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Monster Hunters 1x1 with me and ND...

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Atelo jerked as someone approached them from behind. He ducked under their arms, grabbing hold of Terryn as he teleported them quickly away out of their grasps. Sirocca had another breeze drift her out of the encampment, not wanting to blow her cover.

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Terryn was babbling something to Atelo, but now they all swarmed, trying to grab the two. They weren't using any spells or magic, just brute force, or attempting to.

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Atelo gritted his teeth, ignoring Terryn as he teleported again before murmuring words of speed into his feet. He grabbed Terryn, slinging him over his shoulder as he ran, the magic speeding his stride.

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"IF WE LET THEM GET IS WE'LL GET TO ZALALA!" He yelled, then shuddered, curling in on himself. "I'm hurt..."

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Atelo snorted. "You think that's a good idea? All of us getting ensnared?"

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"YES! THEY'RE TRYING NOT TO HARM US, AND THEY CAN'T-" he shuddered again, looking like he might throw up. "THEY CAN'T CATCH SIROCCA!"

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Atelo snorted. "Fine," he said, stopping dead in his tracks. He turned to face what he was fleeing from. "If they so dare lay a finger on any of us, I swear I'm going to castrate you."

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They immediately restrained the two, but didn't shove them around a lot. They just put a pair of handcuffs on Terryn, and they seem to sting. They put a cloth up to Atelo, smelling like chloroform. But... Different. Almost enchanted.

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Atelo let them restrain them, watching them put handcuffs on Terryn out of the corner of his eye. Yet when the strange smelling cloth came his way, the mage resisted, leaning back as far as he could, his nose wrinkling at the smell.

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They pushed his head forward, but led him on into the block. Rerun tried to say something and a lean, thin guard punched him in the side.

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Atelo didn't like this. Not one bit. He continued to resist. There was no way he was getting near that smelly cloth. He got one leg out and kicked wildly at the nearest person within his reach, cursing in any language that popped up into his head first. He really shouldn't have listened to Terryn at all.

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They just avoided him, wrestling him deeper into the encampment. Crappily constructed cells could now be seen. Terry's just shook his head.

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"Terryn, I am going to kill you when we get out of this," Atelo growled, feeling the hairs on his head beginning to stand up.

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They tossed the two into a cell, slamming it shut behind them, a seal visible. "Can't t-teleport out." He shuddered again. "Blech. I t-taste pennies." he smacked his lips. "You o-okay?" Terryn tried to get out of the restrains, but was unable to. The cell looked like it was only made for one person, but I guess they were sharing.


(If autocorrect messes up Terryn or Kinlea's name ONE MORE TIME.)

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Atelo rolled his eyes, folding his arms over his chest angrily. This was great, not only did he had a strange smelling cloth almost jammed in his face, he was now stuck sharing an obviously too small of a cell with Terryn. "Turn around," he grumbled. "I'll get those off of you."

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Atelo clicked his tongue as he worked on the handcuffs. It took only a few minutes to work them off Terryn's wrists. "There," he said, holding the handcuffs as if it was something disgusting and gingerly tossing it out of the cell.

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As soon as the cuffs touched the seal they dissolved into dust, clearly not a very happy door. "Whoa... Thanks." Terryn mumbled. "Did you see her on the way in? I've got tunnel vision pretty bad, I couldn't see into the cells..."

Edited by lycrawaterz14

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Atelo snorted. "Too busy flailing like a fish," he said, moving over to the door to examine. "Can't see what I'm working with," he grumbled, daring to test a hand as he poked his fingers through the bars to get to the door from the other side.

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His fingers sizzled, partially fried. Terryn wrenched him back. "How stupid are you? That will cook you."

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Atelo winced at the pain, making a face as he put the singed fingers into his mouth. "Thank you captain obvious," he grumbled through his fingers.

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"You're the one who shoved your hand in it!" Terryn snorted. "So... Should we just yell for Zalala?"

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"Have at it," Atelo said, still nursing his hand. It was better to hurt himself than not try to get themselves out.

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"Zalal-oh." Terran looked out. "Seems like we have a visitor..." He cringed to the back wall. It was the thinner guard, and it pulled out a long spike, injecting something in Terryn's arm. "Ow!" He complained, nursing his wound. The guard approached Atelo, just smirking. The lower jaw was visible, and the skin. It was marked with runes, though not tattooed.

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Atelo watched the guard approach, injecting something in Terryn via some very nasty looking spike thing. When the guard approached the mage, he growled, his hair crackling. "You don't dare," he hissed through his teeth, his eyes narrowed. He had no intentions of being stabbed by some uncleaned utensil of who knows what it contained.

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