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Sierra turned her head when she heard the impact. Myst had blinded the bear. 'Good. I can almost safely practice my battle moves on the bear now. I'm going to kick Aerix's ass when I grow up.' She thought, forgetting Rien.



Mist saw Kalana tackle Rien.'Good.' She thought. She could focus on the bear now.


Mystic saw three eagles come with the birds. He used the two small bird to talk to the eagle about the situation. The eagles agreed, and flew towards the bear. They grabbed it and slowly lifted it out of the cave. The attacking hatchlings made way for the bear and Mystic let go of the control of the birds. He curled into a circle and took a little nap because controlling animals was harder than he thought.

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Skylene looked at Snow beside her, and replied, "Kalana and I need your help with healing Spira. She's not doing well at all, and it's possible that...well, we need you." She had a mostly plain look on her face, suggesting that almost nothing was wrong, when she was actually just bored. Bored...amazing. Bored when there's a bear attacking and hatchlings could die...how am I so bored? She gave a soft sigh. "Can you follow me to her?" she asked.

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Snow nodded. "If Kiska is okay with it. I don't think I can help much though." She said. If she did anything else, she might just faint. She was nocturnal and she had to sleep.

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The prey was trying to defeat her main body so she tried to strangle her. It was strange, she could've swore she recognized this certain prey. When the other prey got closer to the even larger prey Rien's vines attempted to grab and strangle them. In the process she had to stop the futile attack on those who had something protecting them. She turned most of her attention at the prey that was on her. Why was... Why did she look familiar? As she saw the life beginning to ebb away from the dragon that was on top of her- dragon? Stripes? Her eyes widened in surprise."Ka... Kala..?" Her shook her aching head. She couldnt understand why it ached. This thing is dangerous. She threw the prey far away from her, far enough that her vines could no longer reach the thing.

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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Skylene looked at Snow, feeling somewhat sorry for her. She didn't like when hatchlings made themselves feel useless. "Who knows?" she replied to the Ice hatchling, "You might be of some good help in all this. Don't count yourself out so soon." She hoped to cheer Snow up, who looked quite somber at the moment. "I just hope Spira doesn't....well....die....she's not looking very well at the moment."

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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Well, Kiska could go find Narnun. Dre would just go away. For now. Even with her knowledge of herbs, there probably wasn't one to help Sandy. Sighing, she started flying to the cave, before she heard someone screaming, "Deadeadeadeaddead" atleast she thought so. "What is it?" more plague? Frightened, Dre descended to the ground to see a vine and Aradis. Screaming, she ran over to him, checking for a pulse. Please please please please please. she thought over and over, but there was no hope. He was gone. Hanging her head, Dre backed away from his body and bumped into Rien, she whipped around and tried shaking the hatchling, but she stopped, what with the vines. She found herself backing away, yet AGAIN.

Edited by girlfairy76

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The whole chaotic scene was getting down right odd as what she guessed to be the hatchling that had spoken to her before from underground started to try and tangle everything up in vines. Quickly Ahsni would fly higher to try and get away from them even if the shimming shield, which she had been unaware of until that moment, seemed to protect her from being grabbed. To add to this she had other hatchlings now asking her what to do. All of a sudden she had an inkling that she knew how a certain dragon felt in their group. "Stay clear of those vines and kee-," she'd cut herself off when she spotted a Swallowtail being hit unconscious. Last thing Ashni wanted to see was that hatchling getting stepped on. So tucking her wings in close she would dive down and only slowed down when she got close to the ground so as not to crash. Ashni would not bother to try and wake the Swallowtail for now as the main concern was to move the them both out of harms way. Lifting on her hind legs for a few moments so that she could lift the Swallowtail just enough where Ashni could then get her own body under the others. It took some odd maneuvering, but it was worth it as Ashni started to run away from the bear and over to where some other hatchlings were.


((OOC: Heading over to Skylene I would guess if she is away from the bear?))


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It was a good thing that he was giving her the go ahead to cover the wound because she was planing to cover it now whether he liked it or not. It was just much easier she would assume to have less wiggling when you are trying to cover something up. The wound itself was not that large that needed to be covered, so Medea moved over to moss that looked to be drying in the sun. Picking it up she felt that it was not dead nor was it too moist anymore so she set about quickly picking out dirt and twigs so that only the moss remained. This done she would go over to pluck a large enough leaf to use as the bandage and a vine to fasten it. All her little materials gathered to her satisfaction, Medea placed them beside Aerix with a little grin. "Well now to the final part for you until you have to clean it again," she'd say as she moved about placing the moss over the wound in cause it started to bleed once more or ooze something else. Then went over the leaf, which was then fastened by the vine a little oddly since he did have wings after all. Though it would not hinder his flying since the vine wrapped around the base of his wings, but it might be a little aggravating. Not that she cared since it was not on her. "My job is done now. Should be good for a day or two and then you have to clean it again," Medea stated this as she wondered on just what to do now. They could head back to the cave as she had been doing or stay here. If Aerix could fly now anyways since she did poke at the wounds then she would, for once, leave it up to someone else. "What shall the wounded do now?"

Edited by Lilithachaos

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Rrha ki gaya harmon pauwoo sos riomo frawr,

en guard clemenzen gyas ubitio.

Wee ki gagis hymme pasherin naa retera grruwa ubitio.


Rrha ki gaya jouee, guard waats.

Rrha ki ra jouee waats.

