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The Power Inside

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((Not 100% sure about everyone ;x

-Khaine - Fatigue starting to set in from using a few high energy draining attack's.

-Isa injured arm, but healed by Angelina

-I believe Angelina, Thor and Imari are relatively fine with no serious injuries.))

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((Thank you happy.gif))

While his students had been busy escorting the sheep and their sheppherds to the new pasture Ceil had been helping out the nearby military forces clear out a nest of Sand Merks. They were large ugly rats about the size of a dog and while a single one was not much threat, their danger was the sheer numbers in which they attacked. Thousands of the wretched creatures grouped together to unleash their signature attack, which could turn to human brain to soup if exposed to it for too long.


As Seth was the same element as the Sand Merks their attack had little effect on him or Ceil, but that also meant that his magic did not work on them either. That meant Seth had to take the more direct approach, biting and stomping his way to their demise.


After Seth had slayed at least a couple of hundred of Sand Merks they had broken their ranks and fled, allowing the Military Summoners an easier time in moping them up. Ceil had dismissed Seth and saught medical attention, as his entire body was covered in bites.


By the time the doctor was done Ceil was covered in badages. They'd even had to cut his shirt off to tend to some of the nastier wounds. Ceil wondered if he would look better if he had just taken on a Titan sans Seth.


Mumbling about the uselessness of Military doctors Ceil left the base and started to walks towards the pasture. His students should be there by now.

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"Sera, you alright?" Diana called across to her teammate. "We're nearly there! If you don't need help, just keep an eye out where you are

!" It was probably five minutes walk to the paddock form where they where. Hopefully Ceil wouldn't shout at them for being late or something... She shrugged. He could shout at them, it wasn't going to hurt anything other than perhaps their pride. She trotted Rain along, telling Wes to stay where he was. "Fix up Sera if she needs it Thage. We're almost at the paddock, yeah? I'm going to take care of the front!" Using her natural speed advantage, Diana galloped Rain to the front, making it there quickly. The sheep didn't seem to alarmed by her Fiend as they were by Thor's - hers was a prey animal in shape as they were.

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Khaine made it to the destinated location and turned around to look at the progress of the others. He reached into the knapsack he wore and pulled out a waterskin, filled with water. He sat there on Crixius shoulder taking a momentary break and a sip of his drink as the herders he had escorted began to watch over the sheep they had escorted.




Kaz sat with his back up against his tree, a hunting knife in one hand. The initials D.D where inscribed on the wooden hilt of the knife, there outline just visible under the sunlight.

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((I think Vang said she has plans for Thage? *needs confirmation*))

((Yes. Just waiting for the right moment...


Sera has a few scrapes and scratches that will go away when she sees a healer.

Angelina is fine.))


Sera eyed their team captain and nodded.

"I'm fine. So is Thage." she yelled to the girl below them." Pyrhos screeched confirmation.

"Let's just get these sheep home!" she said, grunting a little as she moved her sore leg.



Angelina walked over to stand besides Khaine, she watched quietly as the sheep herders started to lead the animals into the pin.

"Well, we made it...congrats captain." she said with a small smile, exhaustion tainting her words.

Aiedail walked up behind the boy and gently nuzzled his arm. A faint blue light surrounded the boy healing any injuries he might have sustained. A few seconds later, Aiedail came to stand to the right of Angelina as she gave her the support to lean against something.


((Don't forget, Sera and Imari still have to see Gwen's parents.))

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Diana was dreaming a bit as they walked along, and didn't realise she had gone into the pen with Rain until, well, she was in the pen. "Oh!" Sitting up, she aimed her Fiend at the fence. It was an easy canter and jump over, and she came away grinning. "Awesome! We did it!" She could see a masculine figure which could only be Ceil walking toward them from a little while away, and she tentatively waved toward it. "I hope he's in a good mood," she muttered to her unicorn. From where they were she could make out his shirt, which looked somewhat haggard and cut. Perhaps because it was. She wrinkled her nose. She had thought he would have been slacking off somewhere.


