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The Power Inside

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Khaine and Crixius finally made it to where Diana and Rain where waiting for them. They had decided to walk at a rather casual pace, after all there was no need to rush in a race you were never going to win.


"So where do you wanna go first?" he shouted down at Diana

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Diana simply rested there with her hands on her stomach while she waited for Crixius and Khaine to catch up. "Hey there, snails," she teased, sticking out her tongue at him before sitting up cross-legged on her Fiend's back. "Uhh, I dunno. How about we have an explore about and find things to do along the way?" She smiled at him, and sat straddling again. "Watch this!" she told him, arms put down straight at her sides lest this fail. Rain snorted softly, and returned to her Summoner's crystal. As she did so, Diana fell through the mist onto her feet, stumbling forward yet staying on her feet. She put her hands on her hips, steadied herself, and looked up at him as if she hadn't stumbled. "Heh. Ya ready?"

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"Sounds like a plan" replied Khaine as he looked into the village from his vantage point on top of Crixius. Khaine looked down as Diana called for his attention, he watched her as performed her trick with Rain.


"She may have won the race... however I'm pretty sure we can do one better" he thought to Crixius.


"Oh yeah?... How about this?" he replied. Khaine attempting to mimic Diana returned Crixius into his crystal. However, having not thought this through, Khaine began to fall downwards, landing on his rear on the hard ground. "Ow.." whined Khaine as he lay there.

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Diana raised an eyebrow at his words. If he made this, it would definitely put a point on the scoreblard for him. And then, he failed, landing flat on his bottom. Diana snorted and laughed, walking forward with a hand offered to help him back onto his feet. "You're not quite as cool as me yet," she told him, eyes bright with humour. "But maybe one day you can be!" She chuckled again at her own comment, shaking her head.

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Khaine accepted her off and got back onto his feet. "Yet... I just need more practice" he replied, smiling as he dusted off the dirt on his pants. Once he was done, he looked around before turning around to face Diana.


"Well.. shall we..?" he asked, waiting for her to take the lead.



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Diana nodded, still grinning. "Yup, let's get a move on~" she sang out, turning on her heel and beginning to walk toward the gate. Once there, she gave the rather silent and solemn guards a cheery wave and continued on through the gates. Ah, town. Horse-driven carts and carriages, buildings on either side. Shops. Noises, people calling out, whinnying of horses. "Where to first?" she mused, scratching her neck.

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"I have no idea..." he muttered. "This place is massive compared to Zurt... i wouldn't even know where to begin..." he replied. Khaine continued to take in the sites and sounds of the village. Khemm (this is where we are right? Not 100% sure ;x) being the second largest settlement meant that the village was always busy, people going about their daily routines as they hurried along down the paths.

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Diana shrugged, and took a look around. There was a man smoking a cigarette on the side of a road a couple of metres down, and she nodded toward him. "Let's go ask him what's interesting around here," she suggested, taking hold of Khaine's wrist and dragging him to him. The man's eyes fell on the two teenagers and smirked, taking his cigarette out of his mouth. "Yes?" he drawled. "We're kind of new around here. Anything fun to do?" "A date, huh?" Diana snorted. "Nope." "Oh. Well, there's a couple of interesting old buildings as you go toward the city centre. A fountain, too. There's an old fortune-teller and a small market going on in the east of the city," he told them, nodding in the direction. Diana turned to Khaine. "Wotcha think? Buildings or market first?"

Edited by Chicogal

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Before Khaine could respond he was dragged along by Diana who had grasped his wrist. She dragged him along the road to some stranger smoking a Cig. Khaine listend attentively to the man as he descrived the various locations they could visit while they were at the city. "The old buildings sound interesting.." he muttered as he considered the options. "Maybe the market first?, get a snack then we can visit the buildings?" he suggested "the Fortune teller sounds interesting as well..". Khaine stood there and waited for Diana's opinion.

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Diana shrugged. "I don't actually have any money with me. Didn't think to bring any. So I dunno how you think I'm gonna buy anything." She put her hands on her hips and blew out her cheeks. "But, yeah. Market first. We can at least window-shop a bit. Maybe the fortune-teller will tell us a fortune for free or something." She began to walk in the direction the man had motioned toward. "Come on, Snail," she called over her shoulder, grinning at the new nickname.

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"I've got a couple coins.... not much though..." lied Khaine, who wanted to keep the stash he took from his house in Zurt a secret. Khaine rubbed the back of his head as he looked around the village wandering which way the market was but literally could not figure out which way to go. He turned to look at Diana, about to ask her if she remembered when he noticed that she wasn't there anymore,


"Come on, Snail"


Khaine turned around and saw Diana down one of the streets. "I'm not a snail..." grumbled Khaine as he rushed over to where she was.





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Diana giggled and have him a push. "Are too," she insisted, continuing on walking East. Even from where they were, she could start to hear some sort of music and the chattering of people and the smell of food. Yum. Well, it was good he had a bit of money. They were steadily drawing nearer, and she yelped as a cart rushed by, close enough so she could have touched it if she had tilted her head to the side. "Idiot!" she yelled after the cart, shaking her fist.

