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Storm smiled at Cole gratefully. "Thankyou..." she said as she looked at Cody who had put his hand to the cross and was now playing with it. She gently slipped the chain over the child's neck and looked down at him, "now you will always carry God's blessing around with you... And the memory of an angel." Storm was pleased that her son now carried the cross. She had always meant to get him a cross but hadn't been able to find one that would be okay for him, but the angel's cross seemed perfect and Cody was smiling at the angel to. Storm cocked her head a little, "would you like to hold him?" she asked.

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Cole was taken back by the firls question. He scratched the back of his head. "Uh.. Er.. No.. He is safer in your hands.." he said sheepishly. Cole smiled at the boy and patted him on he head softly twice and ruffled his hair. "Besides, there may be a battle we may have to break up," he indicated towards the bubbles. By 'we' Cole meant him and the rest of the team. He didn't want this woment to get nea danger and risk hurting her brother.

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Solas sighed. Trinity was shaking and tossing her head, though he knew she was still in a deep sleep from pure exhaustion. Was she having nightmares? He didn't know, as Fallen Angels couldn't look into other people's dreams. He looked over at Cole, who seemed to have met up with a wolf-shifter or something and a baby boy, probably the girl's brother. Cole seemed to be bending over the baby, handing it something. Solas sighed again and shifted his weight, readjusting Trinity on his back. The hood of his cloak fell over, and he hastened to put it back on, lest she become even weaker because of the sunligth.

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Storm smiled, "okay" she responded and then looked over at Uno. "Oh...Wow...Aren't they supposed to be a team?" she asked, a little confused. The team that she was with seemed nice, apart from the distance that some of the members were keeping from one another. She sighed a little and then looked towards Cole. "Why do people have to fight?"




Trinity couldn't bear the sight anymore and it became a war of mind over body. Her mind needed to get out of there but her body needed the sleep, however eventually the mind won and she woke up, though her face was streaked with tears and her mind was filled with the memory of the dream, and for a moment she was still terrified until she realised where she was. With Solas and Dos and Un-wait...what? "Shiro." she smiled gently, glad to see that he was okay and so was Solas and the other members of Uno and Dos were all fine.

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Cole grinned. It wasn't a full on ear to ear grin, but he grinned. When the women asked why people fight, he looked to the sky, as if asking God for the answer. When he answered, and spoke slowly, as if making sure he was interpreting a message correctly. Of course, all it was was him thinking of what to say. "Well, tha question has.. many answers. In this particular case.. Some one might have tried to claim themselves as boss, and the other didn't like it.. Or it was pride.. Won't know till we ask, eh?" When Cole said 'eh' he looked down at the Storm.

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Since she received no reply from the male reaper, she huffed a sigh and turned her golden eyed gaze away from him. It passed over the two in the bubbles, her tail flicked in annoyance, and landed on a group of people walking toward them. She realised it must be Team Dos. Sooty lifted a hand in greeting, raising dark eyebrows when she saw one of them was an angel. With her type of lifestyle, she doubted she was in the lord's favour. Her lips twitched at the thought and she supressed a shiver.

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Cody looked back at the angel and gargled and Storm couldn't help but think that in that look, something had passed between them. Trust or understand or something like that. She smiled though at the angel and looked across at Uno. "I can help..." Storm volunteered not wanting to excuse herself because of Cody and knew she had to fight later anyway with Cody. "I don't mind helping..." she smiled at the angel, Cody continued to look at the angel.

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Signum paused for several long seconds watching Kira and Kuro as that sat in her bubbles. With a twitch of her hand she popped both of them, dropping the two uncerimoniously to the ground. With both of them recovered she said, "Try and behave or both of you get to spend the entirety of the trip in air tight ones." She reached down and pulled them both up before heading off to rejoin Archon, much or her patience for the day already spent with the pointless fight between the elemental and he vampire.

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((it's nice that Signum helped them up, but Kira has a bit more balance, and she wasn't sitting in the bubble. She was standing. >w<))


The bubble around her disappeared when Signum waved her hand, and Kira fell to the ground, landing on her feet, but stumbled a bit. She quickly regained her balance, chose to ignore Signum's threat, and then walked away from Kuro and Shiro to rejoin Archon. They needed to get moving anyways to go slay the beast. They could decide on a plan as they traveled to where the beast was.

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Kuro huffed and felt the world shift as if he was losing balance, he opened his eyes just in time to fall flat on his back. He growled but was grateful of the help the reaper provided with getting him standing again. Looking over at Shiro, he noticed an annoyed expression on his brother's face mirrored almost symmetrically on Sooty's. That changed, however, when she noticed the other team coming towards the group.



Shiro was about to start a whole new argument regarding the reaper ignoring him but thought better of it. Instead he decided to greet his friends for last time for probably a few very long days. Trinity was lying, rapped in Solas's cloak, on the fallen angel's back. Before, Shiro hadn't been able to see Solas to his full demonic glory but seeing him uncloaked now, instead of being disgusted or afraid he found himself sort of, liking it. Grinning, he greeted them,

"Hey there guys, What do you have hunt?"

