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((because I'm here to post first, Kira gets to kill it. :P))


Kira saw Sooty get hit by the beast, but she wasn't going to stop now to help the other. At least she was far enough away from the battle that she wouldn't be harmed. The Leo-bird took a step forward, but instead of walking, it fell forward to its knees, dying but still fighting. Now that its movement had slowed down, aiming a shot right between its eyes was nothing. In mere moments between when the demon fell to its knees, two shots rang out at the same time form Kira's pistols. Two bullets then made contact with beast, blasting a hole through its head to kill it. Nothing ever lived that much longer after having its brains blown out.

Kira stopped where she was, about fifteen feet away from the demon, and waited to see if it would stop or not. If it was dead, she could then turn her attention onto the others in her group.


((I hope how she killed it was fine. I can change it if you want me to, Bubbles.))

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Signum had narrowly avoided the attack that had caught Sooty by jumping out of the way and had taken the opportunity to cut the tendons in the Leo-bird's forelimb as it went by. It didn't stop it from hitting Sooty, but it would prevent it from trying to hit her again. She was vaguely aware of Kira raising her gun before firing a pair of explosive shots into the beast's head. She caught sight of bone and bits of flesh spraying about as she leapt away in case it began to flail, stopping only to help move Sooty away from the creature.

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((I think I'm gonna drop out of this roleplay ok? I just can't keep up with it anymore. Sorry))

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((@EvilT: Aw, man. :/ What do I do with Kuro and Shiro? PM me about it, I guess. Or give me a call. (Or if you don't get this, I'm gonna bug you about it later.)


@Kira, that was totally fine. :3))


The Leo-Bird


Groaning, the demon fell on it's side. It was now still and very dead. Blood trickled from it's multiple wounds, staining the grass and the dirt. The wicked light faded from it's eyes and the tails were stretched across the ground. The Slayers from Team Uno had completed their task.




Groaning softly, the shifter felt herself being pulled up. She limped along with the Reaper, flopping to the ground with a soft sigh when they stopped walking. Sooty glanced around, vision blurring slightly, then rested her furred chin on her black paws. She'd heard the booming gunshots and the sickening cracks as the demon had been shot twice.

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((Bubbeh, can you post as the crawler pleases so I can get my charries to do something. o.o))

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((For EvilT's characters, we could have them randomly decide they don't want to be on Team Uno and leave, and we can like time skip past that part. Just a suggestion.

It's too bad EvilT can't keep up D:))


Kira watched as Sooty and Signum walked over, the beast now lying dead in front of them. Sooty seemed to be alright, a bit weary looking, but fine. Signum of course was just fine.

"I suppose we should take back some proof with us that we killed it," Kira said, looking the creature over, "and then collect our reward."

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Signum was checking over Sooty's condition as Kira mentioned collecting something as a trophy and as proof of killing the monster. "Try and pick something that won't rot if you can't preserve it Kira," Signum called after the vampire. She set a reassuring hand on the shifter's shoulder before moving off to join Kira at the monster's corpse.

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((Eep, right. Sorry Angel. ^^'


@Kira: mm, yeah. Good point. :] She said something about being busy with a lot of homework last time I saw her. :/))


The Crawler


She saw the winged upright creature crouching; she wondered what it was doing. Before she could move, the angel was in the air. The sword tip gashed across her back, burning and slicing at the same time. The crawler let out a bubbling yowl, then rushed toward the closest thing she could see in front of her. It was a canine, brown and furry. The demon scrambled quicker, snapping her jaws at the wolf's neck when she was close enough.

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((lol Bubbles you forgot to post as your own character XD))


"Hm, the fur won't rot but that won't do. We could take part of it's hide, or maybe some of those blades, claws or its beak even," Kira said to Signum, looking over the creature as she walked up and down its length, studying it. The beast certainly didn't smell too good, and it wasn't rotting yet even.

"What do you suppose?" Kira inquired, looking over at Signum who had come over to join her.

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Charin slitted a tail off. "Is this okay? I mean, as proof and all..." She held up the tail and then put it in her tunic. It was the best-looking piece after all.


Eric sighed and rolled over. They wanted to die from breathing in the fumes? So be it, he wanted his life. Sarin was a lethal neurotoxin and they didn't even realise it. The tawny tail swished silently as he played with the leaves. So much for being noble the wrong way.


