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The Power Inside

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The trio reached Seth and the others in a couple of minutes. Rain slid to stop, putting her head down and panting heavily, flanks heaving with effort. Diana looked slightly grey, which was very unlike her. Sliding off the unicorn, she landed flat on her back on the ground, staring up at the sky and the side of Khaine and her Fiend. She was trying very hard not to be sick.

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They finally reached the others, Khaine gave a sigh of relief thankful that they had managed to make it in time before Ceil decided to ditch them in Khemm. He was just about to speak when he saw Diana slide off Rain, collapsing onto the ground. Khaine slid of the side of rain and kneeled down beside Diana, "You.. ok?" he asked, concerned.

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Rain dissipated into blue mist which passed into Diana's body as Khaine got off her back. Diana nodded slightly, not wanting to stay anything yet she really was sick all over her friend. That would not go down well, and he wouldn't appreciate it one bit. She blearily turned her gaze to Seth before returning to the sky again. If Ceil wanted to leave anytime soon, he would have to change his mind. She was not moving for at least half an hour.



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Thor looked up from stroking sheep as Ceil's rather large Fiend appeared. He yelped at the loud sound, and got off the rails. Walking over to their teacher, he sighed softly. "Time to go then?" he asked, running a ahdn through his blonde hair. Today had been an alright sort of day. Not bad at all, really.

"Not yet" said Ceil. "We need to wait until..."


He was cut off by Diana screaming and raving her way towards them. Ceil rolled his eyes. Wouldn't that girl ever learn?


When the girl slipped off her fiend she looked rather grey. Sucks to be her. They were leaving.


"Okay everyone" said Ceil to his students. "Get up onto Seth. We're going home."

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Diana looked up at Ceil, shaking her head. "No... Be sick..." She still felt nauseous. That sprint had taken quite a toll on her body. Her legs felt like metal and she was still panting like a dog. Thor gave her a look as if he was sorry for her, and made his way onto Seth's back, finding a spine to cling on to. She simply glared at Ceil as he did so.



((Your post made me giggle. xd.png))

Edited by Chicogal

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"Well if you can't climb up or trust yourself to hold on..." said Ceil turning away.


Seth leaned forward and down towards Diana and opened his mouth as he tilted his head sideways. He grabbed Diana around the waist gently but firmly in his jaws and straighted up again, holding Diana sidesway several dozen feet off the ground. She could ride home that way.


Ceil crawled up onto Seth's back himself, ready to go as soon as everyone was on board.

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Diana yelled as she was picked up in enormous jaws, flailing her arms a bit before realising there were some very big teeth around her waist. She stopped movement immediately, whimpering softly. She reached up with a hand and patted Seth gently just above his lips. "Good Seth... Good dragon... There's no need to bite down, I taste really bad. Like wet horse. Just keep your teeth like that, firm, but not enough so you'll crack my spine..." He was an extension of Ceil himself, after all. That didn't mean he wouldn't bite. She was still feeling nauseous. Hopefully there'd be less movement like this. Probably not.

Edited by Chicogal

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Imari stood up once Seth was summoned, she waited for the others to appear still looking at the town. As Diana and Khaine returned the girl made her way and climbed on Seth taking a seat near one of his spikes.

Watching as Diana was being carried in Seth’s jaws only caused Imari to shake her head.


“Really?” she whispered to herself.

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Sera returned Ceil's nod then she quietly waited at their departure. As soon as Seth appeared, Sera walked over and climbed up onto the dark fiend's back. She raised an eyebrow at Diana's when the girl arrived. What had she been up to...?

The young fire summoner glanced over to Ceil to see what he would do. When Seth bent his head down and gently grasped Diana in his maw, Sera held back a smile. She wished the girl a silent good luck before turning her attention to the other students there. Sera did feel sorry for the troublemaker but she was amused at Ceil's choice of dealing with Diana.



Angelina and Thage were walking toward Seth seemingly in a conversation when Seth bent his enormous head down to grasp the water summoner in his mouth. Thage gasped softly.

"What on earth?" Angelina muttered under her breath. What had Diana down now. The elder of the two girls shot a disapproving look at before beckoning for Thage to follow.


Since their fiends had already been dismissed, both girls climbed onto the dragon fiend though Thage seemed more nervous at seeing Seth again. Angelina chuckled and gently patted the girl on her shoulder.

"You'll be fine." she said quietly."


Angelina looked over in Imari's direction then she glanced at Sera.

"Did all go well?" she asked the girl in front of her.


Sera's head jerked back and her eyes glance vacantly at Angelina. The girl blinked a couple times, then she cleared her throat.

"Yeah. But Gwen's mother..." her voice trailed off as she glanced at Imari.

"Her mother will need time to recover." she told Angelina.

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Khaine watched as Seth stretched out his neck to grasp Diana between his teeth. A cold shiver went down Khaine's spine as he knew all to well the sensation of flying 'first class' with Seth. Khaine felt sorry for Diana as he knew that flying upfront was just as bad, if not worse then sitting on his back.


Khaine reluctantly restrained himself from taking any action or saying anything. Partly due to his fatigue and partly due to the fact that he did not want to join Diana up there. Khaine climbed the side of Seth and picked a spot between two spines.