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Trinity lifted her head at the sound of Shiro's voice. "SHIRO!!!" she smiled happily, "I was so worried. I mean like...I had a dream but... It don't matter." Trin jumped down from Solas's back and hugged Shiro, however she was still draped in Solas's cloak to keep her veiled from the sun's glare. "We have to go and get something called a 'crawler'. It's basically like a scorpion thing, I think the dragon said it lives in caves but I'm not too sure. I wasn't listening." Trinity smiled and stepped back towards Solas but grabbed a hold of Shiro's wrist and pulled him back with her. "We should do a trade, don't you think? The angel for you. We wont be able to fight properly anyway if Solas has to be on the other side of the cave." she whispered, smiling. She was half joking, because she actually liked the angel, but she did wish that Solas, Shiro and her could fight together. "Do you like your team? What are they like?"

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Before, Shiro hadn't been able to see Solas to his full demonic glory but seeing him uncloaked now, instead of being disgusted or afraid he found himself sort of, liking it.
AHAHA! Shiro does think Solas has a sexah bodeh! <3 >:3 }}

Solas was taken by surprise when Trinity slid off of his back, as he hadn't known that she was awake. She had spotted Shiro, and had wandered over to where the Slayer Team Uno was. The Reaper and the others had obviously finished their fight, and were readying themselves to leave to fight their own monster. Solas wanted to join Trinity and Shiro, but that would bring him inside the range of the Reapers, and the dragon who ran the post office had told him not to hurt himself anymore. Trinity had said the exact same thing as well, so Solas was going to keep his promise to her.

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It has been awhile since Xtero ran into anyone. He wasn't too sure if he even knew where he was going. Was he suppose to meet up with someone? He didn't know, or he didn't remember. He needed the walk though. Being cooped up didn't appeal to his Necromancer self.

Xtero sighed, looking down at his feet as he walked. It was a habit of his; it seemed every time he took his eyes away from his feet while he walked he tripped over something. However, his concentration was broken when he heard voices. Xtero cocked his head, before shrugging to himself and walked towards the direction of the voices.

The Necromancer found the source to the voices, but he wasn't sure which one came from which person. There was a nice size group gathered here. Perhaps they knew where he was suppose to be going. Xtero stepped towards the group, shifted uncomfortably, and looked away before speaking. "Um...Hell is a bit unwelcoming." Damn, he did it again, saying stupid things. His sister tried to make him use to normal greetings, but he always got nervous and said something redicilous. Xtero gritted his teeth, his eyes looking away from the group.

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Trinity turned and saw someone. Someone who she hadn’t really noticed before. ” Um...Hell is a bit unwelcoming.” he said, seeming to be shy, timid or just nervous. “Oh, hello.” She said, turning her attention from Solas and Shiro to this newcomer. “You are…? Have you been placed with team Dos?” she asked, eager to know if this strange person was going to be joining her and Solas on their ‘quest’. “If you are meant to be travelling with us, then I guess our team will be happy to welcome you to the hunt. The necromancer’s blood appealed to her, in fact, his blood smelled possibly like the most delicious thing since she had caught the scent of a traveler a few years back. Her smile remained on her face though it was strained so she had to stop the air flow to her lungs for a while, but his pulse still remained to beat strong. Trinity looked towards Solas, trying to show how she was struggling to keep control so if she attacked, to alert him that he needed to stop her before she ended up killing the Necromancer.

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Cole's attention had been disrupted and stolen by the time Storm said something. He was busy watching carefully as he studied one who he knew was a Reaper. His spine tingled with excitement an he was barely able to control himself. Luckily, all this happened in a split second, and he was drawn back to reality by Storm's voice. He could barely hear her, everything was so quiet. He heard something about Cody, and fighting. Cole shook his head, trying to clear it. At the same time it looked like he was saying no. "It seems that we won't have to fight anymore.." Cole was commenting on the fact that the bubbles had dissappeared. It was then he felt a darker presence. With a slight head turn and tilt, he was able to see a almost normal looking man approach. What the man said, is what through Cole off the most. "Hell is a bit unwelcoming" He pondered that statement, unsure what this male is.

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((Oh yeah!XD Lol, poor poor Shiro.))


Shiro laughed at Trinity's comment,

"Yeah my team is a bit..." He peered over at the rest of his team with a look that clearly showed he thought he'd drawn the short straw, "this team is terrible for Kuro... He's gonna get killed," He wanted so badly to move teams, but he knew the old dragon wouldn't swap now. Besides, Shiro would never abandon Kuro for his own personal gain, never. At the same moment that Trinity's attention was stolen by a strange man, Shiro's was taken by the angel. A warm shiver creeped up his spine, the kind you get when you're looking at someone you admire right before the excitment kicks in. Angels always interested him more than reapers, maybe that was why he liked Solas so much ((xd.png)), everyone knew how fantastic reapers were but when it came to angels it seemed so mysterious. The boy was talking to a girl with a baby in her arms, this repelled Shiro greatly, great enough to turn him off talking to the mysterious boy and turn his attention back to his friends and th new boy. The boy had said something and Shiro assumed it had been a strange comment because no one seemed to be looking at the boy right.

"Hey, I'm Shiro. You another slayer recruit?"