Wee ki gagis zenva celle vinan famfa xe takii wasa haoud, ubitio.


Her body felt like it was on fire! She sweated more and more- by now she had a high fever. She had to focus on protecting everyone, she had to convey that feeling of protection and project it into her song!



Rrha ki gaya ennalte rinnoze porter

Rrha ki gaya ennalte rinnoze zeeth race.

Wee ki gaya fujara ciellenne an dor,


She was at her limit now! She didn't feel like she could hold the barrier for much longer. With her energy almost completely gone, the barriers began to flicker and her singing was unsteady.



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He tackled glomped her in mid air! He didn't knock her out or down, but it was enough to the point that she felt the air knocked out of her. He suddenly remembered that in the same way he had tackle glomped Rico yesterday. "I forgot! I left Rico when I saw you flying over head..! We gotta search for him Feather... I didn't even apologize!"

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Kalana landed on the ground, and the air was knocked out of her. She got up again, winded. Seeing Rien distracted, she ran over again, and seized her vines, pinning them down. "Rien, stop it. Remember? I'm Kalana. We agreed that I would be your mom."




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"Skylene is right, Snow. Don't count yourself out." she took a closer look at the hatchling, realizing how exhausted she looked. "Um... Are you okay? You look really tired... she said, worriedly. 

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Mint watched as Erikiteru entered her cave. Funny....most people were unable to find her cave, unless she showed them. She retreated deeper into the cave, to test whether or not Erikiteru would find her.

((Yes, I did.))

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Skylene sighed a bit louder, annoyed that they weren't any closer to helping out Spira. "Kiska! We need to get to Spira before something bad happens! Why would you just dodge my question?" She sulked again, and turned around from the two. "If you two want to do your own thing, that's fine, but I need to help a friend, and she needs your help, Kiska. Will you come with me or not?" Skylene was not in a good mood at this point, time was fleeting and a life was hanging in the balance.

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"I can help." Ismene was hovering near Skylene. When she noticed Myst fly out of the mountains, Ismene had followed out of curiosity. She didn't know why the Swallowtail and ran out in such a panic, but she did now. "You can get Spira on my back." Ismene explained. "I won't be able to hold her for long, but I will be able to get her out of the area." Ismene didn't even glance in the direction of the birth cave as she heard screaming. "Trust me, I can pull this off."

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((I replied to that post, dofus!))

Erikiteru's sparks started to flow, calmly, when she entered the cave. They weren't wildly sparking like crazy anymore, and she felt relaxed. Her curiosity activated, and she walked deeper into the cave. Her blue sparked, and her nostrils flared. She was cautious as she walked in further, but something about this cave seemed to, calm her. 'How strange...' She thought.

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Snow nodded. " I'm okay." She said. She actually was really tired, but she had to help others. She said to Skylene"I'm coming!" And took to the air. She was unsteady but she could fly.

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Skylene looked over at the sky to find Ismene watching from above. How long has she been there?! she thought. "Spira is fine, I lifted her out to safety. She's actually just over there." She pointed in the direction of the Royal Blue, who was merely 100 yards away from them. "The only thing she needs is healing, which is what I'm trying to get from Kiska." Her mood turned gray again, still irritated that she hadn't responded to her. Then she saw Snow take to the air. "Snow, you don't need to fly, she's just right there."

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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Snow nodded and fell into the sand in relief. She waked over to Spira. "She looks

like she has a coma." She said. "How did she get like this?"

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(OOC: They're in a forest. There's no sand.)


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Skylene watched as Snow walked over to Spira. However, the Blusang did not move at all, still annoyed at everything. She was able to hear Snow loud enough to respond to her. "Hell if I know. I wasn't there at the time. And are you sure she's in a coma? That's a pretty big assumption, although she could be." She hoped that it wasn't true, that she wasn't in a coma. If she was, it would pretty much be the end of her. Comas were as bad as a death sentence.

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"I don't know. I don't have medical knowledge, Kiska has that." She said. "Kiska, can you please hurry a bit? Spira doesn't look very good." She said.


((Never mind then. But I thought Snow and Kiska were at Sandy's home which I thought was in the desert))

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Ismene pondered for a moment. Se felt silly that she didn't realize Spira was right there. "I think I know where some herb patches are." Ismene mused. "They're in the mountains, but I can zip there and back in a couple minutes. If she just needs healing, then I can try to bandage her wounds. I've done it many times to myself."

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Kiska hurried over to Spira. "Of course I will help her. Sorry to keep you waiting, Skylene." She placed one paw on the Royal Blue's shoulder, and willed her magic to tell her what was wrong. She looks awful! I hope there wasn't any fighting. I hate fighting. Why does everyone have to argue all the time anyway?


((OMG *spots Aye* HI AYE biggrin.gif))

Edited by Evensong

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Kalana had finnally managed to drag Rien over to where she had found Skylene. She was currently wrestling Rien's vines to keep her pinned to the ground. "I already have herbs here." She grunted, realizing that Skylene had returned. "I've oranized them into piles over there."

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Skylene smiled as Kiska quickly focused on Spira. About time... she thought, before replying to Ismene, "Yes, once the wound is healed, we'll need a bandage over it, so if you could get that for her, that'd be great. Kalana already used herbs for some of the smaller cuts." Then she realized it. "By the way, where is Kalana? She was here before, I wonder what happened to her." As if on cue, she returned with Rien. "What the heck happened?!" she asked.

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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