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The Power Inside

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"He can be a pain though.." replied Khaine, who was still rubbing the spot where the pebble hit him. Crixius looked down at Rain and began to lift his left hand again, but stopped halfway. As he stopped, he turned to look at Diana and Khaine, before placing the hand back down. In an attempt to talk, Crixius began opening his mouth and closing it, trying to mimick khaine and Diana, but no sound came out.


"Um.. Diana. you mentioned the name Archer earlier right?... Who is he?" asked Khaine.

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Rain neighed softly, half-rearing in front of the huge Fiend. He couldn't speak or make any sounds? How peculiar. Shaking her head, she nudged at his leg softly. "Oh, yeah, you haven't met him," Diana realised out loud, eyes widening slightly. "He joined at the start of the year. He was a really good friend of mine, we went on an awesome mission together. At the end, he even threw me over a cart thing and caught me again." She snickered softly at the memory. "Anyway, so yeah. He has blue hair and has an ice Fiend. He's milling around here somewhere."

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Khaine listened attentively to Diana as she spoke about Archer. "he sounds like a very good summoner" replied Khaine after she had finished. "I didn't see anyone that looked like him near our group though.."


Crixius recoiled slightly at the touch, but calmed down again. Once he was calm, his runes started to glow a soft yellow. Pebbles of rock began to hover around him and orbit his body. As he did so, he did his best to form a smile.

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"I dunno where he went." Diana shrugged. "I'm sure you'll get along with him. He's perfectly likeable." "Like me?" She felt someone wrap their arms around her in a light hug, and froze. What? Turning her head, she found the sight of a laughing Thor. "Ah, get your hands off me," she muttered gruffly, firmly unclasping them. He came to the side of Diana, still laughing. "Didja see her face, man? Haha...." The black-haired teenager crossed her arms, pouting and frowning at his antics. "It's not funny."

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Khaine was slightly taken aback by Thor and his antics. "ah.. ha yeah.." he replied. thors antics had reminded him of those drunken men who used to roam the taverns in Zurt.


Crixius turned and stared at the three humans, one of his stony eye brows raised slightly as he tried to comprehend what had just happened.

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((Thor is permanently drunk. ;D He's harmless really, though. Most of the time.))


Diana huffed as Thor swung an arm around both her and Khaine's shoulders. He really was annoying. He tugged on her white strip of hair with the hand which was resting on her shoulder. "Where did this come from?" "It's natural, if you're thinking otherwise." She rolled her eyes. He pointed to Crixius. "Why is he staring at me like that?"

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Khaine looked at Crixius, unsure as to why Crixius was looking at them. he sent out a mental thought to his fiend and laughed at the response. "It's... it's nothing. Nothing to worry about " he replied. Khaine quickly looked at Thor, who had swung an arm over his shoulder and resisted the urge to laugh again. Crixius really did have a point...


Crixius stopped looking at them and began to lie down on his back. He stared up skyward and looked at the clouds. He imagined them having legs just like the sheep.

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Sera slid down off of Pyrhos carefully. She stepped lightly on her left foot as if to test it. Upon glancing back at Pyrhos, she saw, as well as felt, that he was barely putting any pressure on his left foot. Thage must have noticed too as her fiend appeared off to the fire summoner's right and the glow of healing magic lingered around Sera. As it disappeared, Sera lightly stepped on her foot, nodding in approval as she found no pain in doing so.

"Thank you, Thage." she paused.

"Why don't you go find Angelina. Imari and I have to do a few things we must do."


Thage nodded warily and without a word, she and her fiend started to walk in the other healer's direction.


Sera, meanwhile, took a step in the direction of Imari. When she reached the other student, she nodded her greeting. She looked sad as she spoke, perhaps even nervous.

"Well, we're alive. You ready? Pyrhos has her belonging."

As if in response, the huge fiend loomed over them, a small bag clenched lightly in his jaw. Besides it looking slightly charred, it had remained safely strapped to his back.