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Xtero had gotten the attentio of a few from the group. The female that had turned was smiling strangely, although she did asked him if he was for a 'Team Dos' and that he was welcomed if he was. Her smile was getting a bit creepy though...

Another from the group was looking at him strangely too, causing the necromancer to shift uncomfortably with all the staring. But yet another pair of eyes was looking at him, although this one introduced himself as Shiro, and then asked yet another funny question.

Xtero twitched, before rubbing the back of his neck uncertainly. "Um... I lost my list, and I can't remember. Perhaps, perhaps not. I'm Xtero, just Xtero." Well, he didn't say anything rash this time, but he knew he would the next time though.

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Storm looked at Cole. "Some of the teams look to be really good friends. It is a shame that they are seperated." she frowned and wrapped her arms tighter around her son. Cole had been so nice to him and her that she felt guilty about lying to him being her brother. Especially since Cole was an angel of the Lord. Storm would tell him later that she had lied, but not yet. She wanted to know if he would believe her first about her past of being abused which meant she would need to get to know him better. She held her son horizontally with his head pressed to her shoulder and rubbed his back gently. "Sometimes I wish I never had to look after Cody, but at other times... He is the best thing that I have."




Trinity moved a step back before her hunger got the better of her. Her eyes were a dark crimson and her fangs seemed more jagged than ever as her muscles coiled into a crouch and she got ready to pounce at the Necromancer and feed on his soul and blood. She fought herself back but her instincts were too strong. She pounced at the Necromancer and landed on top of him, then pushed him to the floor and drew back her head.


((Somebody wanna offer assistance?))

Edited by Angel of the Inferno

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Cole turned and smiled at Storm. He was about to reply when he felt something jump past him. With a quick turn he saw Trinity on top of the new man and about to bite him. Without thinking, or acting on pure instinct he drew his sword and jumped at Trinity. He did not want to cut her, but he also didn't want to gie her the chance to fight back. With a sigh, he brought the flat side of his sword down on Trinity's back, and prepared to have to hold it there. He really hated what he was doing, and knew that he was hurting the team for a guy he doesn't know.

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Trinity let out a long cry of pain then turned towards Cole and her eyes flashed with pain and anger. She was going to jump at the angel, but his blood... She would probably die from it. If it was holy like the rest of his being. She turned and growled then ran. Pain made her stop after she had ran for about 5 minutes and she fell to the floor, regaining her sense of control, but panting and tears slipped down her face from the remaining burn of the holy sword.

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Cole watched quietly at the sad sight. He lifted his sword slowly, he stared at his sword. He couldn't believe the damage he just did to his own teammate. With a painful breath, he put his sword back into its sheath, and stepped over the man he just saved. Cole cared more about his teammate, and decided to help her first, plus, he doubted that the man was hurt. Cole carefully made his way to the vampire and looked at her carefully. He kneeled down and put his hand out for her to grab to help her up. "I am sorry.. but there was no other way to end it quickly.. Forgive me.. please." His eyes where almost completely unfocused for he was still thinking about what he did, and he wondered if it was the correct thing to do..

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Trinity looked at Cole, pained and somewhat angered. She didn't want to appear weak as she wiped her face with the back of her hands, trying to take the tears from her cheeks. "Why? It is natural to hunt since I haven't hunted in so long. We don't even know who this person is..." she answered sourly. He had extended an arm to her to help her up, but she refused to take it, not wanting to seem like he had gotten the better of her. She pulled herself up as she felt blood trickling over her skin from the wound. "Just...keep away from me. God...go to Hell." she murmured, then realised how stupid that sounded considering he was an angel. "Look, just don't touch me until I have decided not to rip you apart." she brough her hair over the front of her shoulder so it never irritated her wound, then walked away awkwardly, back towards Solas.


((She's a vampire. She holds grudges. She will get over it xd.png))

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Cole sighed and watched quietly. When she refused to take his hand he brought it back up to him. It was at this point the she to him to go to hell, then said that he should just leave her alone. He figured she changed her sentence because of him being an angel. Because of this, Cole took the first on to be a true sign of her emotions. As he stood he wondered if she will ever forgive him, and figured she might. Silently, he made his way to the man and looked at him with a slight smile. It was a forced one, but one none the less. He stuck his hand out to help the man up also.

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Trinity looked towards the angel as she clung onto Solas. Her eyes welled with tears from the pain and she turned her head away. The wound that she had inflicted on herself at the post office had hurt like crazy when it had only been her leg and for a split second, this was like torture. It reminded her of the days when she was tortured. She looked at Cole again, trying to hide her tears with a cold stare. "Jesus Christ. It hurts." she moaned quietly to herself.

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Xtero wasn't ready for being jumped on. The woman had tackled him, forcing him to the ground. From her red eyes that he saw before he hit the ground, he would figure she was a vampire. But the fall jolted his head, messing his thoughts up and dazing him for a moment. As soon as he was back and ready to retaliate, the man who had given him a strange look took care of the vampire, and now they seemed to be in a bit of a bind. What the hell is this group? Xtero thought, brows furrowing in confusion as he remained sitting on the ground.

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