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Monster Hunters 1x1 with me and ND...

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The dragon furled around him and he cuddled it. "I'll see you later." He waved. Terry's hovered near the two. "You ready? No armor, no nothing? I have a couple of things I made for Zalala's men that may fit..."

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Atelo waved his hand. "It's fine We're set to go."

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Terryn nodded. "Alright. It's dangerous." He put a hand on both of their shoulders, and they appeared where Zalala's castle used to reside.

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Sirocca immediately shivered when they arrived. "It is not good," she murmured, wrapping her arms around herself.

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Terryn shuddered four or five times. "I... I don't think we should be here." He said quickly, not liking this. It seemed off. Very off.

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Atelo sighed. "But Zalala may be here. We have to search..." Sirocca nodded softly. "The wind says they've been here recently..."

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Sirocca shook her head softly. Atelo sighed. "We should scout out, then. But with stealth. We don't want to stumble noisily into enemy hands."

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"We're up the enemies butt crack. I don't think stealth is an option... Let's just find Zapala fast." He started trying to looking for where they hid the prisoners.

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Atelo nodded. "But we should at least be cautious. Best to have only a few after us instead of an army." He kicked his boots off, his bare feet touching the ground to feel. "There is something similar to their signature north of here."

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"Should I teleport every few feet? Our scent will be scattered and less noisy then. And I seem to have a lot more control over teleporting than you... No offense. I was playing with it earlier, and I never left anything behind." Terryn nodded.

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Atelo grunted. "If you wish. I got no problem. My power is a bit weak anyhow."

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Terryn put a hand on each of them, and teleported every three feet rather quickly. They approached a scanty shelter ahead. "This is a trap..." Terryn growled, although a bit paranoid.

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Sirocca raised her hand. "I volunteer to go in," she murmured. "The wind will save me if something happens."

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"I'll go as well. I'll teleport myself out." Terryn nodded. "But we have to stick together. One person can't go in alone."

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Atelo sighed. "And one can't be left out either. We all go or we don't go at all."

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Sirocca nodded and floated over, Atelo following behind her. She approached the place, pressing close to peer through the cracks.

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Terry's just creeped along, trying to be as quiet as possible. There appeared to be odd guards around the encampment, with layers of spikes and scales to keep them protected. Many had helmets that covered their faces except for their lower jaw. That part looked nearly human...

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Sirocca frowned softly. "Think you can teleport me out when I go in?" she whispered softly. "I am easiest to escape and at this distance will give you time to escape too."

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Sirocca nodded. Her body became wispy, almost invisible as she let the breeze drift her towards the encampment, her eyes turning to look at everything.

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They didn't seem to notice her all too much, assuming it was the breeze. Terryn stood back, a hand on Atelo in case they needed to teleport. The hairs on the back of his neck were standing up on end.

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Sirocca gazed about, searching for anything, any clues. But there were none, it seemed. None that she saw. She frowned softly, the breeze stilling and letting her float near the middle of the encampment, still mostly invisible.

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"Hey wait... Didn't I...?" Terryn stood up taller. "Hey! Didn't I-" someone came up from behind the two and tried to restraining them, and they murmured things into Terryn's ear. His eyes were wide, and he didn't move.

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