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The Power Inside

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The flight was quick and before Imari knew it they were near Gwen’s house. The girl quickly slid of the fiery fiend landing on the ground with complete balance unlike when she slides down Seth. She looked at Sera with a little smile before comforting her with a little pat on the shoulder.


“Come lets go before Ceil interrupts this and we have to leave.” Imari spoke looking at the house in front of them. Taking a few steps forward she waited for Sera and continued until they reached the front door.

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Diana nodded, and Rain turned toward the settlement. "Yeah, may as well go now," she said, shrugging slightly before clicking her tongue. Her Fiend launched into a medium canter which was neither fast nor slow. She wasn't quite sure how fast Crixius was, being made of, well, rock. But he could take large strides. "C'mon, slow poke!" she called over her shoulder, waving one hand about recklessly as she went along.

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"Slow poke eh?" thought Khaine as Crixius followed behind Diana. A playful thought entered Khaine's mind as he remember there sparring session a few nights ago back at the school. Khaine relayed his plan to Crixius who was happy to oblige.


A slab of rock rose from the ground directly infront of Diana and Rain, blocking their path.

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Rain slid to a stop, snorting, as a rather large wall of earth rose up in front of them. Of course. Khaine. She turned around to give them a look. "Rain, give them a spray!" she told her Fiend. The unicorn tossed her head and water appeared out of it. It wound toward the two to thoroughly spray them. With a laugh, the pair dodged around the wall and continued on galloping toward town. That would show them to mess with her!

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Khaine ducked behind Crixius, letting Crixius take the full blow of the spray. Khaine couldnt help but laugh at Crixius, as his face was now a darker grey then the rest of his body thanks to the water.


"After them" ordered Khaine, who stuck his head out from where he was momentarily hiding.

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Diana turned her head and stuck out her tongue at the two. Crixius had a different shade of rock on his face now thanks to the water. She laughed again before turning forward and just about falling off as Rain stumbled. "Up, up, carry on," she told her Fiend. Hanging onto the side of her neck, she used the momentum of a canter stride to pull herself back up and back to normal. "Phew." Stroking back her hair, she asked the unicorn to slow down slightly for the other two.

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Kane did his best to catch up with Rain and Diana, but as predicted his bulky frame was not exactly meant for running. He was simply too heavy..., not to mention he was leaving footprints embedded into the ground behind him and causing soft tremors with each running step he took.


They Finally managed to close the distance between them, largely thanks to Diana and Rain slowing down. "This isn't a race... Diana..." spoke Khaine from atop Crixius. Khaine knew full well that it was really a race, but pretended not to, trying to bide some time so that he and Crixius could come up with a better way to slow Diana and Rain down.

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Diana snorted. "You're treating it like one!" she yelled to him. Despite this, she and Rain slowed down enough to gently canter next to them. It felt like she was on a rocking horse. Slow and calm. This was the life; going along beside a friend in the sun, heading toward a possibly fun evening, traveling comfortably. Ahh. For a couple of moments she slipped away into her very own little dream world where everything was right in the world. How lovely.

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"Pfft.., it was just a little prank.." muttered Khaine as he stretched out. From his perch atop Crixius he could just begin to make out the gates into Khemm. "It looks like we are almost there" he said, shouting down towards Rain and Diana. The water at the very top of Crixius's head had began to evaporate leaving Crixius with a dry patch on his head.

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Sera nodded and gave the Imari a smile. She could do this, and even her fiend agreed. The younger of the girls slung the pack over her shoulder then took a few larger steps in order to catch up to the elder student.


As they reached the door, Sera shot Imari a second glance. She drew in a deep breath then took a small step forward and knocked on the door to Gwen's house.


((Fortune, I believe the parents fall to you.))

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It was a few moments before anyone answered the door. It creaked open to reveal a young boy of ten years who smelt strongly of sheep. He had the same eye and hair colour as Gwen.


He looked up at the two girls and blinked at them before speaking.


"Who are you?"

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Imari got a little shock when the door suddenly opened and saw a boy standing in the doorway. It was almost like looking at a little Gwen but as a boy.


“Hey there." Imari spoke with a little smile. "I'm Imari and this is Sera." she pointed to the girl next to her. "Can we speak to you parents, please? We have something for them.” She spoke looking at the nervous Sera.

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"Father is out in the fields" said the boy. "Some of the sheep have rotfoot. He won't be home for hours. Momma is here, but you'll need to talk quietly. She's sick."


The boy left the door open for Sera and Imari and walked across the room. Sitting in a chair by the fireplace was a woman with waist long hair, the same shade as her son's, although her eyes were a different hue. She was staring at the empty fireplace and did not move or acknowledge the boy when he spoke to her.


"Momma. There's some people to see you."

