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Monster Hunters 1x1 with me and ND...

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"Oh, not really. I know she'll pop up eventually, whether she knows my presence or not." He shrugged and grinned at her, petting the python that still rested on his shoulder.

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"Are you referring to Ito? If you haven't heard, he is male, and quite occupied... Lilith is set to visit him." She smiled. "I can take a message though."

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"Nope, already ran into Ito. He doesn't seem busy at all, the laid back fellow. I was actually looking for Lilith, since she's the mastermind around this place, despite her brainwashing you shallow humans and crossbreeds to think otherwise." Eiyrawvin grinned. "But I'm sure I'll run into her soon anyway."

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"I promise sir, you are mistaken... She was supposed to speak with him. She left a mere hour ago. She is set to return soon. I can summon her if you are desperate...." The girl sighed.

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Eiyrawvin blinked. "She did? Huh, she must've gotten lost or went to the wrong place." He shrugged. "I didn't see her, and I just left Ito about a minute ago. Didn't sense her either, or did my snakes. Besides, she needs to give the guy a break. He's just getting to get cozy with his girlfriend and it was getting quite interesting. If she shows up, it'll just kill the mood."

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"But I thought...? Oh well. I'm sorry, that's where she said she would be." The girl pat his back. "Sorry..."

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He shrugged. "Meh, doesn't matter. I can wait. If she comes back pissed then I know she didn't go to the right place."

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"Alright... Have... Fun I guess?" She giggled and scampered off.


Lilith really was visiting Ito, just not physically. He was just as succeptable mentally.

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He grinned and began to pace around, just waiting. Because hell, why not?

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Sirocca awoke, yawning slightly. She floated up, rubbing her eyes sleepily as she gazed around. "Anyone else awake...?" she murmured softly.

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Ito just shuddered and made a noise like he was hit. Farrah slept soundly, laying in his chest and a smile twitching on her lips.

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Sirocca floated over to Ito, frowning as she poked his head with a finger. "Ito... you're dreaming..."

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He didn't react to her trying to wake him, still sound asleep. He made another hurt noise, and this time it woke up the baby. It cried and whined a bit, as if it was hungry and upset.

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Sirocca frowned. "It'll be alright," she said, patting the dragon gently before prodding Ito again. "Ito, please wake up."

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Ito shuddered once more, but still wasn't responsive. He was still breathing, and Farrah woke up and made sure. "Is he alright?" She murmured.

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"He won't wake up," Sirocca murmured, frowning as she prodded him again.

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Ito yelled out in his sleep, as if he were in pain. Farrah shook him, trying to wake him up.

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Sirocca shook him as well, frowning. "Ito, please, wake up!"

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"He's not. I don't know what's going on..." Farrah's lip started to wobble, and the dragon whimpered, rubbing itself on him.

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Sirocca frowned. "Where did the demon man go?" she asked. "He could help..."

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"I don't know... maybe if we leave him be he'll calm down..." She wrung her hands.

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Sirocca frowned. "I do not think waiting will help matters," she murmured, gently slapping Ito's cheek. "Wake up. I will drop you on your head.'

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Sirocca frowned deeply. Gently she pulled the dragon off of him before letting the wind take hold of Ito and nudged him off the edge of the bed.

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