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The leopard shifter watched the unfolding events; the vampire and Kuro were released from their bubbles. The vampiric elemental seemed to be sulking, which made Sooty roll her eyes. She watched as another vampire attacked the new guy, who introduced himself as Xtero. The angel brought his sword down on the attacking vamp's back and she ran away. The shifter sighed, then walked over to the new guy. She'd noticed he looked confused. "Hey," she greeted with a smile. "We're Slayers. I'm from Team Uno and so is the people on the general side of the crowd." She gestured in their direction. "The others are Team Dos, with the angel 'n' all them." Her tail twitched and so did her ears. "I'm Sooty. Xtero, right?"

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Cole looked over and watched a shifter come up next to him. He listened to her greeting and sighed. "I am Cole.. Do you want my help up?" He was asking because it would look stupid for him to stand there waiting for the man to grab his hand to get up. "You said you lost your papers.. Why don't you join us? It maybe easier since right now the team is split. It is your choice of course.." His face smile gently warmed up and became more real.

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Xtero looked up at the girl that approached him, cocking his head at her words. "Slayers... sounds a bit familiar." He looked at the two general groups, wondering why they were seperated. Maybe that vampire lady threatened too many of them and caused them to split. A movement caught his eye and he looked up, his eyes widening at what he say. "You got a tail?!" He tried saying something else, but it came out as garble, so he shut his mouth. It was pretty cool; he wanted to touch it, but knew better than asking. He stared at it like a child being tempted with a new toy, until the woman introduced herself. "Indeed, I am Xtero."

The man from before returned, introducing himself and asking if he needed help up. "The corpses don't rise on their own, but the spirits do," Xtero murmered as he picked himself up, not bothering brushing himself off. When Cole said something about joining the group, the necromancer cocked his head at him. "Why is your group split? Perhaps you groups were couples; they were one until they got into a fight, then got a divorce." His eyes turned on Sooty again, eyes wide again. "Can I stroke your furry attachment?" Xtero was saying stupid things again, but he pushed it off to the side for now. Hopefully they would understand.

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Solas watched in horror as Trinity leapt onto the Necromancer, her eyes full of bloodlust. He started running over to where she was, ready to yank her off the man, but it was too late. The Angel had already pressed the flat of his blade onto Trinity's back, and Solas knew the pain she was feeling. After Trinity had gotten up, the Angel offered his hand to her, but she ran towards Solas, then clung to him, saying "Jesus Christ. It hurts."

Solas would've gladly gored the Angel on his horn, but since he didn't want to hurt Trinity's feelings, he just stroked her hair and gave a murderous look at the Angel, his golden irises blazing. The Necromancer seemed fine, so Solas wrote on a piece of paper "Trinity, just hold on. Maybe I can make you sleep again, enough to get a blood supply for you back at the post office. I cannot forgive the Angel for burning you." He handed the note to Trinity.

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Cole let out a loose chuckle. "No, it is nothing like that. We have two groups so that we can hunt more then one creature at a time. My group is split, well because I can't get near one of them ore else he will burn to death.. But if you join, the gap that separates us can be filled and then the creature ca't get away." Cole had gone quiet and soft when he was talking about why they were split. It was as if he blamed himself for it. Still, when he was talking about Xtero joining his group, his voice rose with hope. Cole heard Xtero's question to the other shifter... Sooty, and merely grinned.


((Did I make him do the wrong thing D:))

Edited by Forsaken Rider of Dreams

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She grinned when he mentioned her tail. She straightened from her crouch when Xtero stood up. Then he asked if he could stroke her 'furry attachment'. Sooty burst out laughing. Her curved canines glinted in the early morning sunlight. The bubbling chuckles lessened; the shifter grinned at the necromancer. "My tail?" The body part in question moved around and wiggled inbetween them. "Sure, go ahead. Haven't you seen a shifter before?" The dark eyebrows arched.

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Solas watched in horror as Trinity leapt onto the Necromancer, her eyes full of bloodlust. He started running over to where she was, ready to yank her off the man, but it was too late. The Angel had already pressed the flat of his blade onto Trinity's back, and Solas knew the pain she was feeling. After Trinity had gotten up, the Angel offered his hand to her, but she ran towards Solas, then clung to him, saying "Jesus Christ. It hurts."

Solas would've gladly gored the Angel on his horn, but since he didn't want to hurt Trinity's feelings, he just stroked her hair and gave a murderous look at the Angel, his golden irises blazing. The Necromancer seemed fine, so Solas wrote on a piece of paper "Trinity, just hold on. Maybe I can make you sleep again, enough to get a blood supply for you back at the post office. I cannot forgive the Angel for burning you." He handed the note to Trinity.

