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Monster Hunters 1x1 with me and ND...

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The little girl go as close as she could and whimpered, rolling over to show her stomach.

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Sirocca patted the dragon's stomach, smiling softly.

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Sirocca giggled, tickling its belly with her fingers. "You're silly."

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The dragon closed its eyes and shook its neck. It seemed to have small frills beside its neck, not flaring at the moment.

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Sirocca patted it happily, floating close to the bed. "Happy funny thing," she said, smiling.

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It laid its head in her hand, licking her wrist and curled in a half moon to do so.

Edited by lycrawaterz14

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Sirocca petted it, smiling as she stroked its head happily.

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Sirocca smiled. "You're going to tire out if you keep this up," she said, petting the dragon.

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It lightly nibbled on her hands with its toothless gums, blinking up at her to make sure it was okay.

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Sirocca smiled, letting it nibble on her hands. It didn't hurt her at all.

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"Don't leter do that..." Ito grumbled. He had lifted his head up and stared at her. "When she gets teeth her feelings will be hurt when I make her stop..."

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"Oh..." Sirocca frowned, lifting her hand away from the dragon. "Sorry little creature, but your father does not approve..." She patted its stomach instead.

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Ito laughed weakly. "Bwahaha! I'm no father." He sighed. "More like its... I dunno. Warden." He smirked. "I still hurt... Something's missing..."

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Sirocca smiled. "Then I will be its mother," she said simply, picking up the dragon and cradling it. She blinked over at Ito. "I do not know what they have done to you."

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Ito looked to Farrah, then back to her, looking conflicted. "Then I guess I will be its father. We were the ones to find her anyway." The dragon rolled in her arms to flip on its stomach not liking being both on its back and being held. It purred in her arms. "She loves you... For saving her from Lilith as well. She pressed a memory into her, and it hurt. She says thank you."

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Sirocca smiled, patting the dragon happily. "I was only doing what I had to do," she said. "Lilith's a drooling dog who needs to keep her grubby paws off the furniture."

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"She gave pressed it in for me. It's of Terryn's family. He has a family with that blue haired woman. They live to the extreme far north of Zalala's kingdom. Almost the top of the world. And Zalala's been kidnapped by the demons." Ito sighed, tired.

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Sirocca blinked, frowning. "Zalala is... missing...?" She frowned, petting the dragon. "We must leave, then. Find the others..."

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"I can't. I still feel absolutely terrible." He sighed. "I dunno what she did to me... I just feel really drained..."

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Sirocca frowned. "Then, I will go and see..." she patted the dragon. "You should rest, then."

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(( Do you know how badly I want to join this thing sometimes, because I want to make huge text walls and make giant plots with it, and see Lilith's breasts, and you guys keep pushing me away? I think I deserve more respects!!! ))

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... But you should read it ALL. Even the sucky parts. Because its THAT GOOD)

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