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Monster Hunters 1x1 with me and ND...

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"You're an idiot." It said simply, then promptly kissed him. Terryn looked like he just dropped a brick. "WHAT THE-" it waved him off. "Oh hush, Terryn."

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Atelo sat rigid. What? Out of instinct when he didn't know what else to do, a foot came out and kicked at the offender before pushing himself as far away as possible, practically sitting in Terryn's lap.

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The guard stumbled backwards, her helmet falling off as she caught herself and sat. "The hell, Atelo?!" Zalala growled, pouting. The armor made her seem genderless, as well as her haircut. It was gone, maybe two inches left in her spiky haircut. She pulled it off well, her face feminine enough she was still recognizable. "Now I'm mad at you." She snorted, foldin her arms and legs and glaring at Atelo.

Edited by lycrawaterz14

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Atelo stared, his lips moving but no words coming out. It...it couldn't be Zalala. Why would they be here...? It had to be a trick, a lie. Zalala wouldn't trick them like this, wouldn't look like this. No, this wasn't right. He shook his head, slowly at first, then furiously. "G-go away!" he managed to get out, pressing against the back bars. "Go away!" He curled his knees to his chest, the palms of his hands pressing against his ears. "I will not listen to your lies!" he screamed, his eyes shut tight. "I will not see the trickery! Go away!"

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Zalala slowly approached him, shushing him. "Atelo... Shhh. Look, look, it's me." She gently took one of his hands from his ears and held it to her face. "Look. Terryn was practicing enchanting armor and I stole several. We had a lice outbreak and I had to cut my hair. Plus it was hot in the helmets. It is me. You were blowing our cover, so we had to take you in." She explained, trying to soothe him before he did something crazy.

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"N-no!" Atelo whimpered, pulling his hand away from her, ignoring the pain that his injured fingers brought him from the movement. "I will not listen!" Tears were trickling from his closed eyes, pulling himself closer into a ball. "What did you do to her?" he sobbed. "What did you do?"

"I think he needs to leave," Sirocca murmured, suddenly behind her. "There are powerful forces present here and he is easily susceptible to them. He might still be feeling the effects of teleporting too far of a distance... or it's permanent." She shurgged, not really too well rehearsed in what magic did to people.

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"Then I need to stay with him. He will be safe here, we have reclaimed this territory with seals and armed ourselves." She growled, and took off the shoulder pad with the spike. Her whole armor folded in on itself, and she was in a simple short shift. "Atelo, look I'm here. It really is me! How can I prove it?"


Terran was anxious. "It's not safe here. It doesn't feel good." He grumbled. Zalala glared. "Terryn. Shut up, you're not helping."

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Atelo was mumbling incoherently, tears streaming down his cheeks. He was far from them, lost in his own head.

"I think you need to move Terryn," Sirocca murmured softly to Zalala. "The only conclusion is that Atelo has snapped, and it would be best to keep everyone out of reach..."

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"I'm not moving." Zalala growled, just pulling Atelo down to a sitting position and trying to hold his hand. She seemed more concerned than ever, her eyebrows knitting together in worry. "Can I help?" She asked him, petting his hair as best she could. Terryn retreated.

Edited by lycrawaterz14

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Atelo resisted her, keeping his hands firmly clasped around his ears. He was pressing his forehead against his knees, sobbing uncontrollably now. Sirocca frowned softly and went over to Terryn. "He needs to go home," she murmured softly. "This place has too much magic for him to handle..."

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Terryn sighed. "I'll try..." He tapped Zalala's shoulder. "It's time to go home." He told her. Zalala was rubbing Atelo's shoulders, trying to soothe him. "Take my men out first."

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Sirocca nodded. "I help," she said, taking Terryn by the arm. "Let's go get them."

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Zalala would simply cuddle with him until they came back. Terry's teleported Sirocca to where he sensed beings. It looked like Zalala's men, cleverly disguised.

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Atelo was still sobbing when Terryn teleported the nymph away. Sirocca blinked and glanced around at the people around them. "Good people?" she asked, tilting her head to the side.

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"Zalala's people." One growled. Terry's grinned. "I have to get you out. Zalala's orders." He started teleporting them out.

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Sirocca nodded softly. "Yes," she murmured, helping Terryn teleport the men out.

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It didn't take too long to send the men on their way back home. Sirocca let out a sigh, her shoulder slumping slightly. It was exhausting to pull every once of her strength into teleporting people. "Let's get the royals," she murmured, floating back to where they had left Zalala.

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"I got you three. You look exhausted..." Terryn said to Sirocca, teleporting to the royals. Zalala was still cuddling Atelo.

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Sirocca nodded softly, letting Terryn teleport them away. Atelo had at least stopped sobbing, but was still muttering incoherently into his knees.

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Terryn brought them back next to Ito. Farrah was clinging to him and he sighed in relief. "Thank goodness you two are back alright!" He let her go and tended to Atelo. "Whoa... You guys smell like magic." He commented.

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Sirocca shrugged quietly. "Don't bother Atelo too much, he might be unstable..." she murmured softly. He was still muttering, still curled up in a tight ball, withdrawn into himself.

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Zalala was trying to unfurl him, whispering to him the whole time. She really was trying to help.

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Atelo eventually relaxed, but not by conscious means. He had worn himself out to the point of exhaustion and had dozed off. "At least he isn't mumbling," Sirocca murmured, slowly floating over to them.

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Zalala got him out of the ball, and looked up to Terryn. "Can you take him to his bed?" She asked. He sighed, and teleported them both. Zalala tucked him into his bed, making sure he wasn't in any odd angles, and curled up beside him. She laid her head on his chest, just staring at him.


Terryn teleported back. "Looks like you could use some rest too, Sirocca."

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