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Monster Hunters 1x1 with me and ND...

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When Ito rolled over it was obvious his back was bleeding, as if he had wounds. Farrah lifted up his shirt and began trying to stop the flow of blood with fabric. "We need someone Sirocca. He needs to wake up..."

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Sirocca nodded. "I will go search for the demon man," she said, floating towards the door.

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Ito was shuddering and starting to whimper. Farrah soothed him as best as she could, trying to buy some time.

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Sirocca came back a few minutes later, with the red eyed man in tow. "So she's actually visiting him. The pest." Shaking his head he moved over to Ito, jabbing a glowing finger at his forehead. "Stop that, silly hoe. He already has a girl to clog his mind with gunk, he doesn't need your crap too."

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He didn't respond, just shuddering again. "What's wrong with his wings?" Farrah asked.

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"Oh, probably a side effect from the lovely head intruder from our favorite demon waffle iron," he said, his magic increasing as he knelt down beside the bed. "Now come out, Lilith, I know you'd rather dance with someone with finer footwork than a novice who's cannot hear the beat of the music."

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Ito was fighting her, strong enough that he was paling. His wings were extremely shrunken, but it seemed whatever was happening was over, and his hair lightened. His skin was devoid of all scales, and he woke. "Ugh... S-sorry..." He mumbled. "Wh-where..?" Lilith smiled from behind Eiyrawvin. "You're welcome. You did good Ito. As promised. I can repair you anytime you wish." She smiled. Ito looked at his hands, gasping quietly. His hands were human... Wholly human... He looked at himself, his skin clear, most scars gone. Farrah smiled, her eyes lighting up. He looked up, his hair was strawberry roan, reddish ginger color with dirty blonde. His eyes were cornflower blue like Iso's. "I'm..." He blinked, moving his fingers and rolling his shoulder, since he had never felt that before. The wounds on his back remained, runes of deep magic embedded.


Farrah made a happy noise and tackled him in a hug. He blinked, his face mimicking his father's when shown any affection. Farrah nestled under his arm and laid her head in his neck.

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"Man, Lilith, you had to go and make him less cool." Eiyrawvin crossed his arms, making a face as he turned his red eyes to her. "Why is everyone cheating their species? Idiot brother helped that wyvern, you help the idiot half wyvern, and I get stuck in the middle of both. Next thing I'll know Lilith'll be the Goddess of Gingers and Rendsol's going to be a gnat." He blew out a sigh. "Well, congrats Ito for letting yourself down. Tell me how her head ping ball game with you goes." He then grinned and stood up. "Welp, my job's done here." He was suddenly beside the other bed, picking up Rendsol and slinging him over his shoulder. "I'd love to chat, but I must be leaving. Lilith tends to let the bugs in." He grinned over at her. "Though you did miss a fine chat about five minutes ago. I even made tea. It might be still warm if you get there fast enough."

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"This isn't what I asked for!" He demanded, attempting to stand and not liking the lack of strength. "I asked for her to stay. Not all of this." His legs wobbled. "Eiyrawvin, please. Let me explain..." He looked like he was torn. "Lilith, keep watch over Farrah. Please? I'll take her place in that chat, Eiyrawvin." He tried to shoulder Rendsol and found he couldn't, and lightly put him back. "...please." He murmured, low enough that Lilith couldn't hear.

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Eiyrawvin's red gaze turned over to Ito, watching him fail miserably with slight amusement. Man, he was even asking nicely. "Oh, I see why not?" he said, dropping Rendsol back onto the bed unceremoniously. "Now Lilith, you got to tuck them in and say a bedtime story. Daddy'll be back in a minute. Sirocca, you can tell stories too. Because Daddy's gotta give 'the talk'." He grinned over at them before grabbing Ito and dragged him out of the room instead.

Sirocca blinked, tilting her head to the side curiously as the door slammed shut. "I wonder what this talk is about..."

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Ito struggled to regain most motor controls, being dragged made it especially difficult. "Eiyrawvin, please slow down, I'm not used to all of this. This is weird." He whined. He definitely hadn't asked to be human. This was horrid. He felt like a walking meat sack. A warm, slimy meat sack. And weak. Limp. Every inch of him screamed that it was wrong.


"How much of a censorkip.gif I am." Lilith huffed. Her hand laid above the young dragon's eyes and they rolled back into its head. It made an extremely hurt noise, like she was killing it.

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Eiyrawvin let out a sigh. "You really got yourself into the old mess," he grumbled. "No time to slow down. Every minute will only make it harder."


Sirocca frowned, snatching the dragon away from the woman, cradling the dragon close to her. "You didn't ask..." she murmured. "You cannot control everything." She floated around the bed, as if that would protect her, and blinked over at the sleeping god before looking back at Lilith. Right now she was the only one who could do anything if this woman decided to get out of hand. She didn't like the idea.

