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I used the words "I think" because it is my opinion, developed mainly through talking with other MENSA members during the time I was one.


There's a fine line between genius and insanity. xd.png

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No, I was given a standardized IQ test in school. My mother thought that my score made me a freak, and made my life pretty hellish because of it. "Girls are supposed to be less intelligent than boys, not practically off the charts."


You can laugh, but I used to cry at night and pray for God to make me stupider so that my mother would love me.


My cousin's is higher (seems to run in the family) but he's male so no one abused him over some dumb test score.


I used the words "I think" because it is my opinion, developed mainly through talking with other MENSA members during the time I was one.

I found this was true where I lived in the South, luckily not from my immediate family though. But in school, girls were supposed to be pretty and cheerleaders. Absolutely NOT making As and honor roll. That was Geeky (kiss of social death).


As far as the drug thing, I enjoy shocking a few friends with the detail that Sherlock Holmes was a cocaine addict. Most people don't know much about the fictional character or that drugs were legal back then. But given the last two movies, everyone knows them and it's a popular one. It's a fun, Wait, What? conversation piece.

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Kestra15, If they could blow up every drug lord's house in Mexico, I would be a happy person. Less dead kids and innocent people alive that get in their way. Run all the drug pushers in the dirt six feet under would be even better, biggrin.gif

Oh yeah lets start a war over something like this. Have you been reading the news lately? They have cut of policemens heads and left them on their wives doorsteps. You think doing anything to them like is a wise move you are sadly mistaken.

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@Alpha1 - That is really, really not funny. It's about as funny as calling someone with a lower-than-average IQ "retarded". Intelligence slurs aren't as acceptable as any other kind.


@Vhale - Yes, exactly. It was weird for me because I apparently "didn't look smart". whatever that means. Played field hockey, didn't wear glasses. joked around with my friends - but then got put in all the advanced courses. It messed things up a lot for me because school was so simple and home was so very difficult.

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Oh yeah lets start a war over something like this. Have you been reading the news lately? They have cut of policemens heads and left them on their wives doorsteps. You think doing anything to them like is a wise move you are sadly mistaken.

There's also a man who works for the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation that got transferred here from Texas (apparently the intersection of I-81 and I-26 in Tennessee is a big spot for drug movement?) because cartels had put a price on his and his family's heads...

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@Alpha1 - That is really, really not funny. It's about as funny as calling someone with a lower-than-average IQ "retarded". Intelligence slurs aren't as acceptable as any other kind.

I'm sorry!


You said your cousin scored even higher. If you think it runs in families, why wouldn't that indicate IQ measures something other than how good someone does on a test?



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As for illegal immigrants...


Are we really this selfish? They came here because their living conditions were not favorable. They left to get a shot at a better life. Maybe they don't have the proper resources to get citizen ship. Maybe their situation didn't allow enough time for that to happen. Why are we being so hostile to them? It seems like Americans pick on illegal immigrants when they're losing an argument.


Also, to further iterate my point of immigrants, we're all technically illegal anyway. You didn't see the Native Americans forcing those who found America to take tests and forcing them to learn their language.


Trust me, I used to share these views. I used to believe it was wrong, but that's because that's what I was taught. I further gained an opinion for myself and changed my previous opinions to what it is now.


@ Kat - Because of the ACA, he's raising taxes on tanning by 10% because TANNING IS HARMFUL FOR YOUR HEALTH. GASP. OMG. If everyone is going to pay for everyone else's healthcare, then you better bet your ass that I want people to be charged more for making CONSCIOUS unhealthy decisions ON PURPOSE.


Excuse me? Um, no, it's not. My mother did not keep having babbehs just to stay on foodstamps. The only why we got them in the first place because my stepfather had to quit his job! He couldn't find another one, either, for 3 months. He tried starting his own business doing some work in the hurricane (or flood, I can't remember right now) recovering areas, but we didn't have the resources for him to keep going to Virginia (I think it was) and come back home, or for him to buy the materials he needed. If it weren't for foodstamps, we would have STARVED. We had too many bills to pay and not enough money. As soon as my mother got her paycheck, it was gone. AND, to top it all off, because of how in debt we were, the bank just outright TOOK our tax return. We didn't see a single cent. That means none of us got the new clothes we so desperately needed. That means we could celebrate and spoil ourselves in the slightest by doing something so simple as going to the movies together as a family. Or even rent a movie.


