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The Power Inside

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Imari greeted everyone once again and walked out the house feeling heartbroken. She wished she could see her family and hug them, maybe one of their missions might cause them to go to Usi. She sighed and looked at Sera from over her shoulder.


“I… I’m going for a walk on my own. I’ll meet up later up with everyone.” She spoke walking away towards town.





Bastian had walked to the dining room of the barracks and collected a plate for himself with a few buns of bread and a couple slices of meat. Arthur might not have joined him and he might not be hungry but he will still bring him something to eat.

Returning back to his room he saw Arthur and his fiend resting in the room. He tossed two buns on his lap before he took in a seat on a chair.


“Here. You’re not gonna go to bed without food in your belly. Not on my watch.” He spoke just noticing he sounded like his cousin.

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Sera left quietly then she walked towards Pyrhos. She turned and watched Imari walk away in silence.


'Home?' he asked. The young fire summoner looked in the direction of her uncle's farm and drew in a deep intake of breath. She nodded.

"I can walk." she told her fiend aloud. Pyrhos inclined his head to her and nuzzled her gently. She chuckled then turned and started to walk in the direction of her home.


There was the sound of wings flapping and the sudden onslaught of wind at her back as the fiend took to the air and flew above her as she walked. They would rejoin Ceil and the others in a little bit. First, it was time to visit her father's forge.

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"How about you Khaine?.. would you like your fortune revealed?" questioned Lorita, as she peered over her crystal ball, staring into Khaine eyes. Khaine couldn't help but shiver as it felt like she was staring into the very heart of his soul. Her worn and ancient hands ready to peel the layers away, revealing his past, present and future. Khaine couldn't help but feel like he had entered the twilight zone."uh..." he managed to groan, his throat devoid of moisture and only a faint raspy sound escaping his mouth. "What is that my boy?" questioned Lorita. "S.." Khaine gulped, trying to clear his throat of the dryness. "S.. sure.." he managed to albeit unwittingly.


Lorita peered into her crystal ball, her hands moving across it as if clearing away the mist which shrouded the truth from her. "You have experienced death...and not just once... the first being on the day of your birth... and the most recent to someone you knew... another summoner?" she questioned as she peered deeper into her crystal ball. "Yes... a girl..and her lightning fiend..." she held her head up and looked at Khaine. Cold sweat was beginning to form on his brow as the woman infront of him spoke, he could neither move nor speak as he was transfixed on the paranormal taking place infront of him. Lorita smiled and resumed her fortune telling. "You blame yourself for the death of your friend and lack the confidence to trust your own abilities as a summoner, your fiend of the earth element represents this shell that you erect around yourself. A shell in which you occassionally hide in during moments of despair..." A smile formed on Lorita's face, "In your future I see..."


"St... stop!" shouted Khaine, who shot up from the cushions, finally free from those inviible chains that held him transfixed on the dark art. "I... I don't wanna hear anymore..." Khaine looked down at Lorita, who still had that smile etched across her face as she returned Khaine's glare. "What's the matter, young one?" she inquired, however Khaine had already turned around, storming out of the tent.

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Rain was quite surprised by what was going on. She was being drawn into the story this woman was telling of Khaine's life. However, she was snapped out of it by Khaine storming out. She stood up, nodding to Lorita. "Thank you very much."

Turning, she followed her friend outside. Going up to him, she put a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, are you alright?" she asked gently. She hadn't thought he would do such a thing like run out. And it would have been interesting to find out about his future.

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Bastian had walked to the dining room of the barracks and collected a plate for himself with a few buns of bread and a couple slices of meat. Arthur might not have joined him and he might not be hungry but he will still bring him something to eat.

Returning back to his room he saw Arthur and his fiend resting in the room. He tossed two buns on his lap before he took in a seat on a chair.


“Here. You’re not gonna go to bed without food in your belly. Not on my watch.” He spoke just noticing he sounded like his cousin.

"Thank you" said Arthur politely looking up from his book.


Hima sat up and sniffed at the buns, but once he realised they were just plain bread he lost interest. He was more into food that wriggled or dripped red. Not that he could actually digest it, he just liked the taste.


Arthur picked up one of the buns and took a small bite as he read about a rare kind of mushroom. It was poisonious, but if you cooked it properly it did wonders for the bowels. When you sometimes had to spend several days in the wilderness it was important to know these things.

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"Ye..yeah I'm fine..." replied Khaine. "I don't like how that strange old woman knew so much about me... thing's i'd have much rather have kept quiet..." he said, turning to look back at the tent. "So.. where else should we go..." he said, trying to change the subject.

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Bastian tore one of the buns open and placed a slice meat on it, closing the bun again. With a big bite he sat in silence watching Arthur read and a mouth full of food.

“You should read the one about fungi’s and algae. The family who could read taught us some interesting things about that stuff.” He spoke with a stuffed mouth.


“Some help to kill the poison of some mushrooms.”


Bastian had a good knowledge of how to survive on different things in the wild, living on an island helped to master that skill to its fullest.




Imari walked in silence through town, she looked at some different shops and houses. For some reason she could take everything with wonder but not today. Maybe someone should slap some sense into her, she had never been this depressed about someone’s death, not even for a family member.

The girl continued her walk in town hoping for something interesting to happen and take her mind off.


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"Cultivating fungi can be a lengthy enterprise" said Arthur. "Unless I am going to travel around with several petri dishes in my pack it may not be very economic. But I shall look it up anyway. A little extra knowledge won't hurt."


He put the book down and looked directly at Bastain.


"Do you know how many summoner's from Usi Phiedn join the military after graduation from the Summoner's School?"