Angelina walked toward Ceil, she didn't need Aiedail to tell her that their teacher was wounded. When she reached him she spoke softly.

"Let me see to your injuries?" she asked imploringly, her tone was undemanding yet somehow it did not invite refusal.

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When Sera reached Imari she dismissed her fiend and nodded at the girl. She could see the nervousness in the girl and patted her on the shoulder.


“Come on. The sooner we finish this the less stress you have.” she spoke smiling at the girl. Imari quickly looked over her shoulder watching as all the pupils gathered together once more.


“Hey I’m going into town with Sera to sort business. I see you lot later.” Imari shouted at Khaine and their once upon a team before turning to Sera again. “I guess we should ask the shepherds if they know where Gwen’s parents live.”





Bastian had finally finished his half of the room with no luck. He was starting to get annoyed at the search but he knew that this would happen. Taking a break he looked at Arthur in hope he might have found something.


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Angelina walked toward Ceil, she didn't need Aiedail to tell her that their teacher was wounded. When she reached him she spoke softly.

"Let me see to your injuries?" she asked imploringly, her tone was undemanding yet somehow it did not invite refusal.

Ceil waved her away.


"I've already seen the doctors. I'll be fine. Isn't there something else you would rather be doing?"




Arthur finished his side of the room shortly after Bastain. He turned to look at his colleague and shook his head. The file wasn't in this room. It would probably be mush easier just to ask one of the clerks, but he didn't want to advertise what they were doing. He didn't want anyone taking too much interest in their investigation just yet.


"Let's come back tomorrow and try the other rooms. It's getting dark and I don't want to use lamps around all this paper."

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Bastian nodded at Arthur slightly relieved that they didn’t need to continue their search. Making their way back outside his eyes was having a hard time adjusting to the air and light.

He occasionally did a light stumble when his feet tripped over a rock causing him to feel like an idiot due to his sight problem.


Finally reaching the barracks he went straight to the bathroom closest to his room to wash is face.

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Sera shook her head.

"That's not necessary. Khemm Bceurm is more or less my home." she glanced over and her eyes scanned over the group of shepherds. Just as she was about to look back to at Imari, one of the herders turned to face her. They caught each others gaze and Sera's demeanor lit up. She smiled and waved at him. He chuckled and smiled back. Someone called out a name and he glanced over in that direction. An older man seemed to be calling out orders to him, he nodded in response. The boy, who looked to be about her age, if not older, nodded to her then turned and walked away.


Sera glanced back at Imari.

"Right, we should head due east and veer a little to the south. You can't miss it." she said looking back at Pyrhos.

"It would be faster if we fly."



Angelina chuckled and shook her head.

"There is nothing for me here."

Just then, Thage stepped quietly up to the other girl. Angelina smiled at the girl when she noticed the cat like fiend sticking close by.

"You summoned your fiend?"


The girl nodded.

Angelina glanced back at Ceil.

"If you decide you need me, i'll stay to the area. I would not have taken up healing if I did not prefer it to doing other things." she said softly, then the elder beckoned for Thage to follow and both girls started to walk away.

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Khaine looked at Crixius, unsure as to why Crixius was looking at them. he sent out a mental thought to his fiend and laughed at the response. "It's... it's nothing. Nothing to worry about " he replied. Khaine quickly looked at Thor, who had swung an arm over his shoulder and resisted the urge to laugh again. Crixius really did have a point...


Crixius stopped looking at them and began to lie down on his back. He stared up skyward and looked at the clouds. He imagined them having legs just like the sheep.

((What is Crixius thinking? o3o))


Thor wrinkled his nose slightly but didn't pursue the question. He brought the two in for a quick hug - it was more like squeezing their heads to his shoulders - and then let them go. "Anyway, friends, I'm just going to mill around a bit~" he said, casting a wink over his shoulder before sauntering away. Diana let out a soft huff. Her hair was sticking up all over, and she had to run her fingers through it to straighten it. "I swear, that guy is like, permanently high," she grumbled softly.

