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Hatchlings OoC Thread

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Yeah, it's a little disturbing you don't even have any dragons oO

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Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow about we timeskip to the morning so at least me and Chess will have something to do?

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At the rate it's taking for someone with an actual voice in this channel to respond to you, the morning thing may not be an issue.

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I'm currently waiting on Durppie to post. Me and got a diolge going on.

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Your still in school? Or are you counting summer in that? What kind of weird school system does your country use?

In Singapore there's only two kinds of weather: sunshine or rain. We start school from Jan all the way to June, have a month hols, then start back for the second semester til Oct. Year-end hols consists of Nov and Dec.


... I actually envy you people who have 4 seasons... *wonders what snow really feels like*


@LLD: It's out...? I just kept it there since I think Archios still stalks the threads tongue.gif

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In Seattle, Thursday finished off twenty straight days of solid cloud cover. sad.gif


And yeah, it'd be great if we could finish up this day and move on.

Edited by Chess Tyrant

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@LLD: It's out...? I just kept it there since I think Archios still stalks the threads tongue.gif

Ah ok, cause I needed to know cause due to Crusher has those thoughts going through his head of whether to wait or not lol.

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*wonders what snow really feels like*

OK, so it's not soft, it's cold, it's makes your body numb if your not wearing at least one layer everywhere, when it starts to melt and then re-freeze it's more like one big long flat ice-cube. It's unpredictable, it's had to make a snow-man, and it gets in every crevice in your clothes no matter what.


Your not missing much. dry.gif


Mash up ice-cubes to a fine texture and put your hand in the pile, it's like that.


I honestly miss only having two seasons. I used to live inn Hawaii.



I will be gone for four days starting tomorrow, bye!

Edited by Dusset

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OK, so it's not soft, it's cold, it's makes your body numb if your not wearing at least one layer everywhere, when it starts to melt and then re-freeze it's more like one big long flat ice-cube. It's unpredictable, it's had to make a snow-man, and it gets in every crevice in your clothes no matter what.


Your not missing much. dry.gif


Mash up ice-cubes to a fine texture and put your hand in the pile, it's like that.


I honestly miss only having two seasons. I used to live inn Hawaii.

Haha; but I'd like experiencing it at least once biggrin.gif

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Snow's a lot of fun for young kids and slackers, though I'd guess it gets in the way of having a job or trying to run a business. In short, enjoy it while you can. biggrin.gif


Protip: when building a snow fort, roll three giant snowballs and arrange them in a triangle formation, then fill in the gaps with gathered snow. It's nearly invulnerable - you'd have trouble breaking it down with a baseball bat, though it can be gouged away by a heavy stick.


Edit: for the sake of staying on topic, are the good guys planning to involve themselves in Thrymzen's war against the human kingdom to the north?

Edited by Chess Tyrant

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I have no idea what to be doing >_>

Am I getting obnoxious enough with that to earn the "repeatative todler" title yet?

Sorry I'm being so annoying with it, I guess my creativity is a bit limited..

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Edit: for the sake of staying on topic, are the good guys planning to involve themselves in Thrymzen's war against the human kingdom to the north?


I remember something like that from before I left...

Has really so little happened during my absence?

Edited by Ælex

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Sto 'ice dragon' I haz entered a sheet for awhile ago...

Yah, I've put Faia back in the RP.

Yes, she is an ice dragon.

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Wasnt Faia a wryvern of some sort? Anyways welcome back.

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Thanks. I dunno whether or not I will be coming back though.

Maybe... I see Lats rejoined, so... I dunno.

What's going on right now in the RP, anyway?

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Scuta's considering joining Thrymzen, who offers to cue Crisie's cancer as payment. Thrymzen is planning his attack against the human kingdom to the north, so there should be some decent fight scenes in the near future.

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No, she w3as a normal dragon, but considering all the details I'd thought of for her, I'd realised it was closer to a DC Ice Dragon than anything else xd.png

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Username: Doomkaiser

Name: Synester

Gender: Male

Type/Breed: Moonstone

Power: His power is absorbing the magic in the area around him if there is any and using it to power his own, he can also absorb spells, but they have to be weak ones.

Personality: He is really shy and doesn't like social contact

Appearance: He is a normal Moonstone, the only difference is he has a triangular mark around his left eye and he has a small scar on his side.

Age/Stage: Winged Hatchling

History: His mother died when he was young, only about a day old, since then he has been living with his father, learning to survive and when he got his wings, learning to fly. When his dad died, he started travelling east and has been on the move ever since.

Extra: N/A

Edited by Doomkaiser

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For his power, how fast does it work? Does he do it slowly? Fast? ect. And what kind of spells are we talking about?

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Username: Ælex


Name: Dokran (Dok for short)


Gender: Male


Breed: Blue Stripe


Power: Dok’s paranoia-laden experiences in the dark caves during his youth has made him develop a kind of sixth sense about his surroundings. He can tell what is real and what isn’t, and if it’s there or not, without any other means of perceiving. Sometimes, this ability extends in social interactions, allowing him brief glances into the other person’s mind. Their intentions, feelings and thoughts are sometimes revealed to Dokran through his ability, but what he excels at is telling if someone is lying or not. It works on a 'hunch' principle. Not the mind-probe principle.


Years of living underground have also allowed him to develop overly-sensitive eyesight on demand, allowing him to see night as if it were day, except in pitch black no-light conditions.


Life in the damp dark underground has deadened Dok’s nerves to some extent, allowing him a significantly higher pain tolerance than other dragons, and has made his scales reflective and resistant to magic.


Personality: Having led a somewhat socially active childhood, the stripe knows how to behave and what to say in most cases. At times, he tends to ramble and over think some things, but otherwise has no distinctive behavioral traits. His unnatural insight into whoever he interacts with allows him to pass judgment over when to stand up for himself, or when to back down from a potential fight.


Appearance: Your typical blue stripe. The only distinctive feature on him is the shackle around his left leg.


Age/Stage: Winged (Adolescent)


History: Dokran was hatched, and raised, of all places, in a giant underground complex of dark damp dug-out tunnels, where his family, along with seven other, had taken refuge. The adults had been awfully overprotective of their children, and kept them away from the surface world until they reached the ‘appropriate’ age. One day, very early in his development, Dokran had unwillingly trotted his way outside to the surface one night, and gotten lost while his parents were asleep. He spent a week outside, living on his own, feeding off of berries and small rodents, before he was found. But by then, he was familiar with the world all normally raised hatchlings knew, the outside. The damp dark caverns of their underground lair seemed unnatural during every day of his development, and he always wanted to go outside and escape the stuffy smell of stale air and loneliness of the darkness everywhere. Year after year, he’d finally grown large enough to leave the den and go outside. The second he did, he had his last loud argument with his parents, before scolding them, and flying off and away, away from his family, away from the den, away from his nightmares.


Extra: Nothing.



Scratch my old two characters off the board. They are sues and I hate them now.

Edited by Ælex

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Ok looks ok to me. Though ya may want to be more precise about his power. Some may take it he's acutly in there head.

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He uses his power slowly and he can only absorb weak spells, he cant absorb normal ones

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Ah ok. So in other words that power is only good against those with little control over there magic then? (Cause the ones good would not let some one sap there stuff lol) Just wondering.


But other then that ok it looks ok.

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