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Diana nodded, removing her hand and grinning again. That had been a bit of private information, but ehh. She wasn't going to be nasty to him about it. So, a shell, huh? She eyed him. He was a bit reserved. That would probably change around her. "I dunno, how about we have a look around the stalls?" she suggested, inclining her head toward the aforementioned little shops.

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“You don’t have to carry stuff like that. You just have to look for it in nature. There is always something around that could be used.” He spoke swallowing his food.

He looked at Arthur inquisitive at his question but he started to think. There weren’t that many in the military that came from Usi, most of them are in school now.


“Three if you include me. I’m not sure where the other two are but they are older than me. I think one was a wind element and the other earth but I could be wrong. Why?”

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Khaine rolled his eyes, realizing what she meant with 'shell'. "More ammunition for the snail nickname..." he thought to himself sighing. "S..sure. That sounds fine." replied Khaine. A stall a few meters away caught his attention, its table was full of different sizes and different colored slingshots. "Lets check that one out.." he suggested, already have convinced that he just had to buy one.

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Bastain sat back and looked up at the ceiling thoughfully.


"Ever since Jyeh took over as Lord Ruler the number of Summoners in the military has shot up by over three hundred percent. However, the number of Summoners on base has hardly risen. I know that missions and asignments are issued all over Wyhdoi, but during the past year I haven't met that many. Where are they all? They can't all have been killed. Not even Jyeh could cover up that statisic."

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((Lol, she didn't actually mention the shell part. But I didn't see that. o3o))


Diana walked toward it, a bounce in her step. "Okay!" They looked like those weapon things the boys on her island used to play with. Sometimes they could be quite lethal. Reaching the stall, she, 'ooh'd softly at them. The shopkeeper smiled at her. "Lookig for a slingshot? The best ones in our world are made right here!"

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"Definetly!" shouted Khaine, interrupting the man. He had played with one of these a lot during the little free time he had in Zurt, often slinging a couple of rocks towards the drunken men. Khaine picked up one of the slingshots and held it eye level, pulling back the harness and releasing. "How much?" he asked.

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Bastian looked slightly concerned at Arthurs words, he knew that this must be something that his friend want to clear up and find the truth. He placed down his food and let his arm rest on his legs while he looked at the floor.


“Your question is rather worrying. Maybe they are in hiding or some sort? Not all of them could have been killed. Maybe someone has been collection them secretly for some special mission. I don’t know there are many options and I don’t want over imagine the worst.”

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The man pointed toward the smaller ones. "The small ones are four gold coins." He then motioned to the bigger ones. "Big ones are six gold coins." Diana picked one up herself and snapped the elastic. "These things are cool, Snail. You gotta promise me that you'll let me play with it if you get one!" she exclaimed, nodding to him and putting down the weapon.


((The shopkeepers are NPCs, Drow. You can play as them too. xd.png))

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Arthur's face made an odd twitch, as this was the closest his normally blank face could come to a scowl. There were so many unanswered questions. All of them about Summoners. All of them existing since Jyeh came into power.


He shook his head and looked back down again.


"I'm tired" he said. "Let us rest and we will continue the investigation in the morning."


((Ceil will be waiting to go home soon guys.))

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Bastian sighed and nodded thou the subject was at its peak of seriousness. He pushed his plate away and took the top bunk after closing the door. The small windows allowed the candle light to enter the room leaving both of them in semi darkness.




Imari had been walking awhile only noticing that she had basically gone through the whole town without even knowing it. She looked back and sighed filling herself with new energy, she looked at the hill where Ceil was waiting and started to walk toward the teacher.


Finally reaching him she slumped down on the grass looking at the town in fornt of her.

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6 gold coins for the big one... thought Khaine, he didn't even have 4gold coins for one of the smaller ones. Khaine sighed and placed the Slingshot back on the table. "Don't have enough coin's.. s..sorry" replied Khaine.


The man grunted and turned away, resuming the work he was doing before Khaine and Diana arrived.


Khaine turned to Diana, "By any chance did you manage to hear how much time we had to explore?... "

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((How many coins does he have? They only deal in gold... I think. ._.))


Diana shrugged. "He said the rest of the day. Of afternoon. I think." She looked skyward; the sky was growing darker than it had been when they had left Ceil. "Maybe we should start heading back. We can explore the old buildings when we return another time," she suggested.

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Pyrhos arrived back at the place Ceil had last been. He glided down to the ground and with a rather loud thud, he dug his talon into the harden and trampled earth. Sera slid down off of her fiends back. After a few seconds, she dismissed her fiend then looked around. She saw Ceil nearby, as well as Angelina and Thage. Now just to wait til it was time to go home.

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((How many coins does he have? They only deal in gold... I think. ._.))


Diana shrugged. "He said the rest of the day. Of afternoon. I think." She looked skyward; the sky was growing darker than it had been when they had left Ceil. "Maybe we should start heading back. We can explore the old buildings when we return another time," she suggested.

((Don't they deal in silver/bronze also? :x))


"That sounds like a good idea. Do you remember the way we came from?" he asked, looking around. They had been drawn into the center of the market which itself had multiple exits. "I can't even see that creepy old fortune teller's tent anymore" pointed out Khaine who was turning around trying to see if he could recognize anything.

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((Don't they deal in silver/bronze also? :x))



Think of it as a video game. You only use gold in RPGs right? Same thing here.))

Edited by Fortune86

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Think of it as a video game. You only use gold in RPGs right? Same thing here.))

((Ah okay. Not all RPG's just use gold tongue.gif))

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"Uhh, why don't we ask? Ooh, I'll be right back!" Diana bounded off toward a woman, and after a couple of words and nods, she was pointed in the correct direction. Calling thanks over her shoulder, she trotted back to Khaine. "the exit over there," she motioned toward it, "will lead us out of here. Apparently." She shrugged. "Ready to go?" She couldn't wait to get back. She was starving...

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