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Cole watched Storm go put her child down and come back. He nodded to her silently, then walked over to the cave where Solas, Trinity, and the necromancer was. He stood back a few feet, just outside the range that needs to be in between him and Solas. He looked towards the cave and sighed. "So, what are we going to do? Any one have a plan? Or are we going to randomly go in there and fight blind?" He looked towards Solas, figuring he would already have a plan. Cole reached down and pulled his sword out, spinning it around one finger. "Anyone able to spark some fire?" Cole smiled half heartily.

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((Frod, to bump, delete your post and then just re-post it. then you don't double post.


I'm waiting on the others' in team uno to post.))

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((So, I guess I have to post. :o))


The black leopard stood elegantly, tail twitching. She stepped through the bushes, creating a soft rustling. Her paws made no sound on the damp ground, but the long grass rustled around her. She paused, glancing back to the Team, then looked toward the Leo-Bird. She let out a loud roar that gradually dwindled into a growl. Sooty leapt forward, racing toward the massive cave demon. It was so much bigger up close.

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((Sooty was supposed to wait until after Kira and Signum fired... >.> I was waiting for everyone else to post so they could get into position and say they were ready. oh well.))


When Sooty dashed forward, Kira squeezed the trigger and the loud bang echoed around them. The explosive bullet went whizzing through the air and hit the cave demon right on the shoulder, exploding when it made contact. Of course now the beast would be enraged, intent on finding what attacked it in order to fight back. Before it had much time to pinpoint where they were, Kira fired again, hitting the cave beast on the same shoulder.

At this point in time, Signum should be firing at the monster as well. The others who would be bait should have ran forward with Sooty.

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Signum saw Sooty begin to bound forward from cover with a touch of frustration. When she heard and saw the double explosions from two of Kira's shots. With that, she pulled back on her bow and let her first arrow fly. The arrow hit the creature dead center in the chest as it exploded, creating a massive, flowing wound that began to soak the ground with blood. In an instant she loosed her second arrow directly into the same spot, tripling the size of the hole since the creature's tough hide had already been broken.


((the explosive on signum's arrows is a fair bit larger then a red bull can and a lot more powerful then C4, just for understanding.))

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((Oops, sorry. ._.))


The cave demon let out a bird-like screech, rearing onto it's hind legs, when the first two explosive arrows hit. Then two more came, blowing a hole in it's chest. This time it was an ear-splitting roar that made the ground shake. It charged at the closest thing it could see; a small, black animal racing around it's side. Blood flowed quickly from it's two wounds, weakening it considerably.




The leopard let out a yowl of suprise and increased her speed. The Leo-Bird, even though bleeding heavily, was still much faster than her.

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Charin raised her flaming bow and fired several flaming shots at the cave-bird. She hurried to a bush and fired another shot at its legs, creating an opening for the others to enter. She didn't know what use she was of-she wasn't fast enough. As the flaming arrows hit their marks, the plain was illuminated by the flames dancing on the demon's body. It quickly spread as the grass around it caught fire, entrapping the demon within. Then, she saw Sooty jump in.

Edited by dracoon

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Cole watched Storm go put her child down and come back. He nodded to her silently, then walked over to the cave where Solas, Trinity, and the necromancer was. He stood back a few feet, just outside the range that needs to be in between him and Solas. He looked towards the cave and sighed. "So, what are we going to do? Any one have a plan? Or are we going to randomly go in there and fight blind?" He looked towards Solas, figuring he would already have a plan. Cole reached down and pulled his sword out, spinning it around one finger. "Anyone able to spark some fire?" Cole smiled half heartily.

Storm paced around, looking at the ground for a few seconds, and bent down a couple of times to pick up items off the floor, she then walked to Cole and prouduced two stones from her hands. "Here. These look flat enough to be able to scrape together to make a fire...if we can find some drywood that is." Storm sighed and walked over to where she had put her sleeping son. She checked on him and then walked back to Cole. "Listen, if something happens to me in there... then don't bother to even condier coming back for me... Take Cody and run." she whispered to Cole so no one else would hear her.

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Cole looked at Storm and smiled. Thanks. I don't need any rywood, just need a spark." Cole slipped the two rocks into his pocket, and got ready to enter the cave. He liste4ned quietly to Storm's request. With not even a mere second of thought given to it, he declined. "The baby needs his mother, not me. I will come back for you, but I will also try to protect you. Don't get to hopefull that I will run. I am sorry but that is a request I cannot accept." He didn't even bother waiting for an answer form Storm, not wanting her to argue. "Since we cannot fight at full force in there, I gues I will draw it out." Cole pulled out the rock, crashing them together on the third try. He used his powers to stop the spark in midair, and dropped the rocks. Pulling out his sword, Cole touched the spark with the tip, and the sword was consumed by a bright yellow orange fire.