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The dragon curled into Sirocca, crying like it had been kicked. It's eyes closed and it continued to whine. Lilith just rolled her eyes.


"She wouldn't leave me alone... She kept trying to argue and would smack me around... The she said she could get me to help Rendsol... I just want to help him. I owe him so much, and he won't let me help. So she tried to... I guess make me stronger? Maybe? It just hurt... She said I would have to work to be able to hold him. And then she started... I don't remember how she got in my head, but she started showing me Farrah... When I first showed her I could change, she asked if I could change the other way, into a human, and seemed disappointed when I said no. And then she showed me you, saying to her we would never work out, and Farrah crying with her mother, saying that if we had children they would be monsters. Lilith asked me what I wanted to do, and I just said I wanted to stay with her. No matter what. And for her to stay with me. This is n't what I asked for, and I hate it!" He stumbled, trying to catch himself and failing. He just laid there, unsure of if he even wanted to get up.

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Sirocca stroked the small dragon, patting it as she frowned at Lilith. "You are a controlling, manipulative, evil person," she murmured. "It is no wonder things are falling apart..."


Eiyrawvin bent down, grabbing Ito by the back of the shirt and lifting him up off the floor. "Rule number 1: never believe what Lilith says. She will try to twist everything to get you to be under her thumb. Even if it hurts, you got to ignore her." Carrying him to a room he dropped him onto a chair. He lifted his hands, glowing an eerie green as he used his magic to ward off whatever the hell the demoness used. "Rule number 2: never tell Lilith anything of value. She will use it against you." He let out a sigh. "I'm not one to tell you all of this stuff. This is more Rendsol's forte."

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Ito sighed, and looked in pain. His nose was bleeding, but everything else stayed the same. "I wish Rendsol were here. He would make this easier..." He looked disappointed.


Lilith just chuckled. "And what makes me worse than any man? Men are he same way. You will learn." She laughed a bit. "A horrid disgusting oppressive lot they are."

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Eiyrawvin pressed his magic further, ignoring the bleeding nose. "Well, Rendsol's currently taking a snooze. He will be of no help."


Sirocca tilted her head. "So...you are a male...?" she asked, confusion crossing her face. "...So...Rendsol's actually a female... too...?" This was confusing. "But...how does that work..?"

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Ito shuddered. "Ow." He said, a lot more hurt implied than he intended.


Litlih glared. "No. I am nothing like a man. Rendsol is." She snapped.

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"Oh, quiet you," Eiyrawvin muttered, letting his magic work. "You helped yourself get into this mess."


Sirocca frowned. "But, you are very much like a man. You are oppressive, vocal, sinister, and controlling. Your even have masculine appearances and tone. But, Rendsol's a bit..." Her eyes trailed over to the sleeping god, frowning. "He is quite a bit feminine... perhaps species outside this realm support both roles...?"

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Ito shuddered once more, still no changes occurring, just the symbols on his back starting to bleed now. "I feel like I'm on fire..." He mumbled.


Lilith shrugged. "We do support both, by claiming the title of 'man' takes a special kind of monster..."

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Eiyrawvin gritted his teeth. "Of course you are. Shut up and let me concentrate."


Sirocca frowned. "So... to claim title as a 'woman' would require different talents that are opposite of those who claim the little 'man'. Yet if 'man' is what you claim they are, that would make you one as well, as you do not fit the criteria as 'woman' are. So, Lilith is man. I got it. That would make Rendsol an 'it', and Eiyrawvin a 'man'. I understand. I wonder what they would call those from the Void. Would they be its too?"

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Lilith full out flashed Sirocca. "WOMAN."


Ito's eyes fluttered, and his heart hurt. "Ouuuuch..."

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Sirocca just blinked at her and shrugged. "That does not mean much," she said. "You may have the outward appearance, but you are as savage as a wild dog. If my terminology is correct, dogs are only referred to men. Therefore, you are a man in woman's clothing."


Eiyrawvin continued to press on, his magic not fading.

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Lilith just sighed. "Promise. I have no manners of a man. If I were a man, I would not have been paired with Adam at the beginning of time. 'Man must not lie with a man as he does with womankind, it is an abomination.' And all of that." She sighed, like Sirocca was the dumbest mortal on the face of the planet. "And besides, you fall under the same category as a female dog. They're known as censorkip.gif ."


Ito tried to move his hand. "St-... Stop. It's not working..."


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Sirocca tilted her head. "So, treating Ito like a slave that you can do whatever you wish is not a man-like manner?" She shrugged at her words. "I do not mind being a dog," she said. "They have keen sense of smell and hearing, and they are rather intelligent." A smile formed on her face. "It takes a dog to know a dog, after all, even if one's in denial and wants to be something that it isn't."


Eiyrawvin gritted his teeth. "It will, just stop moving."

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"Keep on little censorkip.gif . I'll make you human too." She snapped. The little dragon flared at her tone and stared hissing.


Ito's eyes closed and he went limp, still as human as ever.

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