Thor slid off his polar bear, dismissed it, and walked the last part of the way on foot. He was feeling a bit saddle-sore, and the walking would do him some good. He stretched leisurely in the sun, smoothing his blonde hair down. Ahh, he had a date with Imari sometime, didn't he? He was sure they had arranged something for tomorrow... Or perhaps she had said, 'maybe.' Smiling to himself, the blue-eyed boy halted by the sheep pen and climbed up to sit on the edge of it. He petted one of the fluffy creatures, liking it's fluffy yet dirty fur and sweet face. Cute!

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Imari and her fiend reached the group looking at shepherds and how the sheep is taking a liking to their new pasture. She quickly slid of Drahual and made her to the group of shepherds who seemed to be checking if all the sheep where there.

“I believe everything is in order now?”


“Yes and I see the other seemed to have done a fairly good job as well.” The man pointed out at Diana’s team. “You better wait here for your teacher.”




Bastian headed to the left side and started working through papers looking at one after the other trying to find the one they needed. A hour had passed and still nothing, the boy quickly stretched a bit and continued his search occasionally looking away and resting his eyes.

“Reading and looking is sure tiring.” He mumbled to himself.

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Arthur wasn't having much luck himself. While he didn't have to keep comparing names like Bastain, it didn't make the search any less tedious.




Ceil walked up the the pen where his students were herding the sheep into. It seemed like they had just completed the task. Diana waved at him, but he did not return it. His arm ached too much anyway.


"You manage alright?" he asked when he drew near.

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Diana nodded hesitantly and then grinned. "We even picked up Archer along the way. I ran into some trouble, but that doesn't matter. He saved me~" She twisted around on her Fiend's back to try and spot him, but he was nowhere to be seen. Pity. Her smile diminished slightly and she turned back to Ceil, eyeing his rather damaged shirt. "Is it alright if I ask you what you got up to?" she asked, raising her eyebrows slightly as she returned her gaze to her face. Rain whickered softly, stepping forward and putting out her muzzle as if to get a better look.


((Rain is just asking for a slap. xd.png))

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"Archer? Where the hell has he been? I thought he ran away?"


Chico and her Fiend stared at him, obviously concerned by all the bandages and the state of his clothes. When she asked what he had been doing he just shrugged.


"Something that is still beyond your current level."

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Crixius fell backwards, landing on his rear and causing a tremble in the earth. Groups of sheep started to run the other way in fear of the mini quake.


"S.. Sorry" shouted Khaine, who couldn't help but smile. Two of the herders gave him an angry glare, but soon turned away. Khaine hopped down from Crixius's shoulder, placing one hand on his fiends arm to keep balance as he hit the floor.


"Everythings fine... apart from the incident with Isa.." mumbled Khaine. He looked at Angelina and silently thanked her for being in his squad. If not for her, things could have ended up more serious injury wise.

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Diana pouted when he didn't technically answer her question. Ah, well. At least he didn't smack her Fiend or something for near touching his bandages. "I dunno. He said something but I can't remember it at the moment. He said it at a point I wasn't concentrating very much, so..." She grinned at him as if it would help the prospect of him being angry with her for not remembering. "You can ask him yourself when he comes into view." Rain retracted her nose, snorting softly at the smell of blood. "He's still a good addition, huh? So what are we doing the rest of the day?" she yeLped as Rain dodged to the side in surprise at the earthquake. She looked over her shoulder and poked her tongue out at him.

Edited by Chicogal

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"If all of the sheep are okay and the shepherds no longer need you, the rest of the day is your own. Just don't get into any trouble."


Khaine arrived and caused a stir with Crixius. Sheep ran off bleating and several shepherds looked at Khaine in annoyance.


Ceil rounded on him after he spoke.


"What happened to Isa?"

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" A group of creepers charged our group and during the scuffle her fiend got hit by a projectile..."replied Khaine. "B..But.. Angelina.. she managed to heal her though... "he tried to reason.


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Diana nodded and looked at the sheep. So, she'd help them! "I'll help you found some up!" she called to them, tapping her heels gently to Rain's sides. The two rounded up a couple of the runaway sheep and drove them into the pen quite easily and she grinned when finished. It was so fun, being with her Fiend! Later she would definitely go riding and jumping.

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“I believe Sera and I can go and see Gwens parents now.”Imari spoke as she appeared from behind Drahual.