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Signum had made her way over to stand next to Kira as she surveyed the smelly and dead monster. "I suppose the spikes from its tail, or maybe a set of claws of its paws would be good, Kira," she suggested with a shrug. She advanced forward on her own though and cut two of the spikes from the tail off for herself before wiping the blood from her sword on the monster's ample hide, after all, there was no reason to let the blood remain on her sword any longer then necessary.

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Charin cut the tail off and asked if this was alright, while Signum cut off some of the spikes from the tail.

"Things like flesh or muscle will rot and begin to smell. It's already smelly enough," Kira replied to Charin, before turning to Signum, "and since we're all leaving to head back together, what Signum just cut off should be enough as proof."

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Charin fingered the tail. "Well, I'll keep it. I know how to preserve such things and they come in handy as they can double up as whips," She sprinkled a powder on the tail and rubbed it into the flesh. It would turn all whip-like and preserved in a matter of hours. The faun watched the reaper and elemental, wondering if they were waiting for Sooty before leaving.

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((I should PM some people, shouldn't I? :/ Hmm...))


While the other females were discussing which part to take back to Fraener, Sooty had slipped into the bushes the shift back. She was just pulling on her top when they'd decided what to do. Slowly, the shifter walked over to the smelly carcass. Using a small knife, she cut off a large claw, and then wiped the blood onto the demon's leg. The leopard stood up, carefully and put the claw into her pack. She grinned at the others and asked, "Ready to go?"

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((yes, you should, Bubbles.))


Kira just shrugged in reply to Charin, not really caring what the faun did. Sooty had returned and was cutting off a piece of the beast for herself, before asking if everyone was ready to leave.

"I'm ready," she replied, not bothering to cut off anything from the animal. What the others took would be enough proof, and Kira herself didn't need anything more to carry. She saw no value in the demon. "Let's go."

She turned and headed back the direction they came from, the destination being the post office where they all met each other.

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((Erk... I think I was waiting for other people to post, but it's taken too long.))


The shifter followed the vampire, gazing up at the skies. It was now overcast, and the clouds had hidden the sun. The panther shivered lightly and her tail flicked. She would have preferred sunny weather for travel, but, alas, the skies had other plans. Sooty pulled the large and wickedly curved claw from her bag. As the Team walked, she was cleaning away the gore and things that could possibly rot. She walked into a few trees along the way and almost fell on her face as she tripped over a rock.

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Kira watched as the shape-shifter ran into trees and almost tripped, but did nothing to help her. At least it was overcast now and the sun would be hidden, providing Kira relief from the harsh UV rays that burnt her skin when she was exposed for a bit too long.


Once back at the post office, Kira walked straight into their employer's office and told him the good news: their target was dead.


((lol time skip.))

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((Thanks for saving me the trouble of asking. XD))


After a few days of travelling back to the city, Sooty was incredibly bored and quite lonely. Kuro and Shiro had disappeared; if course the shifter was worried about them, but she would not let herself assume the worst. They would return to Dengland, or Lindon, when they were ready. They knew where to find her, if they cared to drop by.


When they reached the Post Office, she skipped the last few metres happily. The unsociable vampire delivered the good news, while Sooty stood by quietly. Her tail flicked and she winked flirtatiously at the giraffe anthropoid behind a desk. He caught her gaze, looking curiously at her. Forgetting the others in the room, she walked over to him and leaned over the desk.

"I've heard giraffe's tongues are really long," the bold panther purred. "Care to show me sometime?"

The young assistant blushed a very bright red and began to stammer out an incoherent reply. The dark woman straightened, chuckling darkly, then strode over to rejoin the conversation.




Fraener greeted Team Uno happily, noticing that two of it's number were missing. Kira informed him their target was dead and his grin grew. "Well done, all of you! Congratulations on your first success," the old dragon's gaze followed the panther as she padded to his assistant. He sighed and inquired about injuries and losses.

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"No injuries on my part, I'll need at least several days to replenish my supply of arrows though." Signum replied, emerging from a back room that connected to the outside. She didn't have her jacket and armor on, instead wearing a tight black top and tight black shorts that she wore for training. A sheen of sweat on her body and the sword in her hand made it evident what she'd been doing. She thought about the several vials of dragon's blood she had and considered the fact that Fraener would likely not approve of her methods. She did notice that she drew the glance of Kuro's interest for several moments.


