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The Power Inside

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"Apparently...?" questioned Khaine, unsure as to how legitimate those directions were. Deciding not to make a fuss about it he nodded at Diana and began to walk towards the exit. It was a shame that they couldn't explore more of Khemm, however it would be a bigger shame if he had to endure more punishment from Ceil and Seth.

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Diana reached the exit in a matter or tow or three minutes. She had had to wave around many people and their horse or donkey-drawn carts. It was a bit of a mission, but she finally reached the other side after being nearly run over a couple of times. "Phew." Tucking hair behind her ears, she looked out for Khaine. Hopefully he would make it through soon.

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Kane appeared from out of the crowd slightly fatigued. "How..." he gasped... "How did you manage to make your way through all those people so quickly... it was like a maze..." he said, before taking a seat on a wooden box.

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Diana snorted at him. "Easy peas. You have to be quick on your feet, yeah?" Crossing her arms, she shifted her weight onto one foot. She eyed the wooden box. "Mind moving over a bit for me? Please?"

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Pyrhos arrived back at the place Ceil had last been. He glided down to the ground and with a rather loud thud, he dug his talon into the harden and trampled earth. Sera slid down off of her fiends back. After a few seconds, she dismissed her fiend then looked around. She saw Ceil nearby, as well as Angelina and Thage. Now just to wait til it was time to go home.

Ceil nodded when he saw Sera arrive. Angelina, Imari and Thage had been waiting for a few minutes now, so only Diana, Isa, Thor and Khaine were left. They had better hurry up or they were taking the long way home.


Pulling himself away from the rock he was leaning against Ceil tapped his chest and summoned Seth. The large black Fiend appeared and roared against the darkening sky.

Edited by Fortune86

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Thor looked up from stroking sheep as Ceil's rather large Fiend appeared. He yelped at the loud sound, and got off the rails. Walking over to their teacher, he sighed softly. "Time to go then?" he asked, running a ahdn through his blonde hair. Today had been an alright sort of day. Not bad at all, really.

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Khaine shuffled over to the side giving space for Diana to sit down. After a few seconds of silence, Khaine spoke, "Hey Diana... do you mind keeping what you heard from the Fortune teller a secret?... I don't really want the other's to... uhm..." he paused looking for the right words but they seemed to elude him. "Can you just keep it to yourself please..?"

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Diana sat down next to Khaine gratefully. "Yeah, sure," she said, nodding quickly twice. "You can trust me, I won't tell." It would have to take a real idiot of a blabbermouth to break a promise. She really couldn't see how secrets were hard to keep. She sat there for a minute or two, simply resting, before hearing a rather distant yet familiar roar. "Wait, isn't that Seth...?" She frowned before her expression cleared to slight shock, and she gasped. "Oh my word! They're going back without us!" Jumping up, she beckoned to him. "Come on, we need to go!"

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"Th..thanks" he replied. A few minutes later a roar could be heard in the distance "I dun..." he was cut of as Diana interrupted him, confirming the source of the roar. He flinched slightly at the sudden motion of Diana jumping, before getting up himself. Khaine began to run following Diana back to where the other's were.

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Diana sprinted through the streets, beginning to recognise some of her surroundings. Like that building there, that shop to the left... Dodging around people, she made her way to the entrance/exit rather quickly. She was very out of breath. Leaning over, she panted rather heavily before collapsing on the grass just outside (much to the amusement of the guards stationed there). "Just... Couple minutes... Rest... We on... Rain..."

Edited by Chicogal

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Khaine did his best to keep up with Diana as the pair of them darted through the streets heading towards the main gate. Several times he had to duck and weave to avoid crashing into people and objects.


Finally reaching the gate, Khaine placed both hands on his knees as he bent over trying to catch his breath. He looked over at Diana whom had collapsed on the grass. "You... can rest... on Crixius..." he muttered. "We.. can split the run... half each..." he muttered. Khaine placed his hand on his chest, calling out Crixius. Crixius took form infront of them, his hulkish figure silencing the laughing guards. Crixius picked Khaine up with his right hand using the gentlest of touches. He extented his hand towards Diana and waited for her permission.