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“Well I could watch her for a bit until you return. Drahual doesn’t mind either.” Imari spoke as she walked to the direction of the boy by the stove. “Go feel the wind in your hair for a bit.”


The then quickly took hold of the other items making sure they weren’t boiling over plus maybe they could meet her father. She know Gwen loved her family and looked up to her father.

"No thank you" said the boy. "It wouldn't be the same."


He walked over to a drawer and pulled it open, taking out a ladle. He then retrieved a bowl and a spoon from another drawer and a cupboard.


"I have to feed Momma now" he said moving back over to the first pot and ladling some of the contents into the bowl.

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'Whatever.." muttered Khaine as he continued to keep up with her. All the commotion from the market square were becoming audible as they neared it. A couple of the locals could be seen walking away carrying various food and trinkets which you would normally find in a market. Khaine was startled by Diana's sudden yelp and turned around to see the cause of it, a cart had almost hit her and the driver didn't even stop to see if she was ok.


"You ok?" inquired Khaine,

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Diana nodded. "Uh-huh," she replied. Her heart was beating quite fast, but she was otherwise perfectly alright. Alright enough to shout at that guy, at least. She suddenly grinned again, looking across at the boy next to her. She wiggled her eyebrows tauntingly. "How about we race to the fair?" Sidling in front of him so he would have to stop (even if he bashed into her), she put her hands on her hips. "If you win, I'll stop calling you Snail."

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(Muahaha I feel like making things more hectic now)


"Fine by me... " replied Khaine who turned around and faced the direction of the market. "On 3 go..." he said, taking position. "1!" Khaine took off down the street, taking the opportunity to catch Diana offguard. He wiggled his way through the ever intensifying crowd of locals.

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Diana smirked and went into place. There was no chance of him beating her, surely. And then - he was gone! "Cheat!" she yelled, starting off too. Running forward, she found herself in a crowd of people, and had to weave about them. Ah, well. She bashed into one or two ("Bloody kids!") but didn't stop to say sorry. She had to win this! Catching a glance of his hair a bit further ahead, she tried to make herself run faster. There were more and more people and the music was getting ever louder. Maybe she could hitch a ride... Continuing running, she waited for a fast cart to come along. Then, she leapt out, grabbed the edge, yelled as she was dragged along a bit, and hauled herself on top. Standing on top, she wobbled a bit, grinning rather cheesily st the driver. "Sorry! Racing!" The man winked at her and urged his horses on a bit faster. "I've no qualms to get there early and make you win. Come along!" At this pace, surely she would beat Khaine who was in the crowds?

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"Oi!" shouted Khaine. "That's not Fair!' he said, doing his best to look over the crowds as Rain overtook him atop a horse driven cart. Khaine did his best to push his way through the crowd however in his rush to try and catch up, he knocked over an old woman, causing some of her fruits to make a mad dash to freedom along the cobblestone road. "Dam it.." muttered Khaine, who began to crawl along the ground, picking up the fruity fugitives.


After several minutes of scavenging the road, he managed to return each and every last escapee to the woman. After saying his apologies, he began to look around for Diana and the cart but saw nothing. They were nowhere to be seen, more so in all the confusion involve the fruits, he had loss his sense of direction and had no idea which way the market was. Since there were only two options, left or right Khaine figured he had a good chance of going in the right direction, however that was not the case. Khaine had began to run the wrong way...

Edited by TotallyDrow

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Diana sat herself atop the cart, grinning away as she overtook the boy easily. It seemed he had knocked someone's fruits over. It was a very short time before she reached her destination. She hopped off, thanked the man, and stroked the rather sweaty horse, cooing, "Good boy." Giving him a kiss on his velvety nose, she waved to the man and looked about for Khaine. Where was he? After ten minutes of waiting, she decided to go and have a look for him. He really couldn't be that slow. She sighed and summoned Rain when she had enough space, jumping atop her and standing on her back. Nope, he wasn't in the fair. She turned. So he had to have taken the wrong away. Putting her hands to her lips in some sort of crude megaphone, she shouted to him. "KHAINE! GET OVER HERE!"

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Khaine grounded to a halt as he vaguely heard Diana's shout. He turned around looking for her, however could not see that well over the crowd. Khaine had just passed by an alley way which lead to a street behind those buildings when he heard the shout. He quickly stepped into the alley, thinking that Rain's shout had come from that side.

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((He'll still be Snail. tongue.gif))


Rain huffed softly as he didn't come dashing through. His blonde hair was quite easily recognizable; she would see it if he was around. Hmm... Looking about, she saw nothing. Pfft. She ordered Rain to walk on, and, still standing, she let her Fiend carry her. She got quite a few stares from people, but wasn't embarassed or anything. She was used to it. And the standing wasn't difficult; she had practice enough with it. Deciding that he wouldn't be on the roads, she turned into an alleyway. "KHAINE!" she yelled out, using her hands as a megaphone again.

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