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The Power Inside

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((Drow don't you have the wrong person there? xd.png))


Drahaul rose from the dead monster slowly untangling himself from the tentacles of the Creeper. Imari held tightly as her fiend slightly struggled and shook himself for the monster. Finally when he was free they took towards the sky but landed near Thor and his fiend.


“Come on lets join the others. We have nothing else to do here.” she spoke and Drahual started to walk his way towards the herders.

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It was nearly twenty minutes before a secretary appeared to usher Arthur into Lord Jyeh's offices. The young Summoner strode into the room, stood in front of the desk and saluted smartly. He didn't meet Lord Jyeh's eyes, but instead stared straight ahead over the man's head. Hima sat down by his feet and also looked forward, but from where he was all he could see was desk.


"Report" said Jyeh, taking an grape from the bowl on his desk and eating it.


"Private Bastain and myself looked into the death of one of the Summoner School's lastest recruits. Our investigation revealed that her death was accidental, killed by a mercenary hired to locate some machinery by the Xillian Group that belonged to one of their rivals. I have ordered a full lock down and investigation of their premises and records."


Jyeh nodded.


"You spent a long time in Niefir for an investigation into a Zurt Lyordeur group."


"The mercenary had a partner. I deemed it necessary to locate and question him."


Jyeh ate another grape and then steepled his fingers over his desk.


"Well, now that we have the business out of the way, how are you? I hear you have been spending your wages quite quickly again."

Arthur said nothing, but continued to stare out the window. Jyen stood up in order to get the boy to look at him, although this meant that Arthur was now gazing just below his neck.

"There is little point in denying it. You are not the only Investigator in the military. You've been throwing your money all over the place. You even made two payments in Dnortih Mdyhl last month."


Arthur remained silent. No matter what Jyeh said, what he did with his wages was his own business. And that reminded him he needed to pick up that book on wild mushrooms.


Eventually Jyeh gave up and sat back down. No one could do the silent treatment like Arthur.


"Very well. You may go. But this matter has not been forgotten. I passed that legislation for a reason you know. I can't have my own nephew undermining me."


He waved Arthur away, who saluted and quickly left the room. After a few moments Jyeh stood up again and peered over the edge of his desk at where Hima had been sitting. Sure enough, there was a huge damp patch on his carpet.


"I hate that Fiend" he muttered.

Edited by Fortune86

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Bastian walked in a different direction from Arthur, towards the barracks, Areo was following obediently until they reached the building. They boy entered and within a few seconds every eye in the room was on him. He continued his way down the hallway ignoring the men as they looked, he had no time for chit chatting. At the end of the hall he opened another door which led to another room basically the same size as the previous one but these were filled with bedrooms.


It was rather empty since this was the summoners quarters and most of them had their missions. Bastian walked down the hallway until her reached the last door which led to a shared room. He used to have a bunk mate but he died during a mission which in turn left him the only one to own the room. As he flopped down on the bed he looked at the roof waiting for Arthur.

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Arthur didn't head straight to the barracks, but stopped at the military library to get the book he had ordered. The woman wanted to ask why he wanted it, but couldn't build up the courage. Arthur's cold expression didn't invite casuality. From his Fiend to his attitude, the Summoner couldn't get any more icy if he had a carrot for a nose.


Tucking the book under his arm Arthur walked to the barracks and located Bastain's small room. He stood in the doorway and looked around.

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Bastian closed his eyes when he felt the dryness in his mouth again. He quickly stood up and walked across the hallway to the other side where one of the kitchens was located. Getting him a glass he quenched his thirst and cleaned up then returned to his room.

As he lay in his bead he finally could hear footsteps but kept lying since he knew who was coming. A shadowy figure blocked the doorway when Bastian looked up but let his head fell backwards again to rest.


“That seemed rather fast. What’s under your arm there?

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Arthur took the book from under his arm and lightly tossed it on the bed next to Bastain. The title read 'Edible Mushrooms'. It wasn't a very thick book.


"It's the same author as the berry book" said Arthur leaning against the door frame. "I don't really fancy padding my diet out with bugs."


Hima crept into the room and began to sniff around. He knocked Bastain's waste paper basket over and stuck his head inside.


"We need to find out about Kaz's brother. I don't suppose you know his name?"

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Bastian took the book and paged it a bit seeing different kinds of mushrooms and their properties, a few of them he knew and some he had never even seen. Placing the book back on his bed he sat up thinking a bit about Arthur’s question. Luckily for such a small island there weren’t too many names to remember, plus it does help if one live there their whole live.