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"...Good..." Diana panted, getting up after a moment more on the ground. She stood up and stepped onto the rocky hand, legs giving way beneath her to sit again. "I... Hope... Don't mind... Sit..." She patted Crixius on the hand thankfully, attempting to express her feelings of thanks toward him and his user. When it was her turn, she could get them a drink of water.

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Crixius closed his hand slowly giving Diana a more secure perch on his hand before standing up fully.


"we need to go back to the other's.." ordered Khaine through his mental link with Crixius. Crixius began to walk, taking huge strides towards the spot where the other's waited for them.

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Diana let the slight rocking motion carry her, flopping onto her bakc inside the hand. It was sort of peaceful, really. The slow movement, the sun peeking through onto her body, the soft thumps of Crixius' feet. Hmm. Closing her eyes, she let herself rest, preparing for the inevitable sprint she and her Fiend were going to take. It was going to be more difficult with added weight, but she could do it.

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Crixius lumbered over the fields continuing to head in the direction of where the others were. Each step drained that little bit of energy from Khaine causing his legs to tremble slightly. From Khaines spot standing on the spikes of Crixius's back, looking over his head he could just barely make out the outline of Seth in the distance.


"Almost.. there" he said, looking down at Diana as Crixius carried her in both hands.

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Diana had taken to dozing lightly in her spot in Crixius' hands. At Khaine's words, she opened her eyes, sitting up. He looked very tired. And she was feeling somewhat better. "Hey; would you like me to take over now? We can get a drink at the same time too," she suggested, blowing her cheeks out slightly afterward.

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"S..Sure.." he mumbled. Crixius came to a halt, bending down and placing his hands the floor to allow Diana an easy time of getting off. Khaine climbed over Crixius's shoulder before clumsily running down Crixius's arm. With a gust of Wind Crixius vanished returning into the Crystal.

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Diana got off Crixius' gentle hold, patting him again. "Thank you!" she said cheerfully, although it was without her usual vigour (due to her tiredness). Touching a hand to her chest, she murmured her word - Vann - and summoned her Fiend. She appeared in a blue mist, and had a slight look around her surroundings. "Up we go," she said with false gusto, climbing on. Two blobs of water came out of nowhere, floating toward Khaine and toward the girl on the unicorn. She cupped it in her hands and took a grateful drink, grinning as she was sprayed by Rain. She offered a hand to Khaine. "If you want to be sprayed with some water before you go, better ask now."

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"I'll go without the spray..." muttered Khaine. "Cupping the glob of water in his hand and drinking it. It felt awkward to drink water this way however he made no complaints. The water tasted fresh and it helped cool him down. He patted the side of Rain, saying his thanks before accepting Diana's hand and climbing onto Rain.

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((I always drink water in cupped hands before bed. It tastes better than when in a cup. xd.png))


Diana smiled slightly, shifting forward a bit. "Arms around my waist unless you want to fall off. Otherwise I'd say shoulders or nothing at all, but we'll be going pretty fast." She took hold of Rain's mane lest she mislay a hoof due to tiredness and extra weight - she didn't want Khaine falling off with her, otherwise she wouldn't really care. "Here we go~!" Tapping her heels slightly, the Fiend started walking and then launched into a slow canter. It was probably the same speed as Crixius' walk. This was just to get Khaine used to it, though.

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Khaine placed his arms around her waist as instructed, having never ridden on a horse or a horse-like fiend before he thought it wise to follow her instructions completely. At first they started off slow before increasing their speed. "This isn't so bad.." thought Khaine to himself as he got accustomed to the slow canter of Rain

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Diana couldn't help but smile slightly to herself. This was quite peaceful. That was going to change. She asked for more, speed, calves close to her sides to keep in position. The unicorn sped up, legs moving faster with each passing stride.It wasn't as fast as they had gone when they had raced earlier; it was more of a medium pace. But it was still a noticeable change. The teenager was secretly glad that her Fiend had a smooth canter; it just seemed to make everything so much easier. Raising her arms, she waved them about wildly. "Ceil! WE'RE COMING! DON't LEAVE!"

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Khaine was not used to this sort of running, the movement of both rain and Crixius were so different that this was all alien to him. Crixius had a slower tempo in his movement due to his bulky size whereas Rain had a much faster tempo to her running. Khaine did his best to look over Diana's shoulder as he saw the black figure of Seth getting steadily bigger.

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