((poking fun at you bubbles))

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Cole spun around quickly and pointed his sword at the creature. The fire on his sword spun, the orange blue and red mixing together, and a unnatural white fire consumed his sword. He stood tall with his legs spread slightly apart, eyes white. Cole knew he wouldn't be able to catch up to the crawler by foot in time to save his teammate, so instead he used his most powerful attack. The white fire jumped from his sword, racing twice as fast as Cole can move. It formed a serpent and consumed the Crawler in a compact explosion. Cole doubted that it was dead, but at least it would have slowed/stopped the Crawler. Cole hit the ground on his knees, his sword time digging into the dirt and he used his sword for support. It was odd how weak he was. He felt so tired, yet almost suffocated. He looked up, his eyes coming to the fire for the first time. He watched the odd color fumes being expelled from the fire. Cole's eyes began to tear up and he instantly figured out why. He put his sword up, and began to crawl to the mouth of the cave to get away from the gas, but wasn't sure if he would make it.


((I don't know the side effects so I just put what I figured a poison gas would do.))

Edited by Forsaken Rider of Dreams

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"Yes, we're fine. Kuro and Shiro left us though and aren't in the group," Kira replied, "now just give us our reward and the next target."

She wasn't the type to prolong things and would prefer to know the next target know so they could move out when ready. Sure it was being very blunt, but she didn't care. Sooty was fine, Signum just needed more arrows, and Kira herself needs bullets. Arrow and bullets could easily be replaced that night. They could then leave in the morning, though, at least one new member might be nice since they had lost two. The two didn't really help anyways, so maybe they could get someone competent.


((lol Kira is being a b*tch like usual XD))

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((I don't know why but Eric's poison fumes are being blatently ignored. I clearly and explicitly said it twice but no, they want to turn their characters into confetti. Really, Fore, did you even read my move? I'm sick and tired of reading that you jumped in without suffering any side-effects and all. It's also taxing for me to wait for a response. Please.))

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((My ears are burning... XD


I don't see a PM, either. ;D


I'm sorry about your grandfather, Frodybear.


Sorry about missing that, Dracoon. o_o))




The Crawler had dodged the fireball and the putrid, poisonous gases that it created. But she didn't see the white fire from behind, so she missed her target on the brown wolf. A gurgling scream bubbled from the demon's throat. There was pain everywhere. Everything was set alight in a blaze of agony. Alas, she was still alive. She rushed forward, slamming into a living body.


((Could be anyone.))




The old anthropoid flicked his russet eyes to the Reaper, who had emerged from the training field. "You have at least a week to recover from this mission before your next one," he smiled. His attention then focused on the direct vampire. The fact that the twins had disappeared was concerning, but at least they weren't killed. "Your reward's in the back room. A bag of gold coins each," Fraener's tone had changed slightly. They were talking business now, and money was a fairly serious matter. The bags weighed about half a kilo each and were valued and roughly a thousand Prounds. ((>_> <_< Not playing on words, noo.))

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Eric felt the demon slam into him. Falling off, he drove his daggar into the beast as deeply as he could with one arm. The toxins would, hopefully, corrode the hide and kill it. He thrust it through, using his feet as a pivot to prevent a nasty fall onto the tough shell. "Hey chiongster, good time to help cut up this thing?" he screeched.


((Chiongster=people that run in without scanning their surroundings.))

Edited by dracoon

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"I've already collected my reward, thank you." Signum replied. She disregarded the stare she had earned from the aid and headed back towards the bunk rooms to find a shower. Within a bit she had cleaned herself up and redressed before moving into an empty office room with a large table. She sublimated a large number of her unmodified arrows onto the table, before sublimating the vials of dragon's blood she had purchased before. She carefully added a few drops of blood into the empty chamber at the tip of an arrow and then channeled her own energy into the blood and watched as it crystallized and expanded, filling the chamber. She repeated the process a dozen times before she had channeled enough energy that was in need of rest for a while. She wasn't going to do anything strenuous the rest day and from there headed out into the front room after sublimating everything back into the air.

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