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With everyone sitting safely on Seth, well almost everyone anyway, Ceil gave the silent command for his Fiend to rise. Seth leapt into the air and pounded his huge wings to gain height. Once at the desired elevation he began to journey back to the school.


It was quite dark when the arrived back home. Seth landed silently in the courtyard and gently dropped a frazzled Diana to the ground. Being at the front and buffeted by the wind had not exactly done wonders for her hair.


Ceil climbed down and addressed his class.


"Okay everyone. Grab a quick bite if you want it and go straight to bed. I want you all in Training Area Seven at dawn. Do not be late. Don't worry about breakfast, you'll be getting it as part of your lesson."

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((Ooh. Can't wait until the following morning!))


Diana yelped as she was dropped on the ground. Luckily she wasn't dropped so high she was winded. Sitting up, she smoothed down her black hair with a bit of a frown. It was sticking up all over the place. Well, she probably would have fallen off if she had sat on his back. She gave him a small pat (if she thought about it, she was patting Ceil, which was a rather strange thought). His instructions were weird, but she was starved, despite still feeling queasy from the flying. "See ya then!" And she was off, into the school, and in the kitchen, slapping together a rather large sandwich.


Thor clambered off the huge Fiend, nodding at Ceil's instructions but looking quite horrified. "D-Dawn?" he spluttered shaking his head. "I don't normally wake up before nine! I've already had enough of a day without this!" He waved his arms about as if to gesture to everything which had happened that day.

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"Show up at dawn or not at all" snarled Ceil at Thor. "It's nothing to me if the military drag you off because you aren't in lessons. Perhaps you'll like their teaching methods better, although I somehow doubt it."


He looked up at Khaine who was still on Seth's back.


"Stop dawdling boy!"

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((Hmm. I'm actually tempted for the military to take Thor away, just to see what happens... O3O))


Thor leapt backward, hands raised up in a surrendering sort of pose. "Okay, okay, calm down, Grumpy," he shot back, shaking his head a bit. Really? This guy had no idea who he was dealing with! Sniffing slightly, he turned on his heel, beginning to walk back to the school. It was quite audible, the mutter coming from his lips as he went. "Grumpy old git."


((Oh no, Thor. Please, no. xd.png))

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Imari looked sadly way when Sera spoke but at the same time Seth took of causing the girl to take hold of one of his spikes and steady herself.


Once they reached the school it was well dark and only a few light shined in the night. Sliding of Seth Imari look at interest at the conversation the other students was having with Ceil.


“Not a moments rest is there for you?” She spoke softly while standing and watching everyone.

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"R..right" replied Khaine, sliding down Seth's hind leg. Khaine landed on the ground and walked into the school heading towards the boys dorm. As he walked, he overheard Thor's rambling and smiled to himself. Khaine fully agreed with Thor's opinion of Ceil however he was never going to say that out publicly.

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Thor started to walk back towards the school, but he didn't get very far. Seth batted him with a wing and sent the teenager rolling across the courtyard.


"Stupid brat" said Ceil cheerfully. "Now get yourself inside before you feel my boot too."

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Thor yelled as he was batted across the courtyard, landing rather heavily against a wall and slumping down, groaning. He saw stars for a couple of moments before getting himself back on his feet and shaking his head and fist. "Stupid git, with your bully of a black lizard!" Knowing this would earn him something more than just a bat, he turned tail and dashed inside before anytihng more could be done, sprinting up to the boys' dorm. He flopped back on the bed, chuckling slightly. "I don't even want to know what he'll do to me for that."

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((Wait and see.


Going to pretend Sera, Thage and Angelina have climbed down by now.))


Ceil rolled his eyes at Thor's cravenness. What kind of daft punk was he?


With all of his students having disembarked and heading into the school Ceil climbed back up onto Seth. While his class could spend the night sleeping peacefully, he still had work to do.


Seth turned around, taking care not to knock over any of the students who were still in the courtyard, and took back to the skies.

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Diana wolfed down her sandwich, relishing the taste of lettuce and meat, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand after it had disappeared. Mmm. She was very tired... Turning around she trumped back to her dorm. There, she took a quick shower and got in pajamas before jumping into bed and quickly falling asleep. It had been a very long day.

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A running Thor entered the boy's dorm just as Khaine finished changing into cleaner clothes. As khaine placed the dirty clothes into a basket he overheard Thor's ramblings as the guy flopped back onto his bed.


"Probably some sort of torture/public humiliation or manual labor... depending on his mood.." muttered Khaine who exited the dorm and headed towards the kitchen.

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Imari shook her head, to think he wants to take me out some time, not gonna happen now she thought to herself as she made her way back to the girls dorm room. She was more emotionally exhausted than anything else and only fell on her bed. She lay there while looking out the window slowly falling asleep as she watched the stars sparkle.

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((*mutters something about very little time to get on*))


All three girls dismounted the dragon fiend before Ceil dismissed him. Each girl went to the their dorm room and got ready for bed.

After each had taken a shower, they climbed into bed. Sera and Angelina both fell asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow. Thage however lay awake for awhile until some time later, she too fell asleep.

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