She then gave a look where Sera were since Ceil gave them permission spending the day as they pleased. She wanted to end everything and find closure and maybe find some time to fly with her fiend. It was one of the things she missed a lot.

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As khaine stood there in discussion with Ceil, Crixius quickly began to get bored. He didn't bother listening to the discussion, if there was anything important, Khaine would inform him.


Crixius's gaze soon turned towards the sheep. Such weird creatures, covered in fluff and resembling clouds with feet. Unlike Crixius, nearly all other sentient lifeforms he had seen were made of flesh, whereas he was literally living rock.. to put it bluntly. Crixius rolled over and attempted to reach out and grab one of the walking clouds but was soon stopped.


"Behave!.. we got them here alive, we don't need you popping one of them" thought Khaine, who could feel Crixius's thoughts.


Crixius's hand retreated and he returned to sitting normally.

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Finished with her small extra task, Diana sat there looking for something to do. Looked like she was going to riding back on Rain; Ceil didn't seem to be in any state to summon. It was going to take her all day. Pyhros could only carry a couple, probably the ones without Fiends who could carry them, so it would take them all day to get back. Feeling somewhat deflated, the two wandered over to Khaine and Crixius, who had just almost touched a sheep but then retracted his hand. "Hello!" she called, waving at him. "How did your team go?"

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Crixius turned his head and looked down at Diana and Rain, he lifted his left hand and mimicked the waving motion of Diana's hand.


Khaine turned around as he heard Diana and Rain calling out. "fine I guess.. we were attacked by some creepers along the way though.. and... Isa was injured.." replied Khaine, "How about your squad?.. Did everything go smoothly?" he inquired.

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Rain couldn't help but giggle softly at the huge hand waving back. It just seemed like such an awkward gesture for such a big hand to make! "Yeah, everything was okay for the most part. We picked up Archer, though. Woop!" she exclaimed, waving her hands in the air. Then, she let them drift back down. "I wonder how we're getting back, though. I don't think Ceil can summon Seth in his state right now. Anyway." She shrugged and looked over her shoulder at the sweet baaing sheep and the blonde haired Thor. "How's he coming along?" she inquired in a softer tone.

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Crixius quickly placed his hand back down by his side and turned his head away as soon as Diana began to giggle. Khaine couldn't help but smile as he felt Crixius's thoughts. He soon turned back to Diana, "I don't really know... I was busy making a wall to shield the shepards for half the fight and once I joined in I was too focused on fighting... I believe he managed to help Imari kill the lead creeper though... I overheard them planning as I began to escort the shepherds to safety... you should have seen the size of it... and those tentacles... gives me the creeeps just thinking about it X.x"


Khaine stood there and pondered her question about Transportation. If Ceil couldn't summon Seth, and Imari and Sera were heading off... Isa would be the only one with a flying fiend... "I... I really don't know..." he said

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((Who said Ceil cound't summon? Just because he dismissed Seth for now doesn't mean he can't get everyone home.))

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((Whoops. Confused Sera and Angelina. o3o))


Diana tilted her head slightly at Crixius. Was he embarrassed by her giggling? "I can canter back on Rain, although it'll be tiring. Dunno about the others. Maybe Ceil will just have to summon Seth." Her eyes drifted to Crixius again. "Did I upset Crixius?" she asked, frowning slightly. It wasn't a nice feeling, knowing or thinking you had upset somebody.


((Diana thinks he's too injured. and didn't see him fly in. o3o))

Edited by Chicogal

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"Nah... he is fine..." replied Khaine who looked over at Crixius. Crixius was once again fixated upon one of the 'clouds with legs'. "He was just embarrased...that's all." A pebble whizzed through the air and hit Khaine in the back of the head just as he finished that sentence. Khaine turned and glared at Crixius.


Crixius ignored the glare and pretened as if nothing happened.

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Diana watched Crixius, still with a slight frown, but suddenly giggled again as a pebble hit the back of Khaine's head. It was quite funny, the two of them."He's funny," she commented, grinning at the rocky figure. He obviously didn't like his feelings being said out loud. Huh. Rain began to trot toward the Fiend, and Diana slid off as she did so, landing softly. The unicorn proceeded to go over to Crixius, whinnying up at him. Diana snorted, shook her head, and returned looking at Khaine. "Looks like someone's catching up with him."

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