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Monster Hunters 1x1 with me and ND...

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He just cradled Farrah. "So I've noticed. Why?" He stroked her hair. Lilith laughed. "Because you we're supposed to be born here... You need to lead here. My girls are all out of line, and I just need them happy and healthy. Their relationship between dragon and human has become too outweighed toward dragon, and my girls no longer have a choice in their lives. I need you to fix that Ito. And I can give you everything you want. I don't ask you as a demon. I ask you as these girls idols and patriarch. If they are miserable, I won't be a leader and idol anymore."

Edited by lycrawaterz14

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Sirocca blinked, then frowned slightly. "So, Ito is here for your own personal benefit?" she asked, tilting her head. "If they are misbehaving, then you are not doing a good job as their leader and idol. After all, idols set examples for the others, and if they are looking at other means, it doesn't bode well for your personal means either..."

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Lilith glared. "He is here on a favor, yes. But I am paying him with the life of a king. If you separate my girls from under the thumb of the dragons, you are free to do whatever you so please, and be in charge of this place and recieve all of my and my girl's benefits. If you don't want to help, go home." She smirked. "I think there is a small risk and a great reward. As far as my idol status, its more of a hobby than a rule of thumb." She laughed. Ito was still cuddling Farrah and now the awoken baby dragon.

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Sirocca was still frowning. It made... little sense to her what she just said. "It is quite suspicious..." she said slowly, tilting her head to the side as she thought. "You should approach this carefully, Ito..."

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Ito just took care of Farrah. "I want to help your girl's lives, but I am not willing to give up my own, or sign my life away on the dotted line." He growled. Lillith nodded. "I understand wholly." She smiled. Ito just glared. "I will help with what I can, and see how it goes. Una can 'still be in charge' or whatever. I'll just help out where I'm needed."

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Sirocca nodded softly. He was indeed playing it pretty safe. It was good. There was no need to take risks. She floated to the end of her tether, her eyes gazing about the room before floating down to Ito to whisper in his ear. "Maybe she knows where your other missing friend is."

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Ito grinned. "But... Only if you help me find Rendsol. He's another god, and he's gone missing." Lillith's eyes narrowed. "I don't want to, but I can tell you're set on finding him. I..." Her lips pressed into a thin line. "I can help, but I have no idea where he is. What I can do, is lend you my god form. It may kill you, but I'm formatted to your heritage, that's why Rendsol couldn't possess you. You can handle a god, but not him. You're built for me." She smiled. Ito tensed, and Farrah began to beg him not to, telling him how much it hurt.

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Sirocca blinked at Ito. Well, looking for Rendsol by asking her would be great, but then the lady seemed to be... sneaky. She was hiding something when she spoke of some sort of possession. "Don't do it," she murmured softly in his ear, even as Farrah begged him not to do it as well. "She isn't telling the whole truth."

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Ito lifted a brow. "I believe I'll pass on the possession. But I appreciate your help." He nodded. Lillith looked positively livid. "Teaches me to offer you something good." She snarled, and Ito visibly tensed.

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Sirocca frowned. "It is quite obvious now why the girls are romping around like they are..." she murmured quietly. "You are too focused on getting things for yourself that you forget that other people are around... It seems that everyone here is self-centered and foolish."

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"I AM NOT GETTING THINGS FOR MYSELF! You think its fun shoving yourself in a cramped container? It was a kind gesture..." SHe growled.

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"If you don't like it, don't offer it," Sirocca murmured, frowning over at her. Her eyes turned back to Ito. "Perhaps we should leave and look around some more..."

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Lilith gritted her teeth. "I offered it because that's the ONLY eay he's getting a god's sight! He could easily spot Rendsol if he is near this dimension. He could even travel to OUR plane if he needed to, or if Rendsol was hurt!" She snarled. Ito listened. "He could be hurt on the god's plane? And no one would help?" He asked dubiously. She put a hand to her head. "It's... Complicated."

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Sirocca frowned. "But... your god friend... the wind said he was too weak," she murmured softly. "He couldn't get to the plane of gods without help... not from the injuries he sustained the first time I saw him personally...." She sighed quietly, her eyes drifting to another spot. "The wind...said he was dying... It seems that whatever has occurred up to this point has been...very complicated and discrete... as if no one wants to admit something very wrong is happening behind closed doors.."

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Ito glared at Lilith. "What say you to that?"


Lilith rolled her eyes. "With my sight you could simply see where he is. Many gods will know you are looking for him though. It will be very easy for him to ask you for help, or even speak to you. His pain will be easy to find."

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Sirocca frowned. "Wouldn't it be easier to just tell him where he is instead of trying to get him to agree to something that is obviously sketchy?" she asked, looking a bit serious. "You are being silly. It is just as easy to ask a priest, or a mage to locate him, or even a demon or a being from the Void. He does not have to use what you offer."

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"Then why did you come here to ask me. I don't even know who I'm lookig for, I briefly met him once. But, I tell you what, new deal. You run this place until my girls are safe, and I'll teleport you his signature aura now. I'm TRUSTING YOU." She growled. Ito looked hopefully at Sirocca. "Could you also stop by the castle so I can tuck in Farrah?" He asked shyly. She glared. "No. Farrah is what's on the line. If I do you this favor and you backstab me and keep my girls as common censorkip.gif*s, I'll kill her." She snarled.

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Sirocca sighed softly. "She isn't very nice," she whispered in Ito's ear. "But... it looks like we cannot back out...she seems the type that would kill us before we could get the chance to refuse and leave."

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Ito looked to her and nodded. "Teleport all three of us then." He growled. Lilith rolled her eyes, and snapped. Suddenly they were in a completely different location. "Sirocca? Can the wind tell you where we are?"

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Sirocca blinked. She didn't need the wind to tell her that this place was strange. It was covered in sharp rocks, with no trees or plants in sight. The sky was covered in dense, dark clouds. A breeze rustled her hair, stirring a small cloud of red dust that curled across the ground. "There is a large structure passed that rock cropping," she murmured, gesturing towards the towering sharp rocks a mile away. "But the wind... it is strange here. It cannot tell me if there is anyone or anything living around. Someone must have magicked it..."

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"No hint? Huh... I guess... I'll yell...?" He blinked at Sirroca in case she had any objections.

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Sirocca shrugged as she fiddled with the knot on her wrist. Untying it, she let the breeze drift her across the rocky terrain, the wind blowing the direction where the large structure she was told was anyway. "Let us take a look at the strange building while we're at it."

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"Um... Okay..." He chased after her, and huffed and puffed as he run. "This place is so odd."

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"It is very strange," Sirocca said, dodging a few jagged rocks. As she got closer to the giant rock structures, she could spy even taller ones behind it, but there were holes carved into it. "There are windows," she murmured. "It is a castle carved out of rocks."

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"But is Rendsol in it? I assume so..." Ito tried to peek in, but it was hard by holding Farrah.

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