And, guess what? The only reason why we had internet and TV during those times is because, shamefully, we stole it. We had to have internet because we didn't have any phones. If something went wrong while I was watching my siblings, I had to send emails to my mother to let her know. Having raised my brother and sister and being like a mother, I can imagine how terrifying that is.


Also. I live paycheck to paycheck, on ONE paycheck. My boyfriend and I can make ends meet. I'm too proud to ask for financial aid. I want to get a job and make money myself and have the ability to say that I made that money myself. And I will be even more goddamn proud saying that I give my money to healthcare for other people who would otherwise not be able to afford it.


If you really want to correct welfare, make people take drug tests before they receive aid. If you're SO concerned, have that implemented. There are PLENTY of good, deserving people out there who will gladly take a drug test to prove their innocence. While we're at it, we'll make sure that the cost for those drug tests come out of EVERYONE'S taxes, k?


As ylangylang said... Eugenics? That's disgusting. You'd take away someone's reproductive rights just because they're getting financial assistance? You're starting to sound like a guy I talked to not long ago saying that "MY money is for ME AND MINE. YOUR money is for YOU AND YOURS. KEEP YOUR DAMN MONEY BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO BE A THIEF AND I'LL KEEP MINE. BLAH BLAH BLAH." Sounds like greed. That's all I ever hear from republicans, it seems like, is greed.


As for being young and not knowing anything.


I'm 18. I am aware more of what you post than what you actually post. I've been told I have what they call an "old soul." I understand things far beyond what my age group CHOOSES to.


I don't want to address you anymore, Kat. I'm seeing your true colors and I don't like them one bit.


ANNND... I think I'm done now. Getting off my soapbox.


TL;DR - Rant post is ranty.

Illegal immigrants are just that ... ILLEGAL.


If I go and kill someone, that is illegal, so I should walk free right ... WRONG.


Everyone of them should be sent back to where they came from. It is not being selfish at all. If we go to any other country from here, we have to follow their laws. Are they being selfish ... NO they are not. Every country has laws, and when you enter their country, you follow them or guess what happens!!!


You come here, learn to speak english. If we go to your country, we have to learn your language. If you do not like our language, then stay out.


Even overseas where my son was, they had laws about addressing the women over there.


This is todays time and not back when this country was fought for, so why bring it up, it serves no purpose.


I have a problem with people drinking and driving or doing illegal or prescription drugs driving. I do not care if you have only had one drink, you can kill someone on the road. People do it all the time. What about overweight people that are overweight because they keep feeding their face, not because they have a medical issue, or the medicines they have to take makes them gain weight. Should Obama impose when an overweight person goes out to eat, you can not order what you want. Hay, I have to pay for everyones health care to.


You need to go back and read again what I posted about how I feel about WELFARE AND FOOD STAMPS. It does not mean it applies to you, not after reading your story especially. Some of you only read and get out of it what you want. Open your eyes please. If it pertains to you so be it and if it does not, stop whining please.


I agree that people on welfare need to take blood tests. If you can afford to buy illlegal drugs, get off your behind and find a job.


You should have known by what I posted about Welfare and Food Stamps it would not apply to you or your family.


My class really does not matter here. I could care less if I was worth millions or am as I am now. I do not think I am any better than the next person. Money does not make a person. It is your values and your eithics and the way you treat people. Again, I understand why you have said what you have said. I grew up in a loving family where my father worked hard. My mother was fortunate enough to stay home with us. I had a wonderful upbringing where my mother rode horses with me and played golf with me to. I had hands on with my mom, and I stayed out of major trouble and I got my tail wore out when I needed it. I still did things behind my mothers back though, laugh.gif My parents were both poor, but by hard work, were abe to pay their bills and have some nice things. It was my parents teachings is the reason I am the way I am, and also because of lifes trying times. I try and take an interest in what goes on here in the USA and what government is better. I do not resent people who get rich, and I do not feel they should have to share it with me either. I work for what I want. If someone is able to have it better than me, I wish them well. My saying is ... "YOU OWE THE WORLD, THE WORLD DOES NOT OWE YOU"


We live paycheck to paycheck and do not touch what we save. I work, but happen to be on medical leave right now. I have worked many years and so has my husband, but we are not spend thrifts. I hate shopping for cloths, so you do not find me out shopping like many women love. I buy my cloths on sale or at Walmarts. Yes, I do have some nice cloths, but I also get them on sale. We do not take vacations all through the year, nor do we live beyond our means.


