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2010-12-27 -Tree Decorating Event

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AHAHAH!!! xd.png Just saw a LOLCAT tree come up!! *snickers* I'm not at all a fan of faces on the trees, but that one was too hilarious not to give high marks to. biggrin.gif

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Most of the silver and blue trees I've found have been low quality anyway.


I just hope my silver and blue tree doesn't get low ratings; out of all the silver and blue trees I've seen, it's one of the best and I'd hate to get low scores just because others had the same basic theme.


It's kind of like video game genres; just because two games share the same basic premise, with one higher quality, doesn't mean the higher quality one should be rated lowly just because it isn't original.

well, i'm not rating silver and blue trees any lower just because they've been done too many times. i'm rating on whether or not i think are nicely done, so don't get too bummed, soupnazi!!


if it's pretty, i'm rating it accordingly! i haven't seen any of the really sculpted trees yet, though. definitely didn't see the lolcat tree. i DID see the santa tree, which i thought was really cute! a few other "face" type trees, but not well done like santa! wink.gif


i wanna see some of the REALLY sculpted ones!!!


ETA: i DID see an angel made out of ornaments, over the whole tree, it was cute, but i'm not a cute kind of person, or an angel kind of person. but i didn't score it super low, either. it was creative, and i haven't seen another like it yet.


i've been rating since 3:30 today, so not too long, only 3 hours.


wanna see that darn LOLcat tree!!!! xd.png

Edited by misfitknits

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I feel like such a harsh grader. I'm giving out a lot of 5s because the stuff is average... it's not bad or anything, but it is nothing special. I haven't rated anything higher than a 7 all day. But I'm sure there are some 8s,9s, or 10s still out there somewhere! biggrin.gif

On a good note, I haven't seen any trees that look like mine... I'm kinda glad I didn't use the garland. It would have made my tree way too crowded. blink.gif I like so many of them, though, and mine is probably too colorful and uncoordinated to win anything. xd.png

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It's kind of like video game genres; just because two games share the same basic premise, with one higher quality, doesn't mean the higher quality one should be rated lowly just because it isn't original.

Yes, like people say Okami has bad graphics and therefore is a bad game.(graphics are actually beautiful, but not what you're used to, it's in a sumi-e japanese art style)LIES! mad.gif *hugs Ammy*


Anyway, to stay on topic...

I hope no one voted my tree badly during the time when parts of the tree were cut off. unsure.gif

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I know some people have been saying it's not fair to give a low rating on a glitched/bare tree. So I ask you this: Would it be fair if someone with a glitched/bare tree won a prize due to pity votes?


That is all. xd.png





...Still haven't given out a single 10 yet. I don't think I've given a 9 either. I know I gave an 8 or two.

You're absolutely right. Winners should be the people who WANTED to win and showed that by checking their tree over and over and over again like they had OCD to make sure every single ornament was placed correctly.


...I haven't given a 10 either.

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Whoops. Sorry! I saw screenshots in earlier posts, so I thought we could. Sorry!

Edited by PieMaster

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Yeah... my tree has nothing on it.


Just a few decorations on the outside of the tree because that's where they went after I hit submit.


Great. I wish I'd been checking all the posts in this thread now. sad.gif

I'm sorry. sad.gif Maybe we'll get something cool to do for Valentine's Day.


...Now I'm thinking about a thing where you gather all the pieces of a broken heart and then, at the end, you have a heart badge. blink.gif


@ blackdragon71 - Wikipedia: Katamari. smile.gif is a video game where you roll all over the place and things stick to you as you go until you get big enough to make things like stars. It's pretty awesome. lol

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This is my favorite tree (Besides mine) so far:



You're not supposed to post trees >.>

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AGH! NO SCREENSHOTS! D': Don't make _Z_ come in here and lock the thread!


Also, did anyone else see the fish tree? The ornaments were arranged to look like 2 fish underwater, with the clear baubles used as bubbles. Thought it was fairly interesting.

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I agree. The first few [blue and silver themes] I saw I rated highly. But then I keep seeing it repeated over and over and have steadily been rating them lower because of non-uniqueness. I feel bad about it though, they look so nice.

