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Monster Hunters 1x1 with me and ND...

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( You know, we could make a 1x2 group and flail around like children with candy. And then we could put it on another site to dick around without rules to consider.


But oh well, that could never work with three crazy people. Crazy people can't even stand when they have candy. They tend to fall over and bump into things and hit their heads and die of bleeding of the brain. )




Sirocca frowned quietly at Ito. "But someone has to return to see if the others are doing alright," she said softly. "Our help may be needed. If we do not return, we may be putting others into danger..."

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Lilith dropped something on his chest, reappearing again. He jumped and caught the liquid before it spilled. "Drink that and stop whining!" She barked, and disappeared. Ito looked at Sirocca, as if asking if he should or not.


(We should we should.)

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( Would Thael like it? )


Sirocca frowned softly as Lilith returned just to drop some container of strange liquid off before disappearing again. She sighed, nodding quietly to Ito, telling him to take it. It would be better than having him deteriorate because he didn't.

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(( I'd post here, but if you want to drop this long-lasting roleplay and start a 1v2 go right ahead.

You could just let me join this one but I suppose that'd be bad. I'm think about reading this whole damn thing. :I ))

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(Hey whoa whoa, this is the oldest 1v1 on the free form section, ain't nobody gonna be droppin it. But a spin off would be cool. Ervolo and Jamei kind of spun off and fizzled out into oblivion, we could pick up there.)


Ito uncorked it, admired how unappealing it was, before downing it. He made a face, but finished it off. His eyes turned purple and he shuddered, making a 'ughhh' noise. When he returned to normal he grinned. "All better!"

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( Yesh, we can make a branch off, or a cooler, newer RP with kickass people and cooler plots.)


Sirocca smiled softly as Ito claimed his wellness. "That is good, then we can go back then?"

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He looked to Farrah and the baby dragon. "You got the little girl?" He asked, picking up Farrah. She gasped, before giggling as he picked her up.

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Sirocca nodded, scooping up the small dragon in her arms. "Yes. I can take you there, if you wish."

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Sirocca nodded. She floated over to him, resting a hand on his shoulder. A wind picked them up, disappearing from the place and reappearing into a familiar castle.

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It was oddly quiet, no noise being made by the royalty.


"This is weird... Where's Atelo?"

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"I don't know. The wind isn't telling me anything." Sirocca trailed across the castle. "Where is everyone at all?"

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"Not a clue..." He whimpered, and sniffed. "I smell Terryn." He declared, and grabbed her hand to drag her along. The baby dragon wriggled to her back and latched on, some dragon hatchlings did this so their mother could fly.

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Sirocca smiled and patted the dragon before letting Ito take her along. "Do you smell anyone else?"

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"A couple of women from the village..." He pulled her back down to the vaults, where Terryn met them. "THANK GOODNESS." He hugged Ito. "I didn't know what to do! Atelo went missing and then Zalala just fell off the face of the earth with most all of the men..." He looked like he might cry.

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Sirocca floated around them, blinking curiously at Terryn. "He is a friend?" she asked, never seeing the man before as she poked him lightly with a finger in curiosity.

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"Yes." He smiled. "Are you clocking the people? I can't smell them..." Ito asked. Terry's nodded. "We need to l find Atelo... He would be a big help."

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Sirocca blinked, then shivered. "The Void creature has shown itself again," she murmured. "The wind brings the chills."

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Ito sighed. "Can you teleport me to Atelo, and watch Farrah?" He asked Terryn, setting Farrah down. She protested, but he kissed her forehead and ignored her. "Sirocca, do you want to stay here with the baby or come with me?"

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( Woo, kickass plots~

Make them with extra awesome. )


Sirocca frowned softly. "I will go. You may need help returning if there is trouble." She slowly unhooked the dragon from her back, looking a bit lost as to where to put it.

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It cried and whimpered, just starting to fall asleep. Farrah cradled it instead, but the dragon just wriggled trying to get away. Ito nodded. "Let's go then..."

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Sirocca patted the dragon on the head. "I'll be back soon," she murmured before floating over to Ito. "Alright, let us look for your friend."

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Terryn teleported the two of them to Atelo's location, wherever it may be. Ito didn't feel so well... All this magic was beginning to take its effects...

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Sirocca glanced around the dark forest. Apparently Atelo was... here? "This place is creepy," she murmured, wrapping her arms around herself as she floated over tree roots.

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