Again, I do understand you better, and I am not mad at what you posted. I to use to think just like you when I was 18, smile.gif

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There's also a man who works for the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation that got transferred here from Texas (apparently the intersection of I-81 and I-26 in Tennessee is a big spot for drug movement?) because cartels had put a price on his and his family's heads...

Omg that is so awful! I hope the guy is okay!


Didn't my post imply that, though? I mean, the quote from the article was specifically addressing people who thought we were becoming more dependent on these programs. It gave several reasons for the trend.


Similarly, Republicans like to blame Obama on the amount of people on food stamps, but that's really because a lot more people qualified for the program after the financial crisis.


It can be annoying too when the discussion is about the debt, since it would have happened under anyone's watch. Automatic stabilizers + loss of revenue (started in Bush's term after financial crisis) = debt


I wasn't going to assume if you was for it or against it so I just asked you.


I don't get why Obama gets all the blame for this. The economy was going down while Bush was in office. He only got it once Bush was out and he was sworn in.


See, this is something we have in the UK too - or at least, an argument put forward by anti-immigration persons in the UK. "Bloody foreign workers coming over here, stealing out jobs..." But the thing is, the jobs they steal are (literally) the crap ones; cleaners, road sweepers, toilet attendants, binmen, all the glamorous, undesirable jobs. And when the person arguing we should get rid of them all is sitting around on benefits for years on end and will refuse to even apply for the jobs that have been 'stolen' from them because they feel such jobs are 'beneath them,' it kinda detracts from the argument.


This is not to say I support illegal immigration - I don't. However, immigrant work-forces are the back-bone of many Western societies, such as America, England and Germany, and this continual approach of 'Britain for the British' or 'America for the Americans' is a horrendous mistake, and while it would be fantastic to get rid of illegal immigrants I think a sudden removal of them from society would have a negative knock-on effect.


The one in particular I was referring to was working a construction job with my aunt (she was there to witness him request a name change and no she didn't like it one bit). They was working on some house and he was getting investigated so he had to change everything.


I don't mine immigrants one bit as long as they are doing things legally. If they are doing that then by all means let them have any job that they can. It just irritates me how.


Again, how narrow you are. I spent a few months on benefits here in the UK, and I am personally offended at how you stereotype myself and a number of my friends and family. I didn't sit around popping out babies and fiddling the system; I applied literally every day to at least one new job, I was doing 30 - 40 hrs a week voluntary work split between the three voluntary roles I had, I continued with my studies (on top of the Masters in Mathematics with Honours that I already had)...


But of course, you refuse to see or accept that. Your continual automatic assumption that anyone on benefits is some kind of layabout is frankly disgusting and immature.


I agree here. Assuming everyone that is on any form of benefits because they cannot work/support there families on what they have is appalling. What happened to my family because of greedy company owners was not my dads doing period. He worked till he tried to get his leg taken off so he could return to work and when that didn't happen things just got even worse from there.

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If we go to your country, we have to learn your language.


Not really. =p

Since we're such a powerhouse, we've basically forced people to conform to us, so most places you go, there should be plenty of people around who speak English and plenty of places that will conform to American ideals to make Americans feel at home. Otherwise, they can't really do business with us.

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I have a problem with people drinking and driving or doing illegal or prescription drugs driving. I do not care if you have only had one drink, you can kill someone on the road. People do it all the time. What about overweight people that are overweight because they keep feeding their face, not because they have a medical issue, or the medicines they have to take makes them gain weight. Should Obama impose when an overweight person goes out to eat, you can not order what you want. Hay, I have to pay for everyones health care to.

This sickens me. "Overweight because they keep feeding their face" are you that insensitive? Overweight people do have feelings and I am one of them. So thanks a lot.


Again, I do understand you better, and I am not mad at what you posted. I to use to think just like you when I was 18,


And here we go again with the "you're young and foolish" thing. Not everyone who is young is stupid. Not everyone who is old is smart or wise.

Edited by demonicvampiregirl

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Not really. =p

Since we're such a powerhouse, we've basically forced people to conform to us, so most places you go, there should be plenty of people around who speak English and plenty of places that will conform to American ideals to make Americans feel at home. Otherwise, they can't really do business with us.

