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The Power Inside

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((Nope. Then again, you could call it more of a dark blonde. ._. Doesn't matter, I'll call it brown~ Now post! >D))

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Khaine exited the alley, entering a new street. He began to walk along it, looking for any sign which indicated which way the market square was. This side of the road however was slightly more noisier with vendors shouting over one another as they tried to sell various products from their stalls. Khaine failed to hear Diana's call.

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Diana huffed and sat down properly on Rain's back. She urged her into a trot and the two looked about for the brown-haired boy. Ugh. Rain thought she smelt something, and they followed along that trail. "KHAAAIINEE!" she yelled, ignoring the dirty looks she got as she exited the alleyway. "GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE!"

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Having no luck along this road, Khaine made his way over to a different connecting Alley, exiting out of it and back onto the first road he was on. Finally realizing that wandering around was useless, he asked for directions.


"Excuse me Ma'am, which way is the market square?"


"Straight down that way, you can't miss it" she replied before continueing on her walk.


Khaine began to slowly walk down the road before managing to reach the market. Diana was nowhere to be seen.

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Rain grumbled as he was nowhere to be seen. Leaning down, she asked a woman whether she had seen a boy with light brown hair anywhere around here. She pointed toward an alleyway, and the girl frowned, but she went that way anyway. After a couple of more questions, she rolled her eyes as she realised he had gotten to the market after all. The unicorn cantered along the road to the market, and Diana glared at the boy as she neared him. Slipping off the unicorn, she put her hands on her hips and desummoned her. "I won the race. and what did you do that for?" The angry act quickly dissipated, and she couldn't help smiling slightly. It was pointless to push it down.

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Khaine turned around as he heard Diana's rather angry voice come from behind him. "Where's the proof? tongue.gif" asked Khaine, sticking his tongue out. "Anyway, its not like I ran into that woman on purpose... and besides I couldn't just let her fruits escape after being the one to cause them to fall to the floor" Khaine sighed. "Anyways, we are here now, what should we do first?"

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Rain stuck her tongue right back at Khaine. "I dunno, Snail," she said, giving him a playful wink. "Nothing too fast for you, of course. But why don't we have a look for that fortune teller?" she suggested, shrugging slightly and pointing toward a small tent. It had a small sign hanging, written in curly writing it said, 'Fortune Teller - Open Today.'

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"No thank you" said the boy. "It wouldn't be the same."


He walked over to a drawer and pulled it open, taking out a ladle. He then retrieved a bowl and a spoon from another drawer and a cupboard.


"I have to feed Momma now" he said moving back over to the first pot and ladling some of the contents into the bowl.

"Alright. My offer is still opened for another time." Sera told the boy with a small smile that was tainted with sadness. Then, she glanced at Imari, wondering if they should leave then or still offer to help.


Outside, Pyrhos watched the small house with complete silence.


((Because Fortune tellers are always a wise way to spend money. tongue.gif))

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Imari looked sadly at scene in front of her she wished that they could do more but it seemed like they didn’t want anything of it. Imari then tilted her head to the door letting Sera know that it is time to go. The girl then walked over Gwen’s mother and bowed her head slightly.


“I’m really sorry for your loss. She was a great friend.” Imari spoke before turning to the boy. “I’m also sorry for your loss. Take good care of your family. When you ever need help you can call us and we’ll come and help.”

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Rain stuck her tongue right back at Khaine. "I dunno, Snail," she said, giving him a playful wink. "Nothing too fast for you, of course. But why don't we have a look for that fortune teller?" she suggested, shrugging slightly and pointing toward a small tent. It had a small sign hanging, written in curly writing it said, 'Fortune Teller - Open Today.'

"Your never gonna stop calling me that are you...". Khaine looked towards the direction that Diana was pointing at, noticing the Fortune teller's tent. "Can one person really foresee another persons fortune?" he thought to himself "Sure why not. You can have your fortune told first... since you won the race.." suggested Khaine.

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((They are still at the barracks. I was going to post as Bastain after Sera and Imari leave the house.))

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((Lol got to wait for Vang to post. Its anyway dinner time in the barracks not much those two can do until the next day really))

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Diana nodded, grinning at him. "That's decided then, Snail," she said with a chuckle, giving him a friendly pat on the back and walking toward the fortuneteller's tent with a bounce in her step. She simply couldn't stay mad at Khaine about his getting lost and running about. The tent was eerily deserted. That was weird. Not put off however, the teenager marched on.

