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Monster Hunters 1x1 with me and ND...

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Atelo approached them, blinking. "Hey guys," he mumbled, opening his study door and entering.

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Atelo frowned. "I'm...sorry?" he asked, unsure of what to say.

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"No! This is great!" He was just sobbing though, and Ito looked just as confused. "Lilith had them."

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Atelo frowned. "Oh... well...that's good... I guess..."

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"I need to go!" He said suddenly. "Kerana's waiting!!!" He disappeared, and Ito just blinked. "I have no idea what just happened."


Terry's reappeared in the snowy barren wasteland where he last remembered Kerana. "KERANAAAAH!" He screamed.

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Atelo shrugged. "Nothing makes sense anymore," he mumbled, going into his study.


Wherever Terryn went, Kerana wasn't there. But smoldering coals showed that she had been there recently, and a few items showed she would be back.

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Ito wandered in as well. "Atelo...? I broke up with Farrah." He said quietly. He hasn't said it outloud yet. He kind of just wanted to pretend everything would be just like before... But without all of this dating nonsense. He missed Farrah as his friend.


Terryn sat near the coals, making himself alight to keep warm. It was chilly...

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Atelo glanced up at Ito, frowning. "I'm sorry," he murmured.


Kerana appeared a little while later, dragging in a dead polar bear. She dropped it onto the floor, relieved to be out of the wind before glancing over and yelping slightly. SHe wasn't expecting anyone to be there.

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Ito just shuffled his feet. "It's... Okay I guess..."


Terryn wrapped around her in a bear hug, kissing her cheeks and neck. "I don't know why I left, but I'm never doing it again. Ever. You won't be in danger, even if I'm here, because I'll protect you and I love you~" he squeezed her tightly. "I don't remember everything Kerana, but I remember how much I love you."

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Atelo frowned softly. "Want to help me make a few potions?" he asked, wanting to get Ito out of his stupor, get his mind off of this.


Kerana had her hand on the hilt of a dagger when Terryn crushed her into a hug. "T-terryn?" she choked out, barely able to breathe. "You've been gone... for a long time. Just up and disappeared..."

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"Yes." He smiled a bit, shadowing him.


"I'm sorry, I had pretty bad demons on my tail, wanting me and everyone and I don't even know why I went away. I'd kick their ass if I ever harnessed the power they want me to, and I would still protect you!" Terry's let her go, still holding her shoulders though. "I love you." He grinned to her.

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Atelo moved over to a table and began to mix some ingredients together, giving Ito some to crush up to keep him busy.


Kerana grinned up at Terryn. "Sounds like you had fun," she said. "Didn't leave anything for me, though? I was getting bored." She shook her head. "I love you too, but really, I can take care of myself."

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Ito grinned broadly crushing things like a madman. He seemed to enjoy it. "What is this? What are we making...?"


Terry's smiled. "There is plenty if you want to come back to see Ito. I got to see Iso and Zsalin's kid again... You remember them?"

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"Some healing potions," he said. "Also a paralytic draft I'm going to see works or not."


Kerana nodded. "Yeah, Zalala and Ito. Guess they grew up, huh?"

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"Sounds cool. What are you going to test the paralysis potion on?" Ito was done crushing, a fine powder achieved.


Terryn hugged her gently again. "Yes. Apparently everyone grew up but me. I never should have left you..." He nuzzled into her hair, then tensed. "We didn't have children did we? I'm pretty sure I would have remembered children, but my memories are so spotty... I don't even remember what this place is called..."

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Atelo shrugged. "I'll try it eventually," he said, taking the powder from Ito and pouring it into a bottle with liquid. "Put this by the fire for a few minutes."


Kerana patted his back lightly. "No, we haven't. Not yet. This is my home, its name doesn't really matter anymore. It's cold and few live here." She grinned. "Why? Did you go on an adventure without me?"

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He sighed in relief. "I would have felt terrible if I had forgotten them. And no, I don't think I had any sort of adventure... All I did was hide and steal."


Ito looked shocked. "What if it works?!"

Edited by lycrawaterz14

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Kerana patted him. "Well, you met Ito and Zalala didn't you? They're probably doing stuff that's cool."


Atelo shrugged. "Then I'll make more. It's useful when you're trying to talk to someone who's less than cooperative."

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"Ito's very obviously half wyvern... He flips out like Zsalin... Even though he only met him for a little while before he passed... And he lost his mother too... And he just broke up with his girlfriend, but he's such a good kid... They would be proud of him. And Zalala's a princess, though a troublesome one..." He kissed her. "I missed you...

Edited by lycrawaterz14

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Kerana grinned. "What do you expect from a wyvern and dragon-oracle pair?" She petted his hair, smiling. "It's been rather lonely..."

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"True..." He murmured, holding her close again. "Why haven't you aged at all? You're still just as beautiful...?"

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Kerana grinned. "I'm an elf, silly. We don't age."

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His eyes watered, and he crushed her in another hug. He didn't realize he would never have to leave her...

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