?"


Khaine didn't know where this surge of energy came from, but he could not stop himself from challenging Ceil's lesson.



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"Because there will be situations in life were you can't summon your fiend, even if you want it by your side with every step. Large fiends like ours can't just fit anywhere you know." Imari spoke as she retuned at the back of the group.


"Also what if your ability to summon your fiend was removed in some way, what then?" Imari was refering to the man they have met when missions was split up and they had to accompany Ceil's mother. "So knowing these things isn't just for non summoners but for everyone who has the will to survive. Just think out of the box for once." She finished her words and folding her arm. It wasn't the first time she gave this speech.

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"What do you mean removed?!" questioned Khaine in a rather worried tone. "Is that even possible?!" he asked, this time looking at Imari, then at Ceil, then back at Imari. Several thoughts ran through his head, imagining life without Crixius. Even though he had only just recently summoned Crixius for the first time, he couldn't imagine life without being able to summon him.

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Diana looked at Imari with a slightly wrinkled nose. "Yeah, but there's such a slim chance of that happening that we may as well use our Fiends for survival. I mean, often they just do things faster than us which we already know how to do ourselves." She shrugged. "Besides, if I wasn't a summoner anymore, I probably wouldn't have much reason to be sleeping in the forest. I mean, duh. I would has to have a job doing something somewhere. Unless I was a post woman sort of thing, but only dumb people take such a dangerous job..."

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"What would you do if you got into a fight and a monster cast silence on you?" asked Ceil. "Or if you were so badly injured you could not summon your Fiend to aid you? Malagwain for example have learned that by ripping out your tongue they can leave you defenceless. You never know when something will happen and you will be left on your own. I'm trying to teach you what you need to know to surive in such situations, but if you think you know better you can leave. If you don't give a damn then I won't waste my time on you."


Ceil gestured to the gate, his eyes blazing.


"You are both young and stupid" he said to Khaine and Diana. "I'm trying to do something about the stupid, but in the end the choice is yours. I've seen too many strong and experienced Summoners fall beause they couldn't take a few hours to learn some basic skills. If you are going to stay then shut up and do as I tell you. If not then get lost."

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