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"Cole..." Storm whined and sighed a little. "I don't think you understand how important Cody is to-" she was suddenly entranced by a bright flame that suddenly enveloped Cole's sword. "How the heavens did you do that?" the wolf shifter asked, looking at the beauty of the bright, glowing weapon. "Okay, so...I guess this is it." Storm said and then tranformed into a gray slender wolf, that shook it's fur. She bowed her head down to Cole and pawed the floor.

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((Angel, do not double post or bump. If you need someone to post, PM them.))


Kira reloaded in a flash before taking aim again at the beast. The cave demon turned its attention to Sooty who had charged out there. The beast was still quite fast and Kira noticed it was gaining on Sooty. Kira didn't see the need for much in the way of casualties and quickly fired, hitting the cave beast in the face. That would hopefully distract the beast enough for Sooty to get further away and not be injured.


((and now EvilT should post...))

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((You are allowed to double post to bump if it has been over 24 hours since you posted. o.O))


Trinity took a branch and pushed it into the fire that was now blazing around Cole's sword. "Sorry, I gotta borrow your fire." Trinity smirked then looked at the flaming branch. The fire entranced her with it's flickering flames and it's rhythmic dancing as it slowly burned down the branch, taking the twig's engery and transforming it into fuel as it grew steadily bigger. She then shook her head and threw the flames into the cave before looking at Cole. "It's big." she said, almost like she was announcing that fact to her group. It's big but it's so beautiful. Stick to the plan and grab an egg. I can raise it to fight for us, instead of fighting against us!

Edited by Angel of the Inferno

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Xtero cocked his head at the group as Cole lit his sword on fire. He eyed it curiously, before another took the flames that the man had used on the sword and tossed it into the cave. He shivered as he looked at the creature inside, frowning at it. It was...weird looking. He didn't like it too much. The necromancer looked around at the others, a small pale shadow flicking in his clenched fist. He stepped away from the group towards the edge of the entrance, moving his hand up towards his face. He whispered quietly to his fist before unfurling his fingers, letting a small spirit slide off, moving towards the large creature inside. Xtero would increase the size of the spirit once he knew for sure that it was dangerous.


((Bah, had nothing interesting to post))

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((I really need to remember to tell EvilT to post. o_o'))




She flinched back at the ignition of a weapon and gargled softly. She knew what fire was; it burned and killed her kin. She gargled again, threatening and loud. It echoed through the cave, not softening a decible as it reached the group in the entrance. She scrabbled forward, her claws scraping on the rocks and gurgling growls escaping her clenched fangs.

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Eric watched them battle. He wasn't of much help anyway. Seeing the other guy-Cole or something, his name escaped him- threw a fireball into the cave, he sighed and followed up with a pair of poison-tipped daggars. Not as if it would hurt the creature's hide, but at least it was worth a shot. The daggars landed into the fire and the putrid fumes that was emitted was enough to kill a tiger.

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((Heh, right... Sorry.))


Kuro and Shiro both ran out into the field, they weren't used to attacking in a team with others and so they tried not to use large area attacks. Kuro pulled out the Drake and surrounded himself in the beautiful flames before leaping onto the Leobird's back and stabbing the dagger into it's skin to hold on. Shiro tried to pull the water from the ground but several things hindered his attempts, one: he hadn't had blood in ages and was starting to see his teammates as hamburgers, two: the water was to low in the dense ground for him to pull up. He growled under his breath and decided on the spot to "act like a vampire" and leaped at the creature, teeth bared, biting down hard on the wounded shoulder.


((Did I do good? I've never roleplayed a fight scene before, so please tell me if I did something wrong. Thank you))

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(('S decent.


Could you delete the purely OoC posts, please?))




The cave demon screeched at the flames eating up the grass. It skittered to the side, then fixed it's gaze on the little, black creature. Then there was an explosion of pain in it's face and it reared up, screaming. It couldn't see anything now, it as just a haze of red on a background of black. There was a lesser pain in it's back and there was a light weight on it's rump. It whipped it's tails at it's back, blades flashing in the sun. It was trying to harm the weight that had hurt it. There was another pain; this time on it's shoulder. It let out a loud roar and bit blindly at the unseen elemental.