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Kane entered the tent just behind Diana who had entered first. Khaine stared around the tent, looking at various different artifacts and trinkets being hung from a piece of string. An ancient looking circular artifact hung just infront of him with a web similar to that of a spider's made entirely out of string. Feathers of different types of birds attached to the side of this trinket.


Khaine stared at it in amazement, having never seen such an artifact before.

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Diana stared around at all the things, eyes rather wide and quite quiet for once. She looked at the round thing Khaine was looking at, amazed by it. That thing was cool. "It's called a dream catcher, m'dears," an ancient creaky voice said. Turning around, she found it to belong to an old woman. She was dressed in a whole menagerie of layers with a couple of hundred gold coin's worth in jewellery. "You have come to seek your fortune, I see. Sit down here." She pointed with a rather long fingernail and gnarled finger to a dark purple couch, blankets draped over it. Diana hesitantly pulled on Khaine's arm before going over to it. She sat down, sinking slightly into the softness.

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Khaine turned around as he heard the creaky voice of an ageing woman disrupt the momentary silence in the tent. Khaine tipped slightly as he was pulled, not expecting her to grab his arm.


"Ma'am... we are only here for her fortune... I'll... I'll just stand back here if that's okay.." muttered Khaine, who was starting to have second thoughts.

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Diana frowned at Khaine. "Scaredy cat snail," she muttered, shaking her head slightly before leaning back slightly. "I charge one gold coin to te one's Fortunes. However..." She eyed the two, the girl with the white streak in her black hair and the boy with lift brown and dark brown, soft, eyes. They were both dressed in hard wearing clothing. The girl had tears in hers. "Are you two Summoner's? Khaine and Diana, yes..." Looking into the crystal ball set in front if her, she squinted into her. "Khaine, you're is large and of rock. Diana, yours is smaller and of water." She looked up at the . Diana's mouth was hanging open. "Your fortunes will be told for free due to the service you do us."

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Khaine glared at Diana, as she took the opportunity to extend his unwanted nickname.

"I heard that... I'm not scared.." he muttered back at her. Khaine's eyes shot open and his head turned to stare at the old lady as she got his name right, and crixius element right. "How... how is that possible?... How did... you..?" he said, his mouth slightly ajar.

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((Sorry, thought it was Fort's turn. tongue.gif))


Sera watched Imari talk to the mother. She knew that words would not really fix the problem. Only they life of her daughter would do that. She sighed sadly then turned slightly to the boy.


"If you ever need help, my Uncle's farm is not far from here. The Nicolas'. Find the twins and tell them I sent you, they might be able to help." she said, backing up toward the door.

"And I am sorry. I wish you better days." she said with a weak smile.


((Go ahead and have Sera leave when Imari does.))

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The woman gave him a mysterious smile. "My crystal ball lets me see these things, my dear. My name is Lorita." She rolled the 'r,' and motioned to the purple couch. "Sit down, Khaine. I will not tell you your fortune if you do wish, but I can see tie young lady is quite ready." Diana nodded, smirking at him. "Come on, Snail. Or else I'll tell everyone you were too scared to even sit down opposite her," she threatened cheerfully.


((You must roleplay Lorita when she tells Khaine's fortune. o3o))

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Khaine obliged, sitting down on one of the purple cushions. He sat there waiting for Lorita to begin her fortune telling, whilst at the same time trying to look for any possible "tricks" she may be hiding.


((Going to bed soon>.>))

Edited by TotallyDrow

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Lorita looked into her crystal ball, green eyes wide. "Hmm..." She looked up at Rain. "I see much pain in your future. However, that is no surprise. You have some sort of magnetism for trouble. You've almost died more times than your island's population put together." She chuckled, shaking her head. Diana merely stared. "I see a possible romance coming along... A boy with an ice Fiend." "Uhh..." That could be at least two people she knew. Thor or Archer. What? Well, she liked Archer quite a lot, and the feeling was mutual. Thor? He could very possibly wrangle his way into her life.


((Shadow and I were planning a romance between Archer and Diana. However, he seems to have disappeared off the edge of the earth. >>))

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