To be fair, the people who made them did not know they would be so popular, since people weren't allowed to see each others' tree. So they didn't know they were being trendy until too late. Also, choices of color themes were rather limited by the ornaments. My son tried to do a purple-gold one (he's a Vikings fan) and there just weren't enough purples.


I've been judging the blue-silver and silver-gold trees based on how well-done they are. If the ornaments are lined up nicely, the topper is fitted well to the tree, and the arrangement is pleasing, I give it a good score. If it's messy, has blinking lights that take away from the effect, or have the holes in the topper(s) showing, then I give it a low score. :-)

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I stumbled upon one where the little gingerbread man holds two candles above his head at the top of the tree. That was quite funny.

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One thing that causes me to rate trees down a lot if the garlands/toppers are on wrong. It doesn't take that long to line them up with tree!

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To be fair, the people who made them did not know they would be so popular, since people weren't allowed to see each others' tree. So they didn't know they were being trendy until too late. Also, choices of color themes were rather limited by the ornaments. My son tried to do a purple-gold one (he's a Vikings fan) and there just weren't enough purples.


I've been judging the blue-silver and silver-gold trees based on how well-done they are. If the ornaments are lined up nicely, the topper is fitted well to the tree, and the arrangement is pleasing, I give it a good score. If it's messy, has blinking lights that take away from the effect, or have the holes in the topper(s) showing, then I give it a low score. :-)

Yeah I know, that's why I feel so bad about it. I've seen at least 15 really well executed ones like that but there can only be 50 winners and I think those should go to the few that really make me look close and smile and call my roommate over to see.

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Yes, like people say Okami has bad graphics and therefore is a bad game.(graphics are actually beautiful, but not what you're used to, it's in a sumi-e japanese art style)LIES! mad.gif *hugs Ammy*

D: okami did NOT have bad graphics! They were absolutely beautiful and I can't wat for Okamiden to come out in America....Gosh, people are so picky. *joins in the huggling of Ammy*


Anyway, I hope my tree is getting at least a few 6s or 7s. It'd make me sad if people didn't like my design..

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I no longer deserve to win - I just saw a tree with the exact same concept as mine, but better and with the tree topper in a better position (I couldn't figure out how to get that stupid thing to look right).

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I stumbled upon one where the little gingerbread man holds two candles above his head at the top of the tree. That was quite funny.

Me too! It came after a long line of average looking ones (which I've been giving 5's) and made me smile so I gave it like an 8 as a reflex but probably shouldn't have. That one bit was so funny.

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I really wish we could see what our trees are currently rated...

agreed. That way there's some idea of where you'll be going with your tree and you don't have to wait till the very end to find out you lost or something.

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laugh.gif i just saw a tree that looked like they stuck all the dragons (toppers) on the front of the tree and wrapped all the garland around them as if they were being tied to the tree. biggrin.gif maybe they wouldnt stay put? blink.gif


i graded it a little low cause you couldnt really see anything but the garland and it looked like no one gave it any time. but i thought that was funny!

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I'm just coming in to say that last I heard, Murder said that TJ said screencaps of other trees were OK and Z said they were not. Fizzix in the chat thread also said that TJ said they were OK but she has disallowed them in chat. That's all I've heard concerning their validity so far. Has anybody heard anything different?

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I have a feeling a lot of trees will not get any votes. I voted on quite the number of trees, took a break, and when I came back it started me over with the SAME TREES that I already voted on.


Anyone else having this issue?

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I really wish we could see what our trees are currently rated...

Have to admit that I don't. lol At first I was all encouraged that I hadn't seen a tree like mine. Now I'm just wondering if the concept is so awful no one else tried it. xd.png


All of my confidence is bleeding away and we have over a week to go! I want to live in Denialand when my tree is a 10 and someone brings me brownies (or even just that second part).

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lol, well with what I've seen, mine isn't deserving of a ten: it uses too few ornaments, I guess.


However, I enjoyed making it, and that's what matters most. wink.gif

Also my sister found out her tree was blank, but she's being such a good sport about it! If I get an honorable mention, I'm givin it to her.

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