“Mmm… If I remember correctly his name is Drystan. Drystan Daniels.”

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Arthur nodded.


"We will start in the records room. There should be a copy of his military history there. It will tell us what missions he was on and where. It might give us some clues."

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Bastian got of the bed and stretched a bit while watching Hima as he was still busy doing his own investigation. As he finished the boy nodded at Arthur’s suggestion, picking up the book and walking to the door giving it back to him.


“Sounds like a plan. Shall we get going then while there is still day light?”

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Arthur put the book back under his arm when Bastian returned it to him and nodded.


"Yes. It may take some time to find his records. He will be in the deceased section and that gets larger everyday."


He stepped aside to alloe Bastian to exit his room and mentally called Hima to his side. The ice wolf pulled his head out of Bastian's waste paper basket and trotted over to his Summoner.


With both his book and his Fiend Arthur walked out of the barracks and into the records room. Finding Drystan Daniels file would not be an easy task. The deceased records had spanned three rooms during his last visit and that was a whole month ago.

Edited by Fortune86

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Bastian exited the room and waited till everyone was out before closing it again. They made their way out of the building and were greeted by Areo who has been waiting for them the whole time.

Bastian didn’t fancy going to the records room since he had one problem. Looking at his friend he wondered if he would remember that he couldn’t read and that someone used to read his information for him. The boy promised himself that he would learn but with the need of summoners he rarely got time. In silence he walked along Arthur wondering about what information they would find.

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Arthur looked around the large expanse that was the records rooms. From what he could see it was still only the three rooms, so that was something.


He turned to Bastian and thought how best he could help him find the file, as his friend still had not learned his words due to his busy worklife.


"Wait here a moment" he said before walking over to a desk.


He pushed a few items aside and found the revolving stamp they used to name files. It had 5 little keys that could be turned and used to stamp five letters or spaces at a time. Very time consuming for files with longer names, but it kept the names readable. Not all of the secretarys had intelligible writing.


Pulling over a blank peace of paper Arthur stamped out the name Drystan Daniels. He took the paper back to Bastain and handed it to him.


"We want a file with a heading that looks like that" he said. Bastian may not be able to read, but he could look and compare.


((Will that work?))

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((Lol… good plan Fortune))


Bastian looked at the piece of paper and took it from Arthur, he could work with this. He was good with visual things and searching for something similar to this would be a great way.

“Now where do you want to start?” he spoke still looking at the page and memorizing it.



((I wonder if we should let the others catch up with their things a bit?))

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((I already have Ceil on hold D:))


"We'll do this room first. You start on the left hand side of the door and I'll do the right. We'll go round and meet in the middle. If neither of us have found anything we'll try another room tomorrow. It'll be too late today for a second attempt."

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Isa breathed deeply. She felt much better so she got up, deciding to rejoin the fight. Patting Griffin, she climbed onto his back and ordered Griffin back into the fray, only to find that the battle had ended. She sighed and mentioned for Griffin to go back to the others.

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((Not sure what is happening... Maybe Ceil should come along and complain that they're taking too long? tongue.gif))

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((Decided not to kill him off. But he's free for any horrid plans of yours if you need anyone, Forutne. xd.png))

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((Speaking of Thor! Imari ordered him around and told him they should head back to the group.))

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((Okay, so Team Captains, can I have a full update of your team status? Like who is injured, whether your team has reached their destination, etc.))

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((Alright. xd.png))


Thor nodded to Imari, still rather pale, and let his Fiend carry him back to the group with loping, large strides which covered a considerable amount of ground each time. He reached the group in a matter of minutes, waving his hand at them so they wouldn't mistake his polar bear for a monster if they overlooked him.


((Diana's Group:

Diana - Couple of superficial scratches.

Sera - Vang can vouch for her

Wes - Dunno. Ears hasn't turned up for ages...?

Thage - Perfectly fine, unless her RPer wants to do something inbetween the time she last played her and now. Hasn't been around for ages...

Archer - Where is Shadow? :L

I think they'd be nearly there?))


Edited by Chicogal

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((I'll be doing a tidy up soon and deleting inactive characters. I'm going to check up when Shadow last posted and poof them if it is too long.


I think Vang said she has plans for Thage? *needs confirmation*


And thank you for the update Chico.))

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