Aren't we pretty much the only country that doesn't require proficiency in another language be part of education? I know we have a "foreign language" high school credit graduation requirement, but I hardly think Latin 1 or Spanish 1 qualifies you as proficient in another language.

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Just skimmed the past two pages of this thread and gave out quite a few warns. I think I'm going to close this thread for a few hours to give people time to cool down and give me some time to read through anything else that may have gone unnoticed in it. ^^


*offers hugs to everyone* Let's just all breathe for a bit, yus?

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So sorry for the wait! Re-opened. Please see the list below for a reminder of what to stay away from posing. Thanks. :3


Please refrain from posting the following:

  • Name calling
  • Calling others opinions invalid or implying their opinions are invalid (ex. because of age, political party, country of residence)
  • Prejudice statements
  • General rudeness

I know politics is a very emotional topic (and I am so happy to see so many people passionate about what goes on around them), but let's try to keep the discussion and debate level-headed and try to stay focused more on topics and issues rather than each other.

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Aren't we pretty much the only country that doesn't require proficiency in another language be part of education? I know we have a "foreign language" high school credit graduation requirement, but I hardly think Latin 1 or Spanish 1 qualifies you as proficient in another language.


I'll admit I have no idea about the requirements in other countries, but yeah. I got away with sign language as my foreign language in high school and while a foreign language counts as one of my options towards my humanities requirements, I can get away just fine without taking any language. =U

I do think at least a general class on the customs/culture/even policies on other countries would be a nice requirement, but I don't really even have that.

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Aren't we pretty much the only country that doesn't require proficiency in another language be part of education? I know we have a "foreign language" high school credit graduation requirement, but I hardly think Latin 1 or Spanish 1 qualifies you as proficient in another language.

I think China, Korea and Japan has foreign languages as a requirement, but I'm a bit shaky on China. I know that Japan places a high emphasis on English, though. For example, on the Korean official college entrance test, we have to take Korean, Math, English, 2~4 subjects on either social studies(humanities)/science + optional third language.


Third language options are: Chinese(Putonghua, or Mandarin), French, Japanese, German, Russian, Arabic, Spanish and Ancient Chinese (Tang dynasty poems and such) if I remember correctly. I took Chinese as it happens.


Most (young) Koreans do have a rudimentary grasp on English, some of us have spent our childhood and/or teen years abroad, and most companies require an English test, such as TOEFL, so yeah.


not because a president will agree to abortions, liking gays and all the rest of the things that have nothing to do with getting our people back to work and keeping their jobs and getting this economy flowing smoothly.
That's easy to say when it's not YOUR rights that's getting violated.


If they could blow up every drug lord's house in Mexico, I would be a happy person. Less dead kids and innocent people alive that get in their way. Run all the drug pushers in the dirt six feet under would be even better

That won't solve anything. Bear in mind that during your imaginary operations, innocent people will get killed for being in the middle of the crossfire, and you know what? Once you do that, their places will be taken by other people who are just as willing to become drug lords.


Anyways, Mitt Romney's dad was on welfare too. Thoughts? Because the first time I read this I was like WTH so welfare's only good when certain people get it :/

Edited by ylangylang

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I'll admit I have no idea about the requirements in other countries, but yeah. I got away with sign language as my foreign language in high school and while a foreign language counts as one of my options towards my humanities requirements, I can get away just fine without taking any language. =U

I do think at least a general class on the customs/culture/even policies on other countries would be a nice requirement, but I don't really even have that.

Certainly when I was in education (may have changed now) the UK required a foreign language at GCSE. Normal options were French and German (I took German - got an A), although I think some places may also have offered Spanish.

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Here in Latvia, you have to take the first foreign language exam when finishing high school - generally it's English, would be German in the school I went to, but I took English as an extra exam because due to the specifics of my school I could get an international German certificate along the way, which would annul the necessity of having to take the state German exam.

Ironically, although I've learned English for much longer than German, I've always been more confident about English rather than German.


Besides the usual obligatory English/German in very few schools, your'e also required to take a 2nd foreign language class, either Russian or German, but aren't required to take a state exam.


