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Monster Hunters 1x1 with me and ND...

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Sirocca touched the door, creaking it open. She peered inside, blinking. "There's snakes," she said, as about four of them slithered out into the hallway, the large serpents seeming to be happy to be out of the room.

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"Aw, they're kind of adorable," Sirocca said, smiling happily. One of the snakes flicked its tongue out at her, but none of them seemed aggressive, only wanting to get out of the room of which more snakes were trying to get out. Soon the entire hallway was crawling with them, disappearing into cracks in the walls or around the corners to go further into the complex.

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Sirocca smiled and floated into the room, neither the snakes nor herself took interest in each other. The serpents didn't even react to Farrah, simply going around her to go to who knows where. The room was dark and warm, hissing confirming that there were more snakes that couldn't be seen. "It is quite curious why there are snakes in here."

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Farrah realized about halfway after she was done fleeing that she had no clue where she was...

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Sirocca frowned, floating out of the room. Farrah was gone. She floated down the hallway in search for her. "Farrah?"

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Farrah thought she heard her name, but ignored it. In this place? Who knows who it could be.

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There was no response. Sirocca sighed softly and floated down the hallway, still looking for Farrah.

"Someone looks like they're lost." Eiyrawvin was perched upside down, his feet on the ceiling, gazing down at Farrah. "There is a python by your foot, by the way."

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Farrah yelped and skittered out of the way. "Yes, I am! I was trying to get away from the snakes!!!"

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Eiyrawvin grinned. "They're friendly. Don't get your panties up in a bunch." He hopped down from the ceiling, scooping up the python and curled it around his neck, seeming rather content.

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"I just don't like snakes!" She looked overwhelmed again. "Can you show me the freezer so Ito won't starve?"

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Eiyrawvin grinned at her. "Of course, my lady," he said, mock bowing her before heading down the hallway. "Watch your step. They won't like it if you stepped on them."

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"You don't care much for anything, do you?" Eiyrawvin asked suddenly, turning a red eye to look at her.

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"What?! I care about a lot of things! Just... All of these things are very foreign to me. Getting a demon all up in me and meeting you, no offense, but you aren't you everyday charachter, and all of these snakes..." She shuddered.

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Eiyrawvin rolled his red eyes. "You care about yourself. It is quite obvious. You and Ito will not last long together. He will only show you more strange. If you don't man up and start getting use to it, you're just going to be another whiny human."

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"If I cared about myself, I wouldn't have stayed with him. You know how many names we've been called? I had plenty of times I could have left him, but I didn't! You don't know what I'm going to do...!" She snapped.

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Eiyrawvin grinned and opened the door to the cold kitchen. "Then you must enjoy the attention, or you are a very twisted person to enjoy the pain inflicted on others and yourself," he said, hopping inside the kitchen.

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"Maybe it's because I love him, and its worth all that!" She stepped into the freezer, shuddering. It was really cold...

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Eiyrawvin's smile only widened. "Then why don't you tell him?" he mused, his red eyes glowing faintly in the dark. "Or are you a coward as well?"

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"How do you know? You haven't told him yet." Eiyrawvin waggled his eyebrows at her. "He's head over heels for you."

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"And it's going to stay that way. I'm not telling him." She huffed, but looked back at him when she returned with a large slab of meat. "You really think he likes me that much?"

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"I don't think, I know. It practically radiates off of him like light from the sun. Even your windy friend could tell you that."

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