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Monster Hunters 1x1 with me and ND...

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Farrah was quiet. "We both know it will never be easy for us. We just haven't said anything to each other." She sighed. "I know if I'm with him, he will only be hated more."

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"That is why you two should leave the nest," he said, grinning. "There are plenty of places with different species intermixing is perfectly acceptable."

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Farrah looked at the ground. "In all fairness, I've only known him for a little more than a week... And I don't know if I'm willing to sign away everything this soon." The meat slab seemed to be a bit heavy.

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"Oh? It looks to me that Ito's known you longer." He tilted his head, but shrugged. "Oh well. What do I know about love?" He grinned and turned on his heel, heading back to the hallway. "Maybe I should go have a chat with Lilith and tell her that you guys aren't coming back for awhile. I'd love to see how pissed she gets."

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"Why wouldn't we go back? I wholly intend on helping those girls." She sighed. "I'm sure Ito doesn't though."

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"Well, it is not your decision, but Ito's. Besides, they will most likely just take over your body again- permanently." He grinned over at her. "And you are also a woman, they are all women. Women like company. If you go alone, you will only get dragged into their own scheme."

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"She only did that to keep me under control. If O wasn't being used as bait she wouldn't do it." She huffed.

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"She would. She is that kind of person to get what she wants. Anything in her path will be devoured." He stepped through the doorway into the hallway. "Do not take her lightly. She is an impressive opponent, even if she is supposedly weakened by lack of followers."

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Eiyrawvin headed down the hallway, hopping over more snakes that he stumbled across. He peered down another hallway, grinning as he waved Sirocca over. "Now that both of you are unlost, I'll take you back to Ito and the sleeping beauty."

Edited by Neutual Demon

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Sirocca smiled. "That is good. We can return now. I am starting to tire."

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Sirocca fluttered forward, picking up the meat to help Farrah carry it.

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"Thank you... I guess will you lead us back?" She asked Eiyrawvin, grateful for the help.

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"Oh, I suppose so," Eiyrawvin said, heading down the hallway. He turned a few corners before walking into the correct room.

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Farrah followed as best she could, and when she arrived Ito jerked awake. The baby was already asleep with its head on his chest, and its body tucked into his side.


"I brought you food~" Farrah smiled, and his face lit up. "Thank you..." He murmured but didn't get up.

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Eiyrawvin plopped down on the bed beside Rendsol, laying down across his legs, his arms splaying out over the other side of the bed. The python wrapped around his neck didn't seem to mind at all. "You better keep it down, kids. The adults are going to pretend to nap for a minute."

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Farrah just rolled her eyes and put the meat next to the bed. She sat on his unoccupied side and brushed up against his cheek, Ito purring. She ripped off a peice and fed it to him, so he wouldn't disturb the dragon.

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Sirocca settled down on the floor, watching the others relax on the beds.

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Ito and Farrah had a murmured conversation while she fed him, and the baby dragon just kept on sleeping. Pretty soon Farrah became tired and slept though, and Itp fed himself.

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Eiyrawvin opened his red eyes, grinning. Well, the others were mostly asleep. He hopped up, disappearing from sight.

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Ito finished off the meat and saved the bone. He might eat that later. Or maybe the baby could use it to teeth... He used his arm the little dragon wasn't tucked around and gently opened its mouth. It had soft pink gums, but some in the back had tiny white points starting to poke through.


Yep. He needed to save all the bones he could.

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Eiyrawvin appeared in the place where the three had left in search for Rendsol. He hummed happily, strolling around as if he owned the place. "Never even changed the decor since Iro was here," he said to himself, gazing around.

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