With the specifity of my school, everybody in middle school and those who went to the language-oriented program, me included (instead of the "general education" program), in high school were required to take all three classes, no choice - English, Russian and German.

Edited by lightbird

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Here in the States, when I lived in New Orleans it was required to take French in the 1st grade. But I believe that is due to the history of the area. I know some Catholic schools teach Spanish in the elementary grades. I think most high schools require 2 years in another language, but it's the old, if you don't use it, you lose it.


My nephew is currently taking Chinese, I'm hoping to nab a little of it from him.

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not because a president will agree to abortions, liking gays and all the rest of the things that have nothing to do with getting our people back to work and keeping their jobs and getting this economy flowing smoothly.


That's easy to say when it's not YOUR rights that's getting violated.


It's interesting this exchange should come up.


The other day my mother and I had a long political debate about who would be a better president. She's planning on voting for Romney, and I'm planning on voting for Obama, and this exact argument was a big part of our disagreement.


My mom is pro-choice, but she says that she's voting for Romney and Ryan because "we need a businessman in office to fix things" (Lol okay mom) and "that's what's best for the country and for my children. Obama is going to destroy this country, he had four years to fix it and hasn't done anything!". She thinks that fixing the economy is more important than maintaining people's rights (and she thinks the Path to Prosperity is good). She thinks "oh they won't outlaw abortion because Roe vs. Wade," but they're already limiting access to abortion at the state level by careful wording and making things difficult and traumatic.


She actually told me, in all seriousness, that I should be reading/listening to FOX NEWS because it's unbiased. Thanks to Fox News (probably), there were several gaps in her knowledge of the candidates - she had no idea that Paul Ryan was against abortion no matter what, for instance.


I'm not crazy about Obama, and Biden is a bit of an airhead, but I don't like Romney and Ryan is a nutcase. I'd rather vote someone in who will allow me to maintain my right to my own body, than someone who wants to turn medicare into a voucher system, slice up the EPA, and rewrite the law to define me as a fetal life support unit.

Edited by AngelKitty

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That's easy to say when it's not YOUR rights that's getting violated.


It's interesting this exchange should come up.


The other day my mother and I had a long political debate about who would be a better president. She's planning on voting for Romney, and I'm planning on voting for Obama, and this exact argument was a big part of our disagreement.


My mom is pro-choice, but she says that she's voting for Romney and Ryan because "we need a businessman in office to fix things" (Lol okay mom) and "that's what's best for the country and for my children. Obama is going to destroy this country, he had four years to fix it and hasn't done anything!". She thinks that fixing the economy is more important than maintaining people's rights (and she thinks the Path to Prosperity is good). She thinks "oh they won't outlaw abortion because Roe vs. Wade," but they're already limiting access to abortion at the state level by careful wording and making things difficult and traumatic.


She actually told me, in all seriousness, that I should be reading/listening to FOX NEWS because it's unbiased. Thanks to Fox News (probably), there were several gaps in her knowledge of the candidates - she had no idea that Paul Ryan was against abortion no matter what, for instance.


I'm not crazy about Obama, and Biden is a bit of an airhead, but I don't like Romney and Ryan is a nutcase. I'd rather vote someone in who will allow me to maintain my right to my own body, than someone who wants to turn medicare into a voucher system, slice up the EPA, and rewrite the law to define me as a fetal life support unit.

I am all for rights as well, BUT


I have to agree with your mother.


There are 23 million people unemployed right now, and Obama has had almost 4 yrs to fix my country. To heck with MY rights right now when I see people losing their homes, starving and can not get jobs. To me what is more important right now is for people to have jobs and the economy running smooth again. I am not crazy about Romney, but he is a business man, and understands how this country works better than Obama. Obama is a lawyer, not a business man. Obama has focused on to many things other than what he should have. Getting my rights is not going to help the people who do not have jobs right now and to feed their families. I myself will not be selfish and think of me alone and my rights. Like I said before, bully for Obama saying that he thinks gay is ok now. Well I have gay friends and I also think gays should be able to come out in the military. But is this going to get the 23 million people jobs, NO, it will not.


I was listening to Fox news this morning. I can not tell you the speaker as I was busy with other things. he said that Obama took 700 billion dollars from medicaid so he could have his Obama Care.



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Obama is going to destroy this country, he had four years to fix it and hasn't done anything!".