The leopard stopped at the unearthly scream. She flinched, cowering to the ground as the noise hurt her ears. She turned back, glaring. Kuro was on the beast's back, while Shiro was biting onto it's shoulder. She saw it trying to kill them; biting at the Water Elemental, while slicing at the Fire Elemental with it's tails. She let out a panicked yowl, running toward it. There was suddenly a wall of flames in front of her and she leapt to the side to avoid running into it. Sooty paused, backing away from the grass fire.

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Charin raised the bow again and powered her legs into a high jump, landing in front of the demon. "You hurt them, the flames will be in your heart. I mean it," The Faun continued her advance, hooves rustling the soft grass as she did. The duo were doing well with distracting the Leo-Bird and she just needed to find a weakness she could drive her arrow in. "Sorry, Sooty," She did a apologetic gesture and turned to face the demon, her eyes dancing with determination as she hit a raw spot on it and made it burst into flames.

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The Leo-bird sliced Kuro's leg as it frantically tried to get him off its back, he tighted his grip on the dagger and pushed the creature's flames away so that Sooty could join the fight more productively. A tail slashed his back and this time it was a deep gash and his grip loosened but he continued to pound on its back with his firey limbs.



Shiro cursed as the demon bit his shoulder and threw him off, clutching the wound he started to feel even more useless then before. He drew in a deep breath and shook off the pain as he bolted forward again and bit down hard on the creature's new wound as the arrow's fire burnt out.

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Kira, completely indifferent to what was happening to the others on her team, swiftly reloading her shotgun. She aimed for the creatures neck this time, and quickly fired. She was trying to not hit anyone else out there, one bullet grazed the side of the cave demon's neck. The other bullet followed the same path, but the monster moved and the bullet missed. The beat roared in pain as it felt the bullet, but with all the ones around it attacking, it couldn't locate where the other attack came from. It just assumed it was those around it and continued to lash at then with its blades, and snap at them with its teeth.

Kira reloaded and took aim again, firing for the neck once more, and this time managed to graze the demon across its neck with both bullets.

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Signum fired her second explosive arrow into the creature's chest, hitting right where the first one had and enlarging the wound even more as blood began to spatter everywhere from the numerous cuts and grazes it was accumulating. She could hear Kira shouting as well, but paid little heed as she fired regular arrows at monster's eyes, paws, and any other point that looked weak. She fired one last arrow that finally managed to plant itself in the monster's left eye, blinding it to her and Kira's attacks. With that she launched herself from her position down towards the monster, returning her bow back into its sword form to fight. She would have stayed back ,but on this occasion, she had run out of arrows and she would be using the dragon's blood she'd acquired to make more of them. If she survived.

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Seeing as how the monster was now blind, getting into closer range didn't seem like a bad idea. Kira followed suit after Signum, staying right beside the other as they dashed towards the beast. It was howling in pain, gnashing its teeth at whatever it could to try and fight off its opponent, tail and claws whipping around to hit something.

Switching guns, Kira slung her shotgun across her back and pulled out a pair of pistols. In them were bullets similar to the explosive ones that were in her shotgun, which would deal a good amount of damage to the demon. at the rate they were going, this monster would be as good as dead in no time.

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Cole kneeled slightly and pushed off with his front foot like a runner from the Olympics. When he pushed, he pushed himself slightly in the air, and used his wing to stay in flight, but at the same time, make him more arrow dynamic. His sword burned a deep blue at the tip, the hottest point. In less then a second, he was passing the crawler. Cole stuck his sword out, the tip and blade entering the crawlers skin, but not by much because of the armor.

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The flames were suddenly gone, moved out of the panther's way. She leapt forward and was rewarded with a splatter of blood from one of the explosive bullets. She hissed in disgust, pawing at her face. She didn't see the giant paw before it slammed into her side. Sooty was sent flying across the plain, thudding into the ground a fair distance away. She lay in the grass, unmoving and unable to move.




The Leo-Bird


Screeching in pain, it batted out with one of it's forepaws. Surprisingly, it connected with something. It yowled it's triumph, then it's legs wobbled. It let out an agonised hiss, feeling the effects of the ongoing attack. Red blood flowed from numerous places; it's neck, chest and back for a few. It couldn't see anything, because of the flames and the well-aimed arrow. It took a step forward, stumbled, and fell to it's knees. The Leo-Bird was dying, but it was still weakly flighting back against the Slayers. It's tails whirled around, blades glinting in the abnormal sunlight. It snapped at the pain on it's chest, almost sure there was something there.

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