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Monster Hunters 1x1 with me and ND...

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Sirocca nodded softly. "Rest. Yes. I will do that." She floated quietly down the hall, to sleep in a quiet place.

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Ito wandered off, Farrah looking quite peeved at him. Terryn teleported to wherever Ito was, to talk for a bit.


(Time skipppp)

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Atelo stirred quietly. His head hurt. His body hurt. He was exhausted, even though he'd slept. Gritting his teeth he slowly cracked an eye open, immediately closing it at the blinding light of the morning.

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Zalala tossed the sheet over their heads. She was curled up to him as close as possible. She had been cuddling him for a long time, and now she hoped she would reap the reward. "You okay?" She asked, touching his cheek gently with her fingers.

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Atelo opened his eyes again with the light gone. He blinked. Then blinked again. "Zalala...? W-what happened to your hair...?" His brows furrowed slightly. "Where are we anyway?"

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"Back home." She murmured, then touched her own hair. "I had to cut it all off...Why? Do you not like it...?" She looked hurt.

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Atelo stared at it for a moment. "It's fine..." he said slowly. "Just taken aback...surprised. Gods my head hurts..."

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Zalala rubbed his back and shoulders, holding him close. "Sorry... Do you want me to call a doctor? I can..."

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"No...it's fine... it's just...hurting...I ache all over and I got no explanation for it..." He let out a sigh. "I'm just exhausted..."

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"It's all of that magic. You overdid yourself. Just rest, you'll be back to normal in no time." She put her face next to his, rubbing her cheek against him.

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Atelo sighed, his eyes drifting close. "I don't even remember what happened... I teleported, but then everything's a mess..."

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"Well... All I know is that you somehow made it into my sealed area in the kingdom. You and Terryn started causing a ruckus, and so I had to 'capture' you so you would shut up. Then you didn't recognize me... So I... Uh... Kissed you a little bit and you kicked me over and had a nervous breakdown." She said, utterly ashamed.

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Atelo curled up slightly, a frown on his lips. "I...did that?" he said quietly. "That doesn't bode well... something was very wrong there, then."

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"Sirocca said you had too much magic." She scooted away a little, realizing this was getting awkward quick.

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Atelo frowned, sighing softly. "Possibly... a similar thing occurred when Relnz turned the other way..."

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Atelo shook his head. "I don't recall. I think it was the overpowering magic that Relnz radiated."

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Atelo shook his head. "I don't know what you did...so I suppose not."

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She punched his arm, her face bright red. "I told you what I did!" Zalala looked away, ashamed. "I learned my lesson..."

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Atelo rubbed his arm, frowning. "Oh..." was all that came out of his mouth. Slowly he sat up, blinking his eyes and gazed around him. "Has Relnz been back yet..." he thought out loud, his brow furrowing at the thought.

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Atelo frowned over at Zalala. Slowly he got up, stretching and popping his joints before heading to the door.

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Atelo sighed. What did he do? He trudged off around the castle to look around.

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