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Monster Hunters 1x1 with me and ND...

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Sirocca beamed and leaned down, taking Ito by under the arms and lifted him off the ground, carrying him up over the sharp rocks to the structure. On one side was an opening, which she carried him to. "It can't hurt to look," she said cheerfully." The opening wasn't blocked, so she simply floated into the dusty darkness, humming happily to herself before setting Ito down on the smooth stone floor.

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Ito readjusted himself so Farrah was easier to hold. "Thank you. Can you sense him now?"

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Sirocca craned her head to listen, quiet. "I...don't know," she admitted quietly. "I cannot sense anyone in specific, but there is...two beings present. But they are further in the complex..."

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"Let's go then." He murmured, and eyed Sirocca. "You goin to be okay? You won't float off or anything, will you?"

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"There is no breeze here," she said. "I will not drift off." She smiled, floating down the hallway towards the darkness. "It is dark, though. There are no lights."

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"I can see just fine out if my dad's eye." He proceeded with own eye opened and he other closed.

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Sirocca floated ahead of him down the hallway. It was a maze, plenty of hallways and turns. Steps led down into the darkness, some led up. "I believe they are downward," she murmured. "But I cannot be certain. "

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"It is best to be quiet at this point I think. I'm getting really odd... feelings from this place." He was slinking along downstairs, his feet not even making any noise.

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Sirocca nodded softly. "It would be best," she whispered softly. She floated quietly in silence, drifting around corners and navigating through the maze. She found several dead ends or doors that were locked and have long since been forgotten. Then she turned a corner, spotting a faint flicker of light under a doorway at the end of the hallway. She nudged Ito, pointing towards it.

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Ito nodded, and slowly opened the door, it creaking loudly. He didn't want to peek into there, but did anyway. "Rendsol...?" He asked.

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"No," a voice said, a slight chuckle in its tone. "But he is here. In another room, of course."

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"Oh... thank you then I guess." Ito quickly slammed the door. "Next!" Ito yelled.

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"Aww! You don't want to visit poor old me~?" There was a dark laugh from the other side of the door. "It would be easier just to ask me nicely to lead you to him~ After all, you won't be able to find him in this maze~!"

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Ito shuddered, and opened the door again. He had no idea who this was, but it freaked him out. "Uh... Sorry. I'm not used to this place, I've never been before. I.. Guess I wouldn't mind visiting you?" He was barely brave enough to look up off the floor, and when he did, he was a little shocked.

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The entire room was upside down. Sirocca stared in awe at the ceiling, which was actually the floor. There were chairs and tables up there, and a fireplace, perfectly flickering upside down as if nothing was wrong. There was a man sitting in a chair near the fire, his fingertips clicking together slightly as he gazed into the depths of the fire. It was hard for her to get any good description of him, as his back was to them, only the back of his wild scarlet-streaked black hair showed over the chair. "Oh, it is quite fine. I wasn't expecting visitors anyway. I'm hiding from the world and all, you know." He tilted his head slightly, gleaming serpentine scarlet eyes peered down at them, his lips curling into a grin, showing snake-like fangs. "But you can stay. You are a friend."

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"Oh... Well thank you." Ito brightened up. "It is nice to see a kind face after almost being killed and hunted." He studied his room. "Er... I would love to chat in here, but, I'm afraid my god is dying... Is there any way you could lead me to him? I would gladly return once I am finished retreiving him...?"

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The man's smile widens. "I am glad I am considered a kind face. My visage tends to...disturb people." He seemed to purr his words, his eyes never blinking as he gazed at them. "Do not fret. The god you speak of is here to recover. As it is, he found himself in a particular predicament, but this time I was lucky enough to smuggle him away." A hiss seemed to escape him, but it wasn't anything in anger, just a sound. "I will take you two lovely younglings to see him, though he isn't awake. He won't be for a long while." Suddenly he slipped out of his chair, falling to the floor. But a hole opens up, letting him fall through the floor upside down, disappearing into the floor below. "Come now! He is just below!"

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Ito looked to Sirocca, and Farrah clung to him. She seemed terrified, and would not speak. Ito approached the hole, and took a deep breath before stepping in.

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The hole just led to the floor below, to another hallway. It wasn't anything exciting. Sirocca floated down after him, peering around before spotting the strange man standing near a doorway. He would have to stoop down to get into the doorway. He opened up the door, not making a noise and disappeared into the room, leaving the door open. She floated over to the door, peering in. It was a large room, with a bed and a few chairs. Rendsol was resting on the bed, runes covering his skin. He seemed rather pale, but relaxed.

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Ito looked ecstatic and made sure to feel for a pulse and everything before he grinned and determined he was okay. "Thank you so much for showing me where he was. You wouldn't happen to know how he got hurt would you?" He asked, not looking behind him.

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"Oh, you know, one god being all cray-cray and backstabbing the other gods and letting hordes of demon gods into the heavens and making a huge mess of things and the same god, who was his friend turns around and impales him on his own sword, which he escapes being completely decapitated by falling off the edge and into the Void in mere hopes to falling his way to the human dimension during which he loses his powers somewhere along the way and then afterwards recovers some of it before another demon bro stumbles upon him after butting heads with Lilith and then drags his ass back to his evil friend who does horrible stuff to him and then I was able to sneak away with him." He beamed, not even seeming to take a breath as he rambled. "It's a giant political catastrophe." Edited by Neutual Demon

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Ito paled. "So... it was my fault..." He murmured, ashamed. "If Lilith hadn't stuck her nose where it didn't belong... Wait, if Lilith drew attention to him in the first place, would it happen again?" He asked, his eyes round again.

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The man just shrugged. "Nah, it wasn't your fault. You didn't start no backstabbing scandal of the ages. Rendsol just makes friends with everyone, including the horrible people." He just snorted. "Lilith ain't got nothing on this place. She shows up, it won't change much. This place is my territory. Besides, if they want my bro, they have to go through me first. And someone's going to go back in pieces."

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"Alright... well, thank you for letting us visit. You don't mind if we stay, do you? I really don't want to return ho-..." He was about to say home, but... her didn't really have one. "Back where I came for a bit. And my girl is terrified. She really needs to adjust before we do anything. Maybe you could fill me in on all of this gods drama."

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The man bobbed his head. "You can stay as long as you like. As long as you don't break anything." He grinned, leaning back against the wall. "Already calling her 'your girl'? I think you should be careful using such words. Can rub the wrong way, if you know what I mean." He didn't seem too concerned though, just showing his serpentine fangs. "Didn't I just tell you about it?" he said innocently, tapping his chin with a finger in feigned thought. "But before we go on a tangent, you should at least introduce yourselves to your host for this fine evening."

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