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Monster Hunters 1x1 with me and ND...

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Sirocca blinked and smiled. "Alright," she said, floating and waiting for her to catch up.

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Sirocca smiled and floated down the hallway. "Let us see what is in this strange place."

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"A demon resides here. There are things that are weird," she said, floating. "It is a fact of life."

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Sirocca smiled. "But why not? There might be some amazing stuff here."

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Sirocca frowned. "You would rather hide in the shadows of comfort and familiarity instead of exploring the world around you?"

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"There's only so much exploring I can do before getting overloaded." She sighed. "So... You're a wind nymph?"

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Sirocca nodded. "Yes, I am a wind nymph. I can navigate and direct wind currents. I drift about the breeze, letting it take me to where it wants me to be." She smiled. "It is an interesting journey."

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Sirocca frowned. "What is a 'homemaker?" she asked, tilting her head to the side.

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"Like... A stay at home mom... Or a trophy wife." She shrugged. She didn't mind what she was.

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Sirocca stopped, frowning. "That sounds awfully like what the dragons are doing to the girls," she said, gazing at her. "There just for the sake of having one, like a piece of jewelry or a prized cattle."

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"It is," Sirocca said before she began floating away again, drifting down the hallways.

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"Well, being dragons' treasures were the way those girls were taught too. Doesn't mean it's right," Sirocca murmured.

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"I suppose..." She said, thinking. "Maybe I should help them then... By first I have to figure that out myself..."

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Sirocca nodded. "It would be preferable," she murmured, turning around a corner. She could hear...hissing... a quiet sound, but a constant one, coming from a nearby closed door. "There is a sound. Should we investigate?"

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Sirocca beamed. "But it might be something cool," she said, floating towards the door.

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