I was going to give you this (which another member linked here sometime): http://pleasecutthecrap.typepad.com/main/w...ry-20-2009.html (which includes quite a lot of financial fixing) until you said this:


She actually told me, in all seriousness, that I should be reading/listening to FOX NEWS because it's unbiased. Thanks to Fox News (probably), there were several gaps in her knowledge of the candidates - she had no idea that Paul Ryan was against abortion no matter what, for instance.



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How would we go about making it "more" egalitarian?

A good start would be reforming the tax code.

How many is "many"?


A lot of it is rent-seeking.


“Some on the right also assert that those at the top deserve their higher incomes. They earned it, conservatives say. Their riches were due to their greater contribution to society, from which all benefit.


I wish that were true — but it’s not. Those at the top aren’t the true innovators — people who provided the intellectual foundations of the computer, for example, or the Internet. Or those who invented the transistor or the laser; or, like James Watson and Francis Crick, who unraveled the genetic code laying the foundations of so much of modern medicine.


Much of the top-most wealth instead comes because of successful “rent seeking.” Economists use the term “rents” for income derived from owning an asset, rather than from effort. “Rent seeking” refers to attempts to garner a larger share of the economic pie, rather than making the pie larger.”


Joseph E. Stiglitz, recipient of the Nobel Prize in economics, chaired President Clinton's Council of Economic Advisers and was chief economist of the World Bank.


See, that video is one of the reasons I love Ron Paul. He's saying, look, I think abortion is wrong. I think it's a "violent act." Therefore, the STATES should be allowed to regulate it just like they regulate any other violent act. That regulation, as it stands, consists of the freedom to get an abortion. But if an individual state decided to regulate and enforce pro-life laws, that should be perfectly legal according to the constitution. So I like Ron Paul because, yes, his ideal would be EVERYONE agreeing with him and being pro-life, but he doesn't think he has the right to regulate people into that position.


Did you listen to what he said at the very end? He said with only a majority vote in Congress, you can overturn Roe v. Wade overnight


Here’s a quote from another debate:


“I’m surprised that I don’t have more co-sponsors for my Sanctity of Life Act. It removes the jurisdiction from the federal courts & allows the states to pass protection to the unborn. Instead of waiting years for a Constitutional Amendment, this would happen immediately, by majority vote in the Congress and a president’s signature. It’s a much easier way to accomplish this, by following what our Constitution directs us. Instead of new laws, let’s just use what we have & pass this type of legislation.”


There are 23 million people unemployed right now, and Obama has had almost 4 yrs to fix my country. To heck with MY rights right now when I see people losing their homes, starving and can not get jobs. To me what is more important right now is for people to have jobs and the economy running smooth again. I am not crazy about Romney, but he is a business man, and understands how this country works better than Obama. Obama is a lawyer, not a business man. Obama has focused on to many things other than what he should have. Getting my rights is not going to help the people who do not have jobs right now and to feed their families. I myself will not be selfish and think of me alone and my rights. Like I said before, bully for Obama saying that he thinks gay is ok now. Well I have gay friends and I also think gays should be able to come out in the military. But is this going to get the 23 million people jobs, NO, it will not.


I won’t vote for someone that wants to double down on trickle-down!


Obama gets it.


“They want your vote, but they don't want you to know their plan. And that's because all they had to offer is the same prescription they've had for the last thirty years:


``Have a surplus? Try a tax cut.'' [bush campaigned on using the surplus as a reason for his first tax cut]

``Deficit too high? Try another.'' [They love to tell you that tax cuts reduce the deficit…]


``Feel a cold coming on? Take two tax cuts, roll back some regulations, and call us in the morning.''



You realize that Obama has economic advisers? The GOP would like you to believe they’re for austerity, but their voting record shows a combination of Keynesian and supply-side (trickle-down) economics. Keynesian works. That's why they don't go with austerity when they're in charge.


I was listening to Fox news this morning. I can not tell you the speaker as I was busy with other things. he said that Obama took 700 billion dollars from medicaid so he could have his Obama Care.


That’s old news. Ryan’s plan had proposed those same cuts, and it is misleading because they weren’t direct cuts to any of their benefits.


There’s a new study showing that Ryan’s Vouchercare will cost seniors more which is no surprise considering the failed Medicare Advantage experiment.