Trinity read the note carefully, re-reading it a couple of times to make sure she had read it correctly since her eyes were still blurred with tears. After she had made sure that she had read the note correctly, she smiled a little though it was tinged with the pain which was somewhat wearing off now. Her hunger seemed to have faded away and ebbed with the pain, but she knew that if she never hunted then it could possibly end up with the deaths of one of her team...With the angel. Not nessecarily by her killing him, but by Solas defending her, and she didn't want Solas to have to defend her like that, so she looked across at the trees and things that surrounded the area. "Perhaps I could just hunt a stag or something..."

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Shiro's eyes widened as Trinity leaped onto the new guy, bloodlust in her eyes, and he understood. She must have been starving for blood if she lost control like that. Solas went to pull her away but the angel beat him to the punch, practically slamming the blade's flat onto her back causing her to shriek in pain and run for Solas. Shiro's mind clouded with anger and soon he was unable to hold it, the angel was helping the new boy recover but Shiro didn't care. No one hurt a friend like that and got away with it scot free.

"You are so stupid!!" He burst out at the angel, he didn't care if he interrupted,"you didn't have to do that!! You know you could've just pulled her away and then dragged her from the blood!! YOU DIDN"T HAVE TO GIVE HER A SEVERE INJURY!! Not only did you hurt one of my friends but you also hindered you own TEAM!! Does that mean anything to you? Or are you too high and mighty with god to care about how much pain others are put in by holy objects?!" He knew that most of this was mere irrasional impulse and that Kuro will probably end up fighting the angel and he'll regret even thinking these bad things about such a role model to him. But Trinity was a friend, more importantly, Solas cared deeply for her.


((Awwwwwwwwww, Cute Shiro. *Sigh* running head long into a fight again *rolls eyes*.))

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((That is so adorable!!! xP))


Trinity looked towards Shiro and was surprised. She hadn't seen him angry before, so she placed a hand on his arm. "Shiro. It's okay." she looked up at him, trying to comfort him somehow. It wasn't okay. It hurt. But she didn't want Shiro to get into trouble for it. She smiled weakly and pulled him backwards to her and Solas so that they were in a tight formation. She wrapped her amrs around them both, ignoring the pain that ached near her shoulder blades as she did so. The pain was worth it, they were her friends, willing to defend her even though she had been the one who attacked the other man first. They understood her and cared, and she felt cared for. Protected as she hugged them both tighter.


((Poor Cole. *Hugs Cole* x3))

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Cole stood there quietly unable to speak. His shoulders were sunken and his eyes glazed. He listened to the accusations of Solas and the other man and almost felt like believing them. Without a warning, he turned and began to walk to where the cave demons last sighting was. On his way, he stopped next to Trinity's group. "Your wrong," he said quietly, "I had to do what I did or she will either attack me or someone else. Still you can blame me for what you want if it makes you feel better." Cole looked directly at Solas. "You moved before I did, which has never happen before in my life. So I believe that you knew it would happen and still didn't take her some where to feed. Because of this, I can blame you for it just like you blamed me." After he had finished saying this he looked forward again, and began walking. "I am going to hunt the creature, come if you like."


((I figured I should make something clear.. He didn't "slam" the sword down. He merely touched her with it, but held it there until she jumped away... I don't know if that changes anything.. But yeah..))

Edited by Forsaken Rider of Dreams

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"So, basically one couple got a girlfriend and the two are fighting as the previous lover is chuckling in the background?" Xtero blinked at Cole before looking at Sooty as she bursted out laughing. He grinned when she told him that he could touch her tail, and he did so; petting it like it was some cute cat he had picked up. "Well, no. My sister told me about them though. She was the more social one." Xtero nearly jumped at the sudden outburst from another of the group. He peered over his shoulder, his brows furrowing. But the necromancer bit his tounge, keeping silent and his short temper down. Teammates shouldn't fight over things of the past, just the future. Xtero's eyes peered at Cole as he spoke. It made... some sense... he supposed.



((Bah, would've posted this morning, but the site wouldn't work))

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Signum sighed as she heard more fighting and then laughing form the post office. With a wave she directed the rest of group uno to get a move on so they could go find their monster and deal with it. "No more fighting till this is over, remember that, Kira, Kuro" she said as an aside reminder to the two to save their hate for afterward.

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Eve gasped in shock as the vampire leapt towards the man, obviosly blood hungry. Her eyes widened even farther when the Angel burned her with his blade. She furrowed her brows and grumbled to herself. "That really wasn't necessary." Eve continud in silence traiing behind the group, contemplating the danger that was about to come.


