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Monster Hunters 1x1 with me and ND...

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"Oh, yes, I'm so sorry, I'm not used to manners and stuff. I'm Ito, and this is Farrah. And this is Sirocca." He nodded to her. Farrah clutched his neck, and he cooed to her to soothe her. "I only call her my girl because... I don't know what else to call her."

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The man nodded in greeting at each person Ito introduced, his smile or gaze never wavering. "How about girlfriend?" he mused, his lips curling into a wider smile. "And before I forget completely, my name is Eiyrawvin."

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"She's not my girlfriend. Her parents would kill me." He murmured, until he heard his name. He paled and looked back to him. "That's... My last name. Rendsol told me it what little time he was awake. Do you know a Zsalin Eiyrawvin?"

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Eiyrawvin waggled his eyebrows at him, his smile turning sly. He didn't say anything further of the girlfriend issue, because really, they were totally dating (even if they denied it). They would make a great couple, he mused. "Ah, Zsalin. I knew him. We are not related, no, but when Rendsol needed a little help getting him to be more human, I lend him my name." His body shifted, the Zsalin leaning against the wall, looking quite smug with himself, though his eyes remained vibrant red. "And a face too. But that is all technicalities. After all, Zsalin is in peace now. He deserves it. He dealt with too much nonsense." He shifted back again, pushing himself from the wall and sitting at the edge of the bed beside the sleeping god. "Let us change gears. The topic is too grim for my taste, isn't that right?" he purred, running his slender fingers through Rendsol's gray hair.

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"Wait... That's what my dad looked like?" He looked disappointed when he changed back. "Everyone says it is too grim to speak of. That's why I know nothing. I don't even know truly what I am. Just a weird dragon thing called a wyvern." He huffed, and laid Farrah on another bed next to Rendsol. She hoarded all of the sheets and folded her knees up to her chest. "This is too much for her. Sirroca? Are you alright?"

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"It's grim because Death is something few can accept on good terms," Eiyrawvin said, folding his legs under himself. "And especially this time, since everything's falling to pieces. I can talk to you more about him if you want, but not right now." His red eyes flickered over to Farrah. "Don't know why. I've been through more drastic situations." He shrugged before glancing over at the nymph. Sirocca blinked, drawing her attention from some moss growing on the one wall and beamed. "I am quite fine. The demon is nice, and your god friend is better."

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"I agree. It is quite nice for now, I thank you for your hospitality." He bowed a bit. "How long may I stay here? I kind of... Got transported here by a demon. Soooo... I don't know if she's teleporting me back or what. I guess Rendsol can take me back when he's better."

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"You can stay for as long as you like," Eiyrawvin said. His smile faded though, a sigh escaping his chest. "But Rendsol won't be taking you back... he won't be better... anytime soon." He began to pet the god's hair thoughtlessly, his eyes drifting to the ceiling as he lost himself in thought.

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Eiyrawvin shrugged. "It is hard to tell. Even with brotherly instincts, I cannot even begin to conjure a date of when he even will be awake next. Urkarl really messed him up pretty badly the first time, but the second time he really got creamed good. Falling through the Void only made things worse."

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(Oh hey look Ito)

"Brotherly?" Ito blinked. "...well. Is there... anything I can do to help?"

Edited by lycrawaterz14

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(Look at him.

He is gorgeous.

Who is this handsome fellow?

I think I'm going to kidnap him.)


Eiyrawvin's lips curled into a wide grin. "Why, didn't you know? Rendsol and I are brothers." He shrugged at his other question. "Nothing that I can think of at the moment. You can wander around, or get some sleep, or something. "

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There was a loud squeal from inside Ito's shirt, and the baby dragon began to thrash. Ito jumped and quickly cradled the little baby, making lizard-like noises at it. It lolled its head from out the bottom of his shirt and quickly recoiled, closing its eyes. Ito removed it from its containment and cradled it like a human baby, much to its protest. "Oh. I didn't know... Sorry. "


(You can have him. He has unremovable moobies. T-T)

Edited by lycrawaterz14

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"You should feed it before it gets more agitated," Eiyrawvin said casually. "And ask your girlfriend is you can keep it once she cools down a bit." He glanced over at the woman on the other bed. "Why did you even drag her along if she's so broken?"

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He looked awkward. "She got kidnapped, so I'm trying to keep an eye on her. She's not used to all of this... She's not broken, just human..." He pet her hair, but she moved out if the way. "I'm not your girlfriend." She said, sounding like she might cry. Ito looked hurt and there was an awkward pause. "Er... Do you have anything to feed my dragon?"

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Eiyrawvin whistled. "Looks like she's going to be ditching you real soon, Ito. Warning you so you can get some bandages before you burn yourself." He hopped off the bed, his feet silent on the floors. "In any case, I'll lead you to food! Perhaps you can bring your girlfriend some breakfast in bed while you're at it." He disappeared through the doorway, whistling as he walked.

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Ito looked even more worried, and th dragon clawed at his face attempting to turn over. He let it, not saying anything or changing emotion. He simply followed, leaving Sirocca and Farrah alone.

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Eiyrawvin made his way through the maze of dark corridors, not seeming fazed at all with the dim lighting. He soon opened another door, leading to a kitchen which felt like walking into a snow bank, the frigid air causing the breath to puff out. He peered back at Ito, his red eyes gleaming before he disappeared into the darkness of the cold kitchen.


Sirocca blinked as the others left, floating over to Farrah. "You need anything?" she said quietly, blinking at her.

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Farrah just looked dimly at her. "...just to go home." She murmured.


Ito stood back. "I can't follow you anymore." He called. "It's too cold for me and the baby."

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Sirocca nodded softly. "Soon, I hope. I do not wish to go back to the strange lady."


Eiyrawvin chuckled. "But of course you can! You just walk in and die of hypothermia~!" He appeared at the doorway, holding a frozen crack of ribs. "Here you go, meat for you and your friends, blood for the dragon baby."

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"Thank you. Ito smiled, and headed back. "So... May I ask exactly what you are a god of? If you're a god at all, I just assumed since Rendsol was your brother and all you would be a god as well..." Ito babbled, afraid of offending this kind man.


Farrah just shuddered. "You don't want to know what they do there." She murmured.

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"I'm technically a demonic god," Eiyrawvin said with a grin. "I was once known as the Basilisk Devil, but that was a long, long time ago. Stretching it pretty far, there."


Sirocca frowned. "It is not good, I can sense, but I do not know the details. Ito cannot stay there."

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"It was in those books the prince told me not to go through. Isn't that the herd of man-eating lizards who sacrifice humans for their god? Or was that something else...?" He blinked, not realizing he was talking about his heritage.


"They sacrifice themselves to the dragons. And they just..." She started to cry. They are horrid there. Not even people, not slaves, just... Brutes." She sniffled.

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Eiyrawvin casually shrugged. "Basilisks can be snakes, they can be lizards, they can probably be turtles. Hell if I know. They're different from region to region. Any reptile that can turn you to stone just by looking at you is qualified. But they don't sacrifice people. They'd rather decorate their borrows with their stony captures- or eat them. Either way, no, they don't really care much for gods."



Sirocca frowned softly, patting her gently. "You won't go back," she murmured. "I am sure everything can be worked out to avoid it..."

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"Oh! I know what they are now! Duh. Sorry." Ito blushed in embarrassment. "Sorry. But hey, that's better than what I thought they were!"


Farrah shook her head. "I want those girls to know life is better than that. Being reduced to a piece of meat... If I have to help Ito I will return." She murmured.

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