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She actually told me, in all seriousness, that I should be reading/listening to FOX NEWS because it's unbiased. Thanks to Fox News (probably), there were several gaps in her knowledge of the candidates - she had no idea that Paul Ryan was against abortion no matter what, for instance.


Most news sources try to say they aren't biased, but there's always a clear bias. FOX is clearly heavy right wing, MSNBC is clearly heavily left wing. It is what it is.


Did you listen to what he said at the very end? He said with only a majority vote in Congress, you can overturn Roe v. Wade overnight Here’s a quote from another debate: “I’m surprised that I don’t have more co-sponsors for my Sanctity of Life Act. It removes the jurisdiction from the federal courts & allows the states to pass protection to the unborn. Instead of waiting years for a Constitutional Amendment, this would happen immediately, by majority vote in the Congress and a president’s signature. It’s a much easier way to accomplish this, by following what our Constitution directs us. Instead of new laws, let’s just use what we have & pass this type of legislation.”


Yup! You could. Overturning a federal stance on abortion is one of his main points. The national government doesn't have the right to take a position on issues like that. Overturn Roe vs. Wade, not so abortions can be made illegal nationally, but so the states have the proper freedom to allow or disallow (or regulate) abortions as the elected officials see fit.

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I am all for rights as well, BUT


I have to agree with your mother.


There are 23 million people unemployed right now, and Obama has had almost 4 yrs to fix my country. To heck with MY rights right now when I see people losing their homes, starving and can not get jobs. To me what is more important right now is for people to have jobs and the economy running smooth again. I am not crazy about Romney, but he is a business man, and understands how this country works better than Obama. Obama is a lawyer, not a business man. Obama has focused on to many things other than what he should have. Getting my rights is not going to help the people who do not have jobs right now and to feed their families. I myself will not be selfish and think of me alone and my rights. Like I said before, bully for Obama saying that he thinks gay is ok now. Well I have gay friends and I also think gays should be able to come out in the military. But is this going to get the 23 million people jobs, NO, it will not.


I was listening to Fox news this morning. I can not tell you the speaker as I was busy with other things. he said that Obama took 700 billion dollars from medicaid so he could have his Obama Care.


If you want to fix the economy then don't put Romney in. Have you seen the stuff out about Romney? No politician is a saint but you want to keep your rights because if you lose them it's yet another battle to get them back.


Okay so Obama took some money to help get a better health care system. I don't see that as a over all bad thing. If it helps people get off their feet long enough to get a job where is the big problem?


I won’t vote for someone that wants to double down on trickle-down!


Obama gets it.


“They want your vote, but they don't want you to know their plan. And that's because all they had to offer is the same prescription they've had for the last thirty years:


``Have a surplus? Try a tax cut.'' [bush campaigned on using the surplus as a reason for his first tax cut]

``Deficit too high? Try another.'' [They love to tell you that tax cuts reduce the deficit…]


``Feel a cold coming on? Take two tax cuts, roll back some regulations, and call us in the morning.''



You realize that Obama has economic advisers? The GOP would like you to believe they’re for austerity, but their voting record shows a combination of Keynesian and supply-side (trickle-down) economics. Keynesian works. That's why they don't go with austerity when they're in charge.


The part about the trickle down economics is what screwed this country up in the first place.


You want it fixed that isn't the way to go at all.


Yup! You could. Overturning a federal stance on abortion is one of his main points. The national government doesn't have the right to take a position on issues like that. Overturn Roe vs. Wade, not so abortions can be made illegal nationally, but so the states have the proper freedom to allow or disallow (or regulate) abortions as the elected officials see fit.


I don't think any politician or official should have any say what so ever on what is good for a womans body. It should be only up to the person not someone else.

Edited by demonicvampiregirl

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Yup! You could. Overturning a federal stance on abortion is one of his main points. The national government doesn't have the right to take a position on issues like that. Overturn Roe vs. Wade, not so abortions can be made illegal nationally, but so the states have the proper freedom to allow or disallow (or regulate) abortions as the elected officials see fit.


That blatantly disregards the 14th Amendment. I realize that Paul thinks it's imaginary, but I don't think Republicans will go this route. After all, they always talk about overturning the federal position through new SC judges or an amendment to the Constitution. In fact, even if they had enough votes on the Supreme Court, I don't think they would overturn it. An Amendment would be virtually impossible without a lot of pro-life support, so that's out.

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