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Sera's mouth opened slightly in surprise as a young boy answered the door but she quickly shut it. Why hadn't Gwen ever mentioned siblings? Though, why would she? None of the kids ever really talked about their families.

Sera felt sad for the kid, she knew it was never easy loosing a family member. Imari said something and the younger student glanced at her, nodding slightly in agreement.


Perhaps it was a good thing the father was out, he had been the one to punch Ceil, hadn't he?

"Thanks." she said quietly to the boy as he opened then door, but as Sera and Imari entered the cabin, the girl's heart fell. She walked quietly toward the woman and came to stand in front of her. Looking into her eyes, Sera saw what she had seen in her father so many time. For a moment, the girl stumbled for words. Then, softly, her voice echoed through the house.




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Gwen's mother did not move, but continued to stare ahead. Her son turned away from her and to face Sera.


"She's been sick for a while now" he said quietly. "Ever since a man came and said Gwendolyn had died. What is it that you want?"

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Imari was very concern when the boy said his mother was sick, after everything that has happened now this. Walking in they followed the boy to where his mother were, sadness struck Imari knowing the pain of losing someone.


Standing next to Sera, Imari looked at the boy when he spoke again. She was hesitant to talk but maybe this bit of closure would help Gwen’s mother.


“We brought back some of Gwen’s things that was left at school. We are both students from the school and thought that you deserve these items rather than throwing them away.”

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Sera nodded, the girl had recognized the glazed look in the woman's eyes the instant she had looked at her.

"Sorry for your loss, Miss." she said softly, knowing that the grieving mother probably wouldn't hear her.


The girl turned to Gwen's brother and held the bag out to him.

"And I have something. I don't know if it will help...but," she reached into her pocket and took out the picture she had drawn of Gwen and her fiend.

"And...I am sorry for your lose."

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The young boy solemnly took Gwen's bag and the picture from Sera and stared at them. It was quite a good likeness of Seiryu. It was hard for him to accept his sister would never take him flying again.


"Thank you" he said quietly, his voice cracking.


He turned and put the picture on his mother's lap before crossing the room and placing the bag on the table.

Edited by Fortune86

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"Pfft.., it was just a little prank.." muttered Khaine as he stretched out. From his perch atop Crixius he could just begin to make out the gates into Khemm. "It looks like we are almost there" he said, shouting down towards Rain and Diana. The water at the very top of Crixius's head had began to evaporate leaving Crixius with a dry patch on his head.

Diana nodded, looking ahead. After a couple of minutes they had come within the last few metres of the gates. Probably about 200 to go. "Race ya to the gates!" Going into a forward seat, Diana leaned forward and clucked to her Fiend, accompanied by a soft tapping of her heels. Let's go. With that, the two sped off like a shot, Rain like a miniature racehorse. She daren't look back for fear of losing balance and falling off.

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Both Khaine and Crixius stopped as Rain and Diana took off towards the village. there was no way they could keep up with her. Crixius was simply too bulky and heavy to be a fast runner. Both Khaine and Crixius decided to take their time walking there, afterall if Diana wanted to race, she would have to endure the wait.

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Diana reached the gates rather out of breath from the wind rushing past her face and the run. She flopped back on her Fiend's back, simply panting and looking up at the blue sky. The guards gave her a bit of a quizzical look, but didn't say anything to the strange grinning black-haired girl on the blue unicorn. It seemed that Khaine hadn't taken up on her offer. Signing softly, she simply rested there.

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It was quite a good likeness of Seth.

((Seth? tongue.gif

*pokes Spirit*))


Sera felt their time there coming to an end. It did not feel right to stay there much longer and outside she knew Pyrhos was getting anxious.

"What's you name?" she asked the boy.


Quietly, she consulted her fiend. Without hesitation, he consented as he saw not harm in it. Sera had seen Gwen and a boy flying together when she was younger and now it seemed to make sense that it was her brother. And if it wasn't, there was no harm in asking. The girl had found that flying tended to cheer most up, and it looked like he could use it.

"I was wondering if perhaps your parents would allow you to come flying with me sometime if I'm in the area?" she asked tentatively.

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((I didn't get my Fiends confused. Nope, nope.))


"Simon" said the boy turning away from the table to face Sera. "And thank you, but I don't think that is a good idea. Someone has to stay and look after Momma."


A pot on the stove began to boil over, causing Simon to run over and take it off the stove.

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“Well I could watch her for a bit until you return. Drahual doesn’t mind either.” Imari spoke as she walked to the direction of the boy by the stove. “Go feel the wind in your hair for a bit.”


The then quickly took hold of the other items making sure they weren’t boiling over plus maybe they could meet her father. She know Gwen loved her family and looked up to her father.

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