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Monster Hunters 1x1 with me and ND...

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Eiyrawvin grinned. "You were thinking of something more close to home," he said, walking silently down the hallway.


Sirocca sighed softly. "It is a long process to fix it. It is most likely too late for the older ones. It will take months to even discipline the dragons enough to not let them go rampid."

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"Close to home? My home is miles away..." Ito blinked.


Farrah just sighed. "It is depressing."

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"Oh, more heritage-like, but that's nothing important." He waved it off as if it was a pesty fly as he approached the room they left the women and the sleeping god. "Guess who's back?" he greeted them, swinging the door open and parading in, thawing ribs in hand.

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"But..." Ito thought, before gasping a bit. "Wyverns?!" He asked.


Farrah smiled a bit at him. "That thing is crawling all over you." She giggled. The baby dragon was kneading his back, growling, chirping, and nibbling where it could. Ito cooed at it, removing it from his back and it relatching to his chest. He rubbed his face on its and it nuzzled him back. "She's really hungry." He finally said. "She had her first thoughts I could hear."

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Sirocca blinked. "It is a female?" she said curiously. Eiyrawvin grinned. "You're surrounded by chicks," he almost giggled, setting the ribs near the hearth where a fire burst to life inside. "Don't get too many or you'll drown."

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Ito rolled his eyes. "She's more like my daughter than a chick... Or is that what you call baby dragons?" He asked innocently. Farrah got up, and Ito was immediately by her side. She just wanted to touch the baby.

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"What's up with you lot adopting babies?" Eiyrawvin snorted. "You pick up some dragon baby, and your mother fished out a human infant from a flood. To follow tradition, you gotta name it after it's 'mother' since she named it after its 'father'."

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"What are you talking about?" Ito blinked. "My mom didn't fish me out of a river. And I'm named after her!" He seemed hurt. "And it doesn't have a mother yet, I just found it..." Farrah glared now.

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"Oh no," Eiyrawvin's grin widened. "I was talking about your adopted sister. You were too young to remember when she was forcibly taken back by her real father once he was able to locate her, and Zsalin was captured in that same moment to delay them to let Iso escape with you. That woman kept many a secret." He leaned against the wall, his lips curled. "After all, Zalala was named after Zsalin."

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"ZALALA?" He said, paling. "But she's the princess! How was she in a flood?! And my dad stalled her dad from taking her?" He blinked. "This is complicated... Why did my mom have Zalala? And..." He just sighed, and Farrah took his hand.


"Could I just ask you a few questions? Cause apparently I know nothing about my parents..."

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Eiyrawvin folded his arms over his chest, looking quite smug with himself as Ito seemed quite shocked at the revelation. "Of course you can ask questions. Fire away. I am all ears."

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"So... How did my mom and Dad meet? And where? And what did they do before they had me? Did I ever live anywhere else? Do I have any cousins? How long were my mom and dad together before thy had me? Ho-" Farrah held his arm and he stopped. "...sorry."

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"They ran into each other on their travels," Eiyrawvin said. "They saved a village, traveled around, met some dragons, saved Iso when she got captured by the evil dragon chick like those you met earlier, ran down a mountain, met another chick and a mage and a half demon, got onto a boat, beat the snot out of Lilith and picked up a blue haired elf chick, got to your home country, dragged Zalala out of a river, lived in a forest with fairies, had you, then got creamed by humans and you and Iso lived outside another village." He grinned. "So, like, a few months or a year?"

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"Sounds like more than a year... My parents did all that?" He looked surprised at the answer. "So... Do I have any blood relatives?" He asked shyly.

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"Well, Iro would be your grandfather, I think, but he died some time ago. Iso's 'friend' was like her mother or something as well, but I don't think that ever got conveyed to Iso. There was also like a twin or something going on there too, but I think he's dead too. Evil twins, forgotten mothers and silently hovering fathers. You know, all the cliches."

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"So... An uncle?" He muttered. The baby nudged him again and made a small noise at him. "Is the ribs done? She's starving."

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"Yup." Eiyrawvin ripped a chunk off and tossed it to Ito. "Help yourself. Want any, ladies?" Sirocca shook her head. "I do not eat meat," she murmured.

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He chewed up the meat, the baby crying in protest, before offering it the mushy glob. It licked off the piece and tried to 'chew' it. Ito purred at it, and are a piece for himself. He could eat the whole thing, but he had this baby to look after. He slowly chewed up every strip for it, until its little stomach looked bloated. It just wanted to sleep after that, and he moved it to his arm to curl around. It seemed to like that, its tail roping around his arm and balancing on its chest plate, its arms and legs hanging loosely. Ito then shredded the meat that was left, even eating the bones. He still seemed hungry, but didn't want to disturb the baby on his arm.


Farrah took a small portion, it still a little undercooked for her and continued to cook it.

Edited by lycrawaterz14

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Eiyrawvin grinned at them, not eating himself, just chilling on the bed beside the sleeping god. Sirocca watched Ito feed the small dragon, interested in how he did it before she was distracted by Farrah.

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Eiyrawvin waved a hand away. "It's nothing. It's just food. I don't eat it anyway. Unless I'm bored. But that's on rare occasions."

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"We'll then... Could I perhaps have some more?" Farrah's was now done, and she delicately started to eat.

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"Help yourself," he said, waving a hand before rising. "I got to check up on a few things. Have fun eating and exploring or sleeping or whatever." With that he simply disappeared.

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Ito blinked. "But... I can't go in your freezer..." He whined. Farrah sighed and did it for him.

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Sirocca blinked. "I think I will go explore some more," she said, floating towards the doorway. "I will return once I've scoured the area..."

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