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Monster Hunters 1x1 with me and ND...

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Ito held onto her too, trying to keep up. "ATELO?" He called out loudly. "He might still be pissed at me..."

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Sirocca frowned softly as a breeze rippled through the still leaves. "No, he's unconscious," she murmured. "He is over there against a tree," she pointed over to the left.

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"The wind says awhile," Sirocca murmured, floating over to the unconscious body against the knots of roots. Atelo stirred, but didn't wake.

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"He appeared and collapsed," Sirocca said softly, watching the mage remain still apart from his breath.

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"Perhaps he will awake on his own," Sirocca said. "We can take him back and get out of this creepy place..."

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Sirocca nodded softly, resting a hand on his shoulder and teleporting them back to the castle.

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Ito made a small exhausted sound, and his shoulders slumped. "Ouch... All this magic kinda hurts..."

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Sirocca patted him lightly. "Then rest. We have to wait until Atelo awakens anyway."

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Sirocca sighed and floated over to Farrah. "I can take the dragon back if you wish," she murmured.

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Farrah was trying to get the little baby to like her. It was hissing at her, wriggling away and even snapping at her at some points. She handed it off, several teen marks now adorning her.

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Sirocca sighed, shaking her head as she took the dragon. "You were supposed to behave," she murmured to the creature.

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It curled its tail around her arm and licked the air in appreciation. "Why doesn't he like me?" Farrah asked, looking sad. It hissed at the sound of her voice.

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Sirocca shrugged. "I don't know. Perhaps you smell offensive to it," she said, patting the dragon on the head.

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Farrah looked even more hurt. "How?" She reached out and pet it, now the dragon simply tolerating her.

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Sirocca shrugged. "Perhaps it just doesn't think you are family," she murmured. "But after awhile it should get used to you."

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Sirocca settled down, patting the dragon. "Atelo must be hasty in awakening. We need to find out where the others have gone before it is too late."

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Farrah glanced at Ito and Atelo, trying to remember what Ito looked like human. She could have had all of he strife gone... But it was his choice. She sighed, and say next to him.

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Sirocca patted the dragon, her eyes gazing around. "What happened to the Terryn man?" she asked.

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