((i barely squeezed in a time on the computer! i just got home from vacation...))

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Cole stood there quietly unable to speak. His shoulders were sunken and his eyes glazed. He listened to the accusations of Solas and the other man and almost felt like believing them. Without a warning, he turned and began to walk to where the cave demons last sighting was. On his way, he stopped next to Trinity's group. "Your wrong," he said quietly, "I had to do what I did or she will either attack me or someone else. Still you can blame me for what you want if it makes you feel better." Cole looked directly at Solas. "You moved before I did, which has never happen before in my life. So I believe that you knew it would happen and still didn't take her some where to feed. Because of this, I can blame you for it just like you blamed me." After he had finished saying this he looked forward again, and began walking. "I am going to hunt the creature, come if you like."


((I figured I should make something clear.. He didn't "slam" the sword down. He merely touched her with it, but held it there until she jumped away... I don't know if that changes anything.. But yeah..))

It was Trinity who was left feeling guilty. Most of the pain had subsided and all that was left was a little twinge any time she moved her arms. Nothing that was too unbearable. Her eyes met Coles but it seemed as though the tables had turned and that it was now him who was angry at her, Solas and Shiro. She knew that for the sake of the team and also for the sake of their mission themselves, it wouldn't be good to have half of your team turned against you. They wouldn't help you if you was in trouble but it wasn't just that, she knew that the angel in some sense was right. If she had killed the Necromancer and he had just watched, the whole point of him being there wouldn't be valid. He was there to help the people. He had stopped a death by inflicting an injury. It was a fair trade. Trinity softened and she walked to the angel and grabbed his wrist. "Cole, I'm not mad. I'm sorry that I yelled at you, I was just in pain. Now I have to ask. Will you forgive me? She looked into his eyes as she held his wrist, trying to prevent him from just turning away from her. "Please Cole?"


((As a person, I believe I am too soft that that made me feel guilty irl xP And I would have posted this about 5 minutes after you FRoD but the site decided not to work until 10pm which is when I finally decided to just go to bed xd.png))

Edited by Angel of the Inferno

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The shifter grinned at the feel of having her tail petted. She supressed the shiver that threatened to made her quiver and let her eyes fall closed. At his words, her eyes fluttered open. "Your sister, huh?" Sooty couldn't manage much else; she was filled with the overwhelming desire to purr like a kitten. She jumped when Shiro started to yell at the angel and her yellow eyes flashed wide open. Signum's words reached her black, furred ears and she looked in the reaper's direction. It seemed they were moving off, too. She turned her gaze back to Xtero and grinned. "I'll see you after the mission, then. Good luck." With that, the leopard walked away, swinging her hips. She grabbed a hold on Kuro's arm and pulled him with her.

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"Yeah, yeah," Kira said, waving a hand nonchalantly at Signum who told her to not fight until their mission was over, "let's just go already."

Kira continued on, knowing the others of her team were bound to follow. Most likely everyone was eager to get out and get this done. Even if they didn't follow, she wasn't worried, since she didn't care. Being on this team only meant the missions of killing monsters would be easier.

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Shiro held back a growl as the angel walked past, he had no right to be mad at them it was him who did the wrong thing. The angel announced that he was moving off and that team Dos could follow if they wished, at that time one of team Uno's also called out that they were moving also. As Shiro walked past the angel to join his team again, he grabbed the boy's arm and whispered into his ears,

"It wasn't necessary. Don't talk about vampires like you know them, you don't. I know them alright? If I say your messures were too drastic then they were." He then let go of his arm and continued towards his team. Half way there he abruptly turned to face the angel, who was now being talked to be Trinity, and bowed at him in deep respect,

"I am deeply sorry. She's my friend." Ashamed, he turned back not waiting for the angel's reaction, and rejoined his team members.



Kuro grunted at the reaper,

"Yes mam..." He said, defeated, before being pulled along by the beautiful shifter. He grimaced at Kira as he passed her and pulled his arm from Sooty's grip before grinning at her, as if he'd accomplished something magnificent.


((Sorry about the (no doubt) hundreds of spelling mistakes. It's late and my mind's a bit off. -,-'))

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Cole walked slowly, his eyes unfocused, his gut twisted, his mind lost. He felt Shiro grab his arm, and stopped to listen to what he had to say. Near the end, Cole thought about hitting the guy, manly because it was the guy who was making the worse accusations. Of course, the guy moved away before Cole's slow mind could register the action of swinging his arm. Still this is a good thing, because right at that moment Trinity grabbed the wrist of his arm. He could hear her, but none of it registered as well as it should. Cole couldn't look at Trinity at first, his guilt was to strong. It wasn't until she had asked if Cole could forgive her, that his guilt had been pierced and he was able to look at her, and move with his old speed and strength. Cole looked at Trinity's eyes and began digging to find out whether it was the truth. When he was satisfied, Cole opened his mouth slightly, no sound coming out. "Th..th.. there is no need for you to ask for my forgiveness. S..Solas and that guy are right, I probably did more then needed... Bu...But that is behind us.. We have a mission to do." Even though Cole tried to make it sound like he didn't care anymore, his voice made it obvious that he did.

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Xtero looked at Sooty as she said something about a mission and leaving. The necomancer sighed heavily, wishing he had a bit more time to pet the tail, but he turned to find out what else was going on besides all the fighting. Now it seemed that it was forgiving time. And walking away time, as the groups began to split, one seeming that it was leaving. So, where did he fit in? Xtero didn't quite know, but he was sure that he'd be thrown in somewhere. He watched Cole and the vampire lady that attacked him talk, not really listening to what they were saying. Xtero fell into a really weird group, he thought. There were lots of different moods that swung at uncertain times. He would fit in nicely then, being short of temper.

Xtero heard Cole say something about a mission, and his curiosity got the better of him. "What's all this about missions and such?" the necromancer asked, stepping in rather rudely into the pair's conversation. He had no idea what that was all about; hopefully they weren't going to do something stupid. He might have to punch someone if they did.

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Trinity gave Shiro a weak smile and then looked back at the angel. "Thanks." She had barely finished saying thanks when from a mixture of sleepiness, the morning heat, hunger and weakness from the pain and from crying, she fainted, Solas's cloaks around her revealing her pale skin to the sunlight.

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Cole smiled faintly at Trinity when she said thank you. He was about to turn away, when he felt her grip slacken and her falling. Cole figured that he should help in some way, but didn't want to do to much, afraid Solas might over react. Because of his, he simply, kneeled down, and caught her, careful not to touch where his sword did. Knowing that vampires don't like the sun, he figured he might as well open his wings, which he did, to provide shade, and block the sun. He sat like that waiting for Solas to get here to do what he feels right.

Edited by Forsaken Rider of Dreams

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Storm watched it all. Her heart ached for the poor angel, he seemed to have only done what had to be done at the time and yet he seemed to have been shouted at by almost everyone. Well... that was a little exaggerated, but he had been, what she thought, unfairly targeted by their accusations. She wanted to see how the angel would react so she hadn't stepped in until after the vampire had fallen. She walked clamly towards Cole and unwrapped the blanket from around her son, then placed it over Trinity's face. The blanket had holes in it which allowed her to breathe fine, and then she put a hand on the angel's shoulder in a manner of comforting him. "Are you okay?" she asked, balancing Cody in her other arm. She smiled gently and looked at the angel. She then wrapped her arms around him and hugged him gently with that arm. Her paws had dissappeared and in their place were the long, slender fingers of a young pianist. However, her ears and tail remained and she flicked her ears gently.

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Cole felt an other presence come near him and thought that it was Solas but then remembered Solas couldn't get near him. With pure peripheral vision, he saw a blanket get put over Trinity's face and got ready to stand. It was then that he heard Storm's voice and was glad hat she never got involved. He heard her ask if he was ok, and he smiled. That was one person at least. "I am fine. I never got hurt, and like the childish saying, sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me." He briefly turned his head and smiled. He could feel he arm around him, and he was almost afraid to stand because she had Cody with her in her other arm. It only took seconds, but he decided to stand, and did so slowly. He wanted Storm to have enough time to remove her hand and balance Cody. When her hand was off of hi, he took trinity,and brought her close to him and folded her as tightly as her natural joints would let him. From there, he folded his wing around him, covering Trinity completely, but careful not to touch her. Cole made his way over to the forested area, a place where no sun light reached, and put her down. He figured she could rest safe and when she wakes, hunt for food in the forest.

Edited by Forsaken Rider of Dreams

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(('Sooty', FRoD? I think you mean Storm? x3))


The fire elemental pulled his arm from her grip, then grinned at her proudly. She raised an eyebrow at him, then turned her yellow eyes forward. Her tailed flicked and her ears angled backwards. She was disappointed with Kuro; how he'd acted with Kira. Sure, Sooty thought the vampire was unnecessarily horrible, but she didn't start a fight because of it.


((Time skip to the monster(s), for both Teams? ^^))

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((Idm. I'm sorry, I don't know if I will be posting as much, my aunt is very close to passing and I want to spend as much time as possible with her.))

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