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((Secret~ he might hit khaine with a bigger rock if I told you X.x))


Khaine sort of squirmed, trying to get out of the vice like grip of Thor. As he was being squeezed, he realized that it was getting harder to breath. His face was slowly starting to go purple until the grip was released and fresh air managed to enter his lungs.



"I've seen worse..." mumbled khaine who was still slightly gasping for air.

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Diana snorted softly. "I haven't." She looked across the field toward Rain, who was currently cantering lazily toward the two. She came to a gentle stop beside her and gently nuzzled the side of her Summoner's face. Breaking into a grin despite what had just gone on, she hugged her Fiend's long face with her gentle eyes. "I'm gonna get on now," she murmured, twisting her hands in a handful of mane and easily vaulting onto her back. She sat there, absentmindedly twirling the blue hair. "So, what are your plans for the rest of the day?"

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Imari nodded at Sera’s words and started to make her way towards her fiend. It didn’t take her much to get on since she had much experience with it. She waited for Sera looking towards the town ready to meet Gwen’s parents.




Bastian came from the bathroom feeling refreshed after splashing his face with a bit of water. He looked at Arthur before he headed towards his room again.

“You can bunk with me. They server dinner in about a hour.” The boy spoke when he looked out the window noticing the time.


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Diana snorted softly. "I haven't." She looked across the field toward Rain, who was currently cantering lazily toward the two. She came to a gentle stop beside her and gently nuzzled the side of her Summoner's face. Breaking into a grin despite what had just gone on, she hugged her Fiend's long face with her gentle eyes. "I'm gonna get on now," she murmured, twisting her hands in a handful of mane and easily vaulting onto her back. She sat there, absentmindedly twirling the blue hair. "So, what are your plans for the rest of the day?"

"I dunno... I guess if we are gonna be spending awhile here I might go and explore Khemm for a bit..." replied Kane, who was now looking in the direction of the village. "I've never been inside the village before... so I guess some exploring wouldn't hurt.."

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Ceil leaned back against the fence and watched the students wander off, making plans on how to spend their few hours of freedom.


He thought back to when he was their age. It wasn't really all that long ago, but it seemed like a century had passed. He'd been on his own after graduating and hadn't kept in touch with many of his classmates. Most of them were dead now anyway.




Arthur nodded at Bastain's offer to stay with him, but he did not fell hungry. If Bastain would permit it, he would just rest now for the day.

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"Alright then!" Diana nodded toward the village, grinning. Exploring around would be fun, although she didn't have any money. Maybe they could find something cool to do or fun to experience. "Let's go to the village and have a look around. Wotcha say?" she asked, tilting her head slightly.


((sorry, short.))

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"Sure.." replied Kane, he looked over at Crixius who was sitting as still as a statue now. Kane informed Crixius about what he was gonna do, before climbing onto Crixius.


"Shall we go now?" he asked.

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As soon as Imari walked back and got onto her fiend, Pyrhos lowered his neck and Sera wrapped her arms around him. As he brought his head up, she slid down into place behind his wing. With a couple flaps of his wings, he was in the air. Sera waved for Imari to follow, then, Pyrhos set of at a steady pace.




The flight was a short one as the two large fiends covered distance quickly. Pretty soon, the house that belonged to Gwen's parents. Sera had Pyrhos land away from yard of the house so that he not accidentally tear up the yard when he landed.


Once on the ground, the young fire summoner slid down off her fiend. He lowered his hand and handed her the pack of Gwen's things. Sera accepted the bag with a thank you and a gently brush across his feather like skin. She glanced up at Imari and her fiend, a look of nervousness on her face.




Meanwhile, Angelina and Thage were talking not far away from where they had left Ceil. Angelina had no interest in going into town and Thage seemed to be sticking to the elder girl like glue. Finally, she had offered to help her learn the ropes of being a light summoner, and, much to her amusement Thage's fiend made the decision for her. He nodded and nudged Thage toward the other girl, causing Angelina to chuckle. And there